Nobody Lives Forever
Nobody Lives Forever
NR | 01 November 1946 (USA)
Nobody Lives Forever Trailers

A con artist falls for the rich widow he's trying to fleece.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Ehirerapp Waste of time
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
vincentlynch-moonoi I have an aversion to gangster films. However, every once in a while one comes along that I can get into. This is one such film.Perhaps it's because for many years I avoided John Garfield films, but recently became somewhat interested in his acting. Additionally, this film has one of my favorite character actors in a major role -- Walter Brennan.The story here doesn't start out very promising -- another con artist story. And, of course, in the long range, the bad guy (Garfield) goes straight due to love. It's done very well. So what's the problem that keeps the film alive? The other bad guys who aren't going to let Garfield get away with getting out of the swindle.This movie stands above many gangster films due to some very good acting. John Garfield is excellent, and the plot requires him to tread a thin line between being a con artist, but also a good hearted man; he does it masterfully. Geraldine Fitzgerald is very good as the mark; she handles being a sensitive and fragile woman well. Walter Brennan is superb as a down-on-his-luck old con artist with a heart; a fine performance. George Coulouris is satisfactorily creepy as the ultimate bad guy in the story. George Tobias has a bigger role than usual, and handles it well. Richard Gaines plays his character well.It's difficult to find much to complain about here. It's a well constructed noir tale. Recommended.
st-shot Returning vet Nick Blake comes back from the war to New York to claim his sizable fortune held onto by main squeeze, lounge singer Toni (Faye Emerson). She's double crossed him however and he has to beat it out of her new boyfriend to get it back. He along with a sidekick then light out for LA where they run into old associate Pop Gruber. Gruber to his regret gets Nick involved in a scam with Doc Gabson to charm a rich socialite Gladys Halverson out of her sizable fortune. Nick and Gabson quarrel over the intended split and the down on his luck Doc is forced to accept the terms. Matters then become complicated when Nick falls for Gladys and wants out of the scheme. Using his own cash he attempts to pay off the gang members but Doc who has been nursing a grudge with Nick kidnaps Gladys and makes exorbitant demands.Nobody Lives Forever is a rather tame and dull genre piece that starts fast but slowly loses steam before crawling to its suspense drained finish. Director Jean Neglusco establishes the character of Nick and his New York situation quickly and economically with rapid editing and subtle inference fleshing out his background. Once in LA things slow measurably as the con job morphs into romance for Nick and the conflict with Gabson warms up.John Garfield is effective as the returning GI hardened but not totally disillusioned by what he's witnessed. Geraldine Fitzgerald's Gladys is impassionate and too detached to the danger around her. George Coulouris' Doc Gabson is the film's most interesting character. A petty, jealous has been of a crook relegated to working with two comically inept flunkies he laments the loss of his salad days and shows resentment for all around him with venal flare.Neglusco never lets this noir get too dark as he plays it safe most of the way with the romantic angle and lighthearted humor that dilutes the drama . Combined with its erratic pacing that makes a shambles of the film's climactic moment Nobody Lives Forever washes out in all directions.
ilprofessore-1 Of all the Hollywood writers now associated with classic film noir --among them James M. Cain, Raymond Chandler & Dashell Hammett— the least known and perhaps least appreciated is W.R. Burnett who was responsible for the story and often the screenplay of a number of film crime classics, among them the films Scarface, Little Caesar, High Sierra and Asphalt Jungle. Burnett's dialog is as sharp and tough as the others, and he often displays a finer insight and even greater sympathy for the criminal mind than the others whose stories feature and sometimes romanticize the hard-boiled detective. This excellently directed and photographed film tells the story of a charming con-man, perfectly played by John Garfield, who falls for the widow he is trying to cheat. The petty crooks who people his world played by a superb cast of character actors (George Coulouris, Walter Brennan, George Tobias) are all clearly drawn and don't resemble the usual cliché gang members of other films. Burnett obviously knew this world better than his colleagues.
