Not Like Us
Not Like Us
R | 15 August 1995 (USA)
Not Like Us Trailers

A sexy, horror-filled story featuring two gorgeous aliens who move into a small American town.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
merklekranz "Not Like Us" is a classic example of minimalist film making done right. This "black comedy" has loads of "Re-Animator" type dark humor wrapped around a horror/sci-fi script, that moves quickly, and is rarely dull. Never taking itself seriously, the alien's simple purpose of skinning humans to improve their own hideous appearance drives the film into cult movie territory. You get at least a bunch of stereotypical hayseeds being seduced by an unbelievably attractive alien in human skin. Numerous characters can be heard extolling some truly priceless dialog. Throw in ample nudity, adequate acting, creative photography, and an otherworldly soundtrack...............what more could you want in a cult movie candidate? Recommended. - MERK
whlwtcher This movie should be nominated for a new genre: Complete Mess! Except for a few chuckles and one or two scenes of gore, this movie is a complete waste of time. Calling it "Campy" doesn't even cut it. "Campy" implies fun which this movie was not. You spend the first half of the movie thinking "Its got to get better, right?". In fairness, it does, at the very end when its finally explained who the "brother/sister" team are and what they want but by then, you hardly care anymore because you've spend the entire second half of the movie wondering exactly what did Mr. Onorati & Ms. Pacula do to tick someone off THIS badly to be stuck in such a horrible movie.
HumanoidOfFlesh I'm pretty surprised that so many people gave this one the highest rating."Not Like Us" is stupid and trashy,and there's not a great deal of gore!The acting is mediocre-Polish horror regular Joanna Pacula("The Kiss","Haunted Sea","Body Puzzle")is actually the best. The film is fun to watch if you have enough time to kill!5 out of 10-check it out,if you're bored.
beptep A top contender for worst film ever made. Joanna Pakula's character seems to have an I.Q. of 3 which is only one less than the writer and director. The screenplay would not have passed in a high school writing class; the "jokes" are juvenile; the concept corny. These performers were obviously desperate for work. I stayed to the end only to see if it would get worse. It did. Life is too short to spend any part of it watching this film.