Ninja Cheerleaders
Ninja Cheerleaders
R | 12 August 2008 (USA)
Ninja Cheerleaders Trailers

3 college cheerleaders use their martial arts know-how to save their Sensei from mafia kidnappers, but must keep their extra curricular activities a secret in order to make it into an Ivy League school.

GazerRise Fantastic!
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Paul Magne Haakonsen When I purchased this movie it was because it was listed as a comedy movie. And hey, a comedy movie with ninjas can't be half bad. But wow, are you kidding me, this movie was just beyond awful.I managed to get 23 minutes into the movie before I gave up out of sheer, pure and unadulterated boredom. Nothing, absolutely nothing, in this movie worked for me on any levels. The acting was poor and wooden. The storyline was ridiculous and just never took hold. And finally, the movie seemed to go nowhere.There was only one thing that surprised me, and that was the fact that George Takei was in this movie. Yet he could not manage to lift up this movie in one bit.From what I managed to see in the 23 minutes, then I have seen enough to know that I will not make a second attempt to finish this movie. It is rare that a movie is so boring that I get up and eject the disc way before the movie has ended - but it happens every now and then.I think this movie might appeal to a young teenage audience, because of the women, the senseless nudity and the less than mediocre fight scenes. But for an adult audience, then "Ninja Cheerleaders" was offering nothing of any noteworthy interest.I am rating "Ninja Cheerleaders" a mere one out of ten stars. And I can honestly say stay well clear of this movie.
nytebreid Yes, it is exactly the quality of film one would expect with that title. Neither even the (very brief) flesh factor nor the 'cheese' factor save this thing. It is a crime that this has not yet made the IMDb bottom 100. I am seriously sitting here trying to think of something positive to say... anything... nope, nothing. George Tekai must be seriously hurting for work. From a critical standpoint - the acting is bad. The direction is seemingly non-existent. I don't think I can really address the writing/script as I honestly think they just sort of made things up as they went along. I'll be honest here... I (like many people) watched this thing to see some cheap flesh--HERE'S THE SPOILER PART--The three main characters are never even seen topless. There are occasional pointless glimpses of a dancer between scenes, and a couple of women near the end at the announcement of the winners of the 'talent contest'. Seriously, watch 'Gigli' or 'Glitter' before resorting to this.
yoo I was drawn to the unsurpassable promise given by the title. I got what I expected, but also more. Ninja Cheerleaders is the best bad movie I ever saw, very funny if you don't take it serious and with some surprisingly good elements here and there.You are not likely to mistake it for a Kubrick movie, nor will you ponder whether Jet Li could have done better fights. I have however seen a lot of allegedly A-movies which are much worse than this.So if you like the title, don't miss the movie!And no, they are not naked. They are only very pretty, very sparsely dressed and move quite nicely.
tirkkanen I thought I should comment on this film, since it's really not as cute as it was probably meant to be. The film revolves around three girls who are determined to get into Brown College. To pay their tuition they strip at a local bar. The owner of the bar is a ninja master who lands into some heavy trouble and of course the ninja cheerleaders get involved.The first thing that's off is just the title: Ninja Cheerleaders. It kind of sums it up. I got fooled by the ninja part. Almost everything in the film is tacky. Plot, writing, directing, lighting, fighting etc. A few of the older actors do deliver nicely, but they can't salvage this shipwreck of a film. The biggest disappointment is actually the poor quality of the fights, since I'm a huge fan of martial arts. I'm thinking that the target audience for this film is young girls who need a strong role-model of a determined successful woman who doesn't need a man. Oh my god, did I really just write that? Another target group is probably teenage boys, who would be better off watching American pie, at least it has boobies in it.P.S. I might ask the film makers what's up with the topless women between scene changes? Of very poor taste and utterly irrelevant...