No Witness
No Witness
| 08 April 2004 (USA)
No Witness Trailers

Recently indicted Senator Gene Haskell has his lackey hire a professional hit man to clean up a few messes, including an underage girl who's obsessed with being the Senator's wife, several bodies later, the senator comes face to face with his decision.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Frank White actually it was nice movie to me, nice conspiracy theory thriller but acting too. i think that they must made a video game from this movie that would be great...anyway i think that acting can be better maybe it was just low budget thing for a movie, but story is good, and in some parts of a movie is really good music entertaining at the moments. there is a lot of movies with this type of thriller stuff but this one is good because of a story it is really amazing what people can do for their sacrifice even do their family...plot line is good at least for me and script maybe can be better in some dialogs but will do. there are no famous actors here at least Steve Barnes is like Stephen Baldwin to me in some parts of a movie but is good. Jeff Fahey is a legend of these kind of movies and he is the best in it, i love him. And at the end Marisa Petroro...ah what a lady what a beauty...I suggest you this movie it is worth a try!
GUENOT PHILIPPE OK. I agree, this is a lousy picture, with corny actors and directing. A movie made for DVD releasing. Nothing more. I have never heard of any of the actors, except Jeff Fahey. This guy played in a bunch of films of this kind. His best character was in Clint Eastwood's WHITE HUNTER BLACK HEART, in 1989. But after that, he drowned in lousy pictures.Back to NO WITNESS, what I love is the topic. In this tale, there is no heroes, no lead, no good vs bad scheme, as we have already seen 178 millions times before. Only disgusting characters, except the girl one. Everything is surprising, no ethics. I love this.But, I repeat, this is a very bad movie. During the 90's, in France, we always saw this kind of crap, Saturday evenings, on TFI Channel, in Hollywood NIGHTS series. Forgettable movies made for VHS releasing, but seldom very interesting, with unusual topics. As this one.
Richard Goodman I found this to be a fun movie! I assume this negativity is arising from all of the bashing that 99x radio in Atlanta did on the movie. I bought it and enjoyed it. I am happy these guys are using Atlanta to produce movies...kudos to them!! I wish more movies would be produced here by locals instead of taking all of the production to Louisiana and North Carolina. Tyler Perry is one of the few to keep it here and keep people in jobs that love and have a passion for the industry. It seems that the people posting this bitterness could find something better to do? I don't care how "bad" a movie is, if it brings work to the area. This movie is by far not an award winner but I would also not call it roadkill. It is no different than any other "straight to DVD" release I have seen. Corey Feldman was actually quite fun to watch!
NAHSdance Hi All.I had the odd opportunity to watch "No Witness". I cannot remember how the film came into play but there is was at a group gathering and we began watching it. Might I say, the film was beyond malicious to watch. The best part and only high light of the entire movie was played by the actress (Nikki Buggs) who played a feisty "In-your-face" waitress who manages to keep little Corey Feldman(Lead actor)in his place. The other main lead actor was Steve Barnes who was absolutely undeniably gut-winchingly appalling! If he was any more boring and ridged, one could take him out to the beach and use him as a surfing board. Yikes! Yikes! Yikes! Per a few friends watching the film with me, we all agreed, it would do Barnes better to stay behind the microphone.I am sure the rest of the actors are great actors. It is a shame they had to work on such a terrible film. Hopefully, this mistake will not ruin the rest of their careers.Wow!