Nightmare at Noon
Nightmare at Noon
R | 29 June 1988 (USA)
Nightmare at Noon Trailers

Scientists poison the water supply of a small town, turning the residents into homicidal maniacs who kill each other and anybody who passes through.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
simonconnolly72-467-863881 I remembered The Albino in his hi tech van playing havoc with a small desert town, and that George Kennedy the sheriff had to deal with it. Boy, films sure can date can't they. What was a low budget action flick of the 80's comes across now as comical and cheesy, but maybe it always was and that I was too young to see that. I have to say revisiting it I was a little disappointed. Mainly that we didn't see more of The Albino, just the effects on the small town. The cast have a good old fun time, seeing as what they are given to deal with ain't Shakespeare and to be honest, it's quite good fun, though it did take me about 4 days to get through. maybe the middle third wasn't as engaging as I'm making it out. The ending is a padded out helicopter chase, where most of the budget seems to have gone, but the most ridiculous thing now is watching Bo Hopkins, the middle aged hero tough guy, leave the young hot woman throwing herself at him at the end, for a nomadic life on the road with no ties. It's supposed to be a nobody can tie me down attitude, a Cool macho tough guy that needs nobody but is basically headed nowhere. He actually just comes across as dumb for choosing to walk away from the best girl he'll probably ever come across.
bensonmum2 A scientist/terrorist/general loon (not really sure what he is) puts a toxin in the local water supply that turns ordinary folk into rampaging zombie-like creatures. Wings Hauser, Bo Hopkins, and Company set off to put a stop to . . . well, to put a stop to whatever is going on. That's really all you need to know. The rest is either unexplained or makes no sense at all anyway.Is Nightmare at Noon good? No. Is Nightmare at Noon fun? You bet ya. Zombies, a mysteriously mute albino, explosions, Wings Hauser . . . what more do you need? For all its many (many, many, many, many, etc.) faults, being dull is not one of them. There's a shoot-out, chase scene, or murderous rampage around every corner. Highlights for me include: Brion James albino get-up - including white eyes, hat, and suit; George Kennedy - always a pro regardless of the material; the green acid-filled zombies; Kimberly Beck - always enjoy seeing her; and the above average amounts of sweet 80s cheese. God, what a good time!
merklekranz "Nightmare at Noon" is a very uneasy mixture of high tech sci-fi and standard western shoot em up. Brion James is visually impressive as the albino mute villain, but that's about it. Bo Hopkins and Wings Hauser act like they are in a mismatched buddy cop movie, while George Kennedy plays the local sheriff. There is some dark humor that slightly elevates things, but overall this is simply a B movie. Lots of green goo, gratuitous big explosions, nice scenery, a great number of "F" bombs, and a goes on forever helicopter battle, which incidentally seems like it belongs in a completely different film. Not totally bad, but not even borderline good. - MERK
grimmoh I loved this movie. Plan 9 could learn a few things about schlock from my man Wings. Extremely entertaining if you have a well-developed sense of the absurd. If you don't, you will likely hate it, but isn't there enough hate in the world today?hugs, grimmoh