Night of the Big Heat
Night of the Big Heat
| 08 December 1971 (USA)
Night of the Big Heat Trailers

While mainland Britain shivers in deepest winter, the northern island of Fara bakes in the nineties, and the boys at the Met station have no more idea what is going on than the regulars at the Swan. Only a stand-offish visting scientist realizes space aliens are to blame.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lucabrasisleeps It doesn't have the classy look of the British horror movies of the period. But it is still a somewhat entertaining movie from the Golden age of British horror.The movie builds the atmosphere slowly and the monsters are never really shown. In the end though, the actual form may be a little disappointing to people. Remember we are living in the post-Alien age, so this kind of low budget stuff may not be pleasing to the eye. But still the buildup is worth it. It is also nice to see the sweaty sexy ladies and men as well. They are drenched throughout. This might just end up as a guilty pleasure because of all these aspects. There are constant sexual elements throughout as well. But not much in terms of explicit nudity as expected.Frankly I thought the characters were sexist. The dialogue in the love triangle section was ridiculous and corny and it really hampers what could have been a fairly good sci fi thriller. I did not enjoy the annoying dialogue. This is like a time capsule and I just couldn't relate to it all. The ending is strange as well which reminded me of some recent American movies with abrupt endings.Anyway I enjoyed it.6/10
trikespotter For those of you who enjoy shouting at your TV, then this is definitely one for you. I was expecting more from this film due to the cast involved, however, don't be put off from watching this just yet upon my initial hearsay, as it distinctly falls under that well known cliché of, "so bad, it's good". Actually, it's bloody awful, but it's still kinda good in it's own way, and worth at least one watch for the sake of belief. Very reminiscent of 'X:The Unknown' (1956), and also the far superior of all the intense-heat movies, 'The Day The Earth Caught Fire' (1961), so much so that it's practically a hard-neck, no shame, amalgamation of both, except the drama is pretty much borderline of mid-afternoon soap operas.If you enjoy seeing lust-filled, dormant rapists bite a clenched fist before they attack, people who have immense trouble in trying to outrun poached Brontosaurus eggs, or pointing fingers at why walkie-talkie batteries aren't as delectable as car batteries, (let alone why the plastic casing doesn't melt), to name but a few perks and irregularities, then fear not, because this is the shout-fest you've been looking for.To be honest, I'd give it a 1/10 right across the board for it's acting, script, special effects, etc, but due to it's surreal and laughable entertainment value, it's getting a more than charitable 5/10 from me. You could do worse on a lonely weekday night out in the sticks.
sjdrake2006 I remember this film from my younger days- probably saw it in black and white! To be honest, i do not think sfx are essential to a good film: from the Iliad onwards, a good story and storytelling remain the essential components and sfx is just a cherry on the cake. The trouble with modern films is that the sfx budget has taken over- to the detriment of the story, which is too often shallow, superficial and poorly told.The fact the aliens look a bit silly is neither here nor there (imagination does far more). What one has a to question is a plot which features supposedly intelligent aliens- they manage to cross a great distance of space-with an aversion to water, who invade a Scottish island!!!! Duh! Why didn't they do their homework first? Invade the sahara, or somewhere suitably dry? I can imagine quite an enquiry back on alien homeworld....
Kel I was really impressed with this film the first time I caught it on a sci-fi TV channel in the late 90s early 2000s. The way the story weaves between marital conflict and alien invasion was rather neatly done, and while the creatures aren't ALIEN quality they serve well enough. This is the kind of film that shows how unprofessional movies of today with 10 times the budget have become--since the people making this film had limited resources but they gave it their best effort. Has some memorable and funny lines and situations. Pity on those who cant appreciate its merits. I can watch it once a year and still find it amusing.