Never Surrender
Never Surrender
R | 28 April 2009 (USA)
Never Surrender Trailers

From the cage to the big screen, the world's greatest Mixed Martial Arts Champions come together for the first time in a major motion picture. When an MMA world champion is lured into the illegal world of underground cage fighting by an elusive promoter, he quickly realizes that the only way out is to kill or to be killed.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
balrokeiser I remember when this movie was announced, I couldn't have been more excited. I was in the height of my UFC-loving phase. The trailer featured Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson, Georges St. Pierre, BJ. Penn and Anderson 'The Spider' Silva. I didn't care that this was a straight-to-DVD movie. I wanted to see my favourite UFC stars act. I didn't really get that. What I got for my £14 ($22, €17) was a 90 minute ego stroke for Hector Echavarria (who also co-wrote and directed this movie, no surprises there).This movie follows the journey of the generically named Diego Carter, a world renowned mixed martial arts fighter, played by Hector Echavarria. It presents him as having it all. He was the best pound-for-pound heavyweight fighter in the world, he had any woman he wanted, money and close, loyal friends who were willing to appear out of nowhere just in time to help him fight goons. But what is the one weakness of someone who has everything they ever wanted? A tall blonde woman with broken English and a crooked eye! How does our hero Diego meet this goddess of a woman? Well, he's at a club kissing and groping another hapless woman when across the dance floor he sees the siren known as Sandra. He tells the woman he's currently with that he will be right back, then in plain sight of said woman, marches over to Sandra and begins flirting with her. Classy. Sandra, knowing that Diego is such a huge MMA star, leads him to an underground fighting club known as Blood Lust, a corrupt business ran by hilarious villain and slight jab at Dana White, Seifer. Who not only runs an illegal fight club, also has his hand in a prostitution ring, roping women into working for him with the hope of one day being set 'free' by Seifer. Basically, every fighter who brawls at Blood Lust is allotted a prostitute or 'Escort' as they are known. If you win your fight at Blood Lust, you get to sleep with your opponents Escort. If you lose, you lose 'everything', whatever that means. Obviously, Diego can't just accept one of the dozens of prostitutes, no, he has to want the most beautiful of them all in Sandra, who in turn is Seifer's main squeeze. Seifer begrudgingly agrees to allow Sandra to be Diego's escort and that is the base for the rest of the movie. What comes next is about 60 minutes of fighting, followed by a sex scene, followed by very awkward dialogues, followed by more fighting, rinse and repeat and you'll have this movie in a nutshell. This movie is hilariously bad and I can't help but think that Hector Echavarria, when writing this, just wanted to act out as many of his fantasies as possible. I didn't mention the cameos by the MMA fighters featured on the posters and front cover of the DVD because all in all, Anderson Silva, Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson, BJ Penn, Heath Herring and Georges St. Pierre probably feature for maybe 10 minutes of air time. This is the definition of a shameless cash in on big names and I was suckered in hook, line and sinker. Avoid this movie and if you want to see a movie like this done write, I would highly recommend 'Warrior' starring Tom Hardy.
minorfifth-1 The only people who will not vomit their guts out after watching this film will be UFC fans. If it was not for the cameos this heap eh shite would literally sell 0 copies. It's absolutely guaranteed that the only copies sold are solely for the cameos.The film, has no story. It's basically a bunch of ludicrously over-the-top 'characters' mincing around in slo-mo while talking to each other mid-fight.It seems to me that the person who came up with the idea of the film has had no part in it's creation. It looks like it's been made by someone who has never seen an MMA fight and has an obsession with slow motion sex scenes.It's boring, slow, and an hour and a half too long.
bhillbilly003 First off, I am a big MMA fan, so I decided to check this out. I should have came here (IMDB) first, but decided to watch it blindly. Second of all, what was the point of putting in the cameo fighters other than to draw you into a horribly plotted, poorly written, pathetically executed soft core porn with less than any sort of believable fighting...oh I sell tickets or get people to rent the POS...ugggg!!!This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The only good part about it was that it was so bad it made me laugh at such "talent" and "acting skills" lmao...I have seen 4th grade plays with more direction and talent. Bravo for such a good effort! Heeheeehaww!!
dbborroughs Mixed martial arts stars star in a film that feels like a throw back to the low budget exploitation films of the 1980's or perhaps a low budget TV movie. The plot has a one of the kings of the octagon getting suckered into fighting in unsanctioned no holds bar fights in underground clubs. Better than you think it is, but not much better than okay film suffers from un-exciting fights and a wicked sense that its all pretend. The director seems to have cut his teeth on or draws his inspiration from TV shows like The A Team or Silk Stockings where reality had nothing to do with the world the story takes place in. It doesn't help that the plot was well worn and clichéd back at the advent of sound. Watchable but this is more the sort of thing you catch on cable on a slow weekend afternoon when all of the sports are having a day off.