Nightmare at Noon
Nightmare at Noon
R | 29 June 1988 (USA)
Nightmare at Noon Trailers

Scientists poison the water supply of a small town, turning the residents into homicidal maniacs who kill each other and anybody who passes through.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
TinsHeadline Touches You
Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
julian kennedy At first this direct to video (I am assuming) zombie/conspiracy/western seems to have a lot going for it. I have a great B-movie cast from Wings Hauser (In full alcoholic meltdown. The actor mind you, not the character. He had to be bailed out during shooting after putting his brother in law's head through some drywall). Bo Hopkins in full southern drawl mode. (Playing a drifter/sheriff no less). George Kennedy in his Police Squad finest. That guy who is always in those Bruce Willis films who plays a silent albino (Brion James). And finally, we have Kimberly Beck (Guest star of every TV show from 1978 to 1986) who plays cleavage with a side of Mom jeans. The movie has some decent action with some many exploding cars one would think it is some sort of poorly thought out promotion for President Obama's Cash for Clunkers. It also has a decent Maximum overdrive/ The Happening vibe as the townsfolk go crazy from drinking poisoned water (Including… gasp…. coffee.) Alas the film is let down from some horrible pacing and direction especially in the second half as it really starts to wear out its welcome. The film also seems to be very light on the gore/nudity for the genre Seeming more like an A-team episode with lots of swearing.I watched the Rifftrax version (So perhaps it was edited?) and I found the boys a touch disappointing on this one. Do you remember when they riffed Laserblast on MST3K and told that Monday Night Football joke about fifty times? Yeah, they do that here with a microwaved croissant joke that goes over about as well. Outside of soggy pastries, their comments are often spot on but even they have trouble keeping the excitement going as the film drifts into Red Zone Cuba pacing in the second half. A fun romp for a while but don't be surprised if everyone is snoring on the couch before the credits roll.
Bezenby This is another one of those 'townspeople infected by toxins' films along the lines of The Crazies, Nightmare City and Mutant. Especially Mutant, as if this film also has Wings Hauser and Bo Hopkins in it.Bo, once again, is playing a cop, and Wings, as you can probably imagine, is playing a moron. Both of them end up in an isolated town which has, very covertly, had its water supply contaminated as some kind of government experiment by an albino Brion James and his cohorts. Anybody that drinks that water goes berserk and starts attacking everybody else. Much hilarity ensues.Bo and Wings, and George Kennedy, and probably some other folks I've forgotten about, find themselves up against an ever growing army of crazy folks running around beating each other up or shooting each other. Wings' wife also gets infected, leading to a scene which calls for the great man to 'emote'. I was rolling around on the floor laughing.This is pure B-movie hokum, but an extremely enjoyable one for all that. I think this may be down to the director being the same guy who made the infamous Island of Death, probably one of the most offensive (and funny) films I've ever watched. He might be making trash, but he's a technically competent director.Highly recommended for folks who love a good b-movie. It slides a bit at the end when it suddenly turns into a western, but it's a fun journey all the same.Look out for the motorcycle explosion scene - so over the top I didn't stop laughing for about ten minutes.
grimmoh I loved this movie. Plan 9 could learn a few things about schlock from my man Wings. Extremely entertaining if you have a well-developed sense of the absurd. If you don't, you will likely hate it, but isn't there enough hate in the world today?hugs, grimmoh
eko123 This is possibly one of the worst films I have ever seen in my life. I could talk about everything from the bad acting to the non-sensical plot, but it'd be a waste of time. You only need to watch the first half-hour of the film to know it really sucks. It doesn't even have any camp value to it! This film was so bad, it hurt my feelings!