Nobody Can Cool
Nobody Can Cool
NR | 10 April 2015 (USA)
Nobody Can Cool Trailers

A young couple on a weekend getaway inadvertently intrude on a criminal couple's remote hideout, triggering a violent battle for freedom. Escape attempts, shifts of power, relationship issues and a looming secret fuel this confrontational encounter.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Lucas Jefferson If you are tired of mainstream Hollywood movies, but afraid of boring indies, here's one for you. Not a remake, reboot, or sequel, this is an ambitious and slick little thriller that sneaks up on you, draws you in, and takes you for a ride. The plot is tight and clever, and the dialogue is snappy and peppered with hardboiled humor.The production values are amazingly good for an indie. The cinematography looks like a pulp noir watercolor book cover come to life. The shots are creative and well composed without drawing attention to themselves. The detailed sound design enhances the suspense which leads up to the gun and fight scenes which are skillfully done.The caliber of acting is also surprisingly good. Nick Principe plays "Len" a ruthless criminal, but with a moral code that just makes his character have more edge and complexity. Catherine Annette's "Susan" brings a plucky likeablity to a role that drags her through some tough and unflattering situations. Nikki Bohm plays a unique and memorable character, a sultry pregnant villain I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Intrigued? Buy it and support an entertaining original.
MarcusMA I saw this at Rock and Shock. It was really good!! I would see it again I think I missed some of the plot because a guy made a lot of noise taking his kids out of the theater. I don't know why anyone brings little kids to horror movies. Anyways, this was awesome. It didn't look cheap at all. We thought it was a short and didn't realize that it was a full length movie. After 20 minutes we looked at each other and were like we're staying. It starts off with really cool credits and was surprised at how many different camera stuff they did. What made it amazing is that this film had a good story and cool characters and the violence and gore is so sudden and fast. The guy who played the bad guy I found out was Chromeskull but here he was scary and funny. His girlfriend was mean and cool and weird. The main actress was believable too and she didn't make stupid choices like so many horror movies. This wasn't really a horror movie but it was real suspenseful so I guess it fits in anyway and it has some gore and it is way intense.
SJpixtster This is a fun fun film. It is a well-written thriller that scores big. A couple go away for a weekend and get themselves into trouble with some criminals hiding out at a cabin. It is a visually dynamic wow of a movie that just doesn't come around that often. A low budget film with no name actors who act the pants off a film with a riveting story that looks and sounds great. I loved the character, Len, one of the criminals, played by Nick Principe. His role is a must see. He has a range of funny and scary as hell. His sidekick, his very pregnant girlfriend, plays her nasty girl routine to the hilt.The good gal, Catherine Annett, brings a first class job playing a woman who is put through the paces, running mascara and all who is no pushover. She does a great job of dishing it out and has some truly unexpected moments with Len. I was fully engaged and gasped out loud in places. There are some shocking images. I'm surprised to find out this is a first film. This is a goody.
MasterCD Although it starts in familiar territory--2 opposing couples forced to spend the night together in the boonies with no phone-- it quickly switches gears turning unpredictable, ratcheting up the tension. Nobody Can Cool strays from "tried and true" plot conventions to make a taut original outsider thriller.You won't say, "I've seen this before", and that's exactly part of its charm. The other part is the immersive experience created through the quality of the production and the performances. The actors inject distinctive personalities into each character that make them fun to watch. You care about them and become invested in their stories. I don't want to describe the characters because it is better to get to know them as the film unfolds. I don't want to ruin it, but they do bad things and are in a jam. Sometimes it is pretty funny.The directors deftly weave the couples' interpersonal conflicts (many allowing for the humor) with a suspenseful smart crime plot that gradually unfolds throughout the movie. The shots are varied and confident with some visually arresting angles that add to a forbidding aura. The sound design adds a complementary background to the plot enhancing the tension and suspense. It's one of the few microbudget films I've seen with a multi-layered plot, complex characters and impressive production design, color, and cinematography to create a distinctive style. Too many films cherry pick what they decide to do well. You get good gore, but no story and cookie cutter characters. It's always a pleasure when a film cares about its plot, characters, and visual appeal at the same time. Nobody Can Cool is that kind of film. It's an original that should be sought out and given some real attention. I rated it ten stars because it impressively succeeds at a high degree of difficulty on no budget, and it's a remarkably well-crafted first feature. Full of chills, thrills, a tight plot that works, it grabs you early on and takes you on a colorful race to the end.