imogensara_smith Many films from the mid-forties deal with men struggling to readjust to their civilian lives after their wartime service. NOBODY LIVES FOREVER offers a twist: the hero's pre-war career was as a successful con artist. He doesn't have any trouble getting his job back, but does he still want it? World War II is a source of anxiety and moral confusion in many postwar noirs, but this film (set during the war) suggests that a stint with Uncle Sam can straighten out a crooked guy.In contrast to the convoluted plots so common in noir, this is a simple story. Just out of the army, Nick Blake (John Garfield) returns to New York to find his girlfriend has given the money he left in her keeping to another man. After clearing up that little business, he takes off for Los Angeles, where he is talked into fleecing a rich widow, Gladys Halvorson (Geraldine Fitzgerald.) Guess what? He falls for her and wants out, but has to deal with his vengeful accomplices. The plot is unoriginal but also foolproof, and the film's leisurely pace and rich characterizations are the primary appeal, evoking a raffish, Runyonesque world. Leading the troupe of colorful character actors is George Tobias as Blake's sidekick Al Doyle, who doesn't do much except tag along for the ride, cracking wise in thick New Yorkese and complaining bitterly when he realizes Nick has "gone overboard for this tomato." Walter Brennan is Pop Gruber, Nick's boyhood mentor in crime, now down on his luck and scraping a living with a telescope, selling "the moon and stars for a dime" and picking the pockets of his drunken customers. Then there's cadaverous, sinister George Colouris as Doc, a has-been con man consumed by jealousy of Nick. Even the smallest characters—from an ex-jockey bellboy to the counterman in an all-night diner who can't stand to hear the words "java" or "pal"—add flavor; they're a great bunch of "cheap, hungry chiselers." Richard Gaines (Jean Arthur's fiancé, Mr. Pendergast, in THE MORE THE MERRIER) is also amusing as Manning, the widow's business manager, whose only interest in life is golf. Only Faye Emerson, as the nightclub singer who betrayed Nick while he was overseas and keeps turning up for vague plot purposes, misfires; she sings well, but she's a little too bony, toothy and disgruntled for a femme fatale.When someone suggests that after his sabbatical in the army Nick might not be up to conning the widow, he snaps scornfully, "For me that would be like turning over in bed." The same is true for Garfield playing this morally-conflicted-tough-guy role—but he never lets you feel he's just going through the motions. His performance is split between his "Jewish Jimmy Cagney" persona, spitting out lines like, "Come up with a rod and I'll make you eat it," and his sexy romancer mode. When he turns on the charm, his mark starts to melt like a snowman under a sun lamp. (I can sympathize, being a pushover for Garfield myself.) Geraldine Fitzgerald is lovely and gracious, with a frail, childlike innocence guaranteed to soften the toughest guy.There are some scenes in smoky back-rooms, and a terrific show-down on a misty oil rig, but this noir is really about as dark as chocolate ice cream. It's full of low-key charm, often stemming from the culture clash between the mugs and the ritzy world they invade. Nick belies his pose as a sophisticate by making paper airplanes out of his program during a concert of classical music. ("Don't you adore Bach?" Manning asks, and Al, awoken from a deep slumber, replies, "Bock? Yeah, cold, with a nice big head on it.") Nick is also uncomfortable leading Gladys through a rumba ("A man looks sort of silly doing this") and looks like a fish out of water when she takes him to the mission of San Juan Capistrano. As was the case with Garfield (the former Julie Garfinkle) in Hollywood, it's precisely Nick's streetwise grit and bad-boy charm that win over the classy dame.NOBODY LIVES FOREVER was the last film at Warner Brothers for both Garfield and Fitzgerald, who were equally thrilled to escape the studio. Garfield went on to form an independent company that produced his finest films, including BODY AND SOUL and FORCE OF EVIL. He and many others had good reason to resent the studio's relentless pigeonholing and the poor material they were sometimes forced to accept; but this farewell film is a reminder of what the factory system had going for it: a reliable output of supremely watchable movies. With its witty script, easy craftsmanship and excellent cast, NOBODY LIVES FOREVER is a prime example of how good an average, formulaic studio product could be during Hollywood's "golden age." It's a shame that, like so much of Garfield's output, this film is so hard to find.