Nevada City
Nevada City
| 19 June 1941 (USA)
Nevada City Trailers

The conflict between a railroader and a stage line owner is being aggravated by bad guys who are sabotaging both sides. Roy and Gabby mediate the conflict and expose the bad guys.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
MartinHafer In the 1950s, the rights to a bazillion Roy Rogers movies were sold to television. However, as most of his films were about 65 minutes long, this didn't fit TV time slots. So, to make the films more marketable, they literally chopped the films down to about 50 minutes (more or less). Sometimes this made the movies confusing and stupid---but in the case of "Nevada City" I actually think it improved it! That's because I am NOT a fan of singing in westerns--and Roy breaking into song never made any sense. However, in this truncated version, he NEVER sings. It's funny, because in one case Roy tells Gabby that he's about to sing and then....nothing! The film also benefited from a trimming because the plot was more compact and to the point. The film is also a bit different from the usual Rogers film. The movie begins with a prologue explaining how the railroad and stage coach owners hated each other. Then, you learn that a bunch of robberies of the stage had been occurring and the stage operators assume that the dreaded railroaders were behind it. When Roy, who works for the stage, talks with the evil railroad operator, he sees he's a swell guy and encourages his boss to make up and become friends with them. But, the butt-head boss fires Roy and Gabby and they look for work with the railroad. In the meantime, a greasy guy is making advances on Roy's girl. Could he have something to do with the robberies and the dreaded 'Black Bart'? Quick and without the usual Rogers nonsense, this one is enjoyable and unusual enough to merit giving it a look. Just try to see the 53 minute version unless you like songs for absolutely no conceivable reason!
bkoganbing Another western feud is at the core of the plot of Nevada City. This time it's the stagecoach line of George Cleveland versus the railroad of Joseph Crehan. But Roy Rogers who drives a stagecoach for Cleveland and his partners brother and sister Sally Payne and Billy Lee isn't convinced that the railroad is behind the troubles the stage line has recently been having. In fact on further investigation he discovers that the infamous Black Bart has been terrorizing the railroad as well.Nevada City has a minimum of songs by Roy, the emphasis is definitely on action and discovering who Black Bart is and who's behind him. The poetry writing bandit who liked to leave whimsical verse wherever he did a crime is played here by Fred Kohler, Jr. and of course this is not the real story of Black Bart. But that was a common trend with B westerns back in the day including Roy Rogers films, to take some real western figure and create a wholly fictional story around them.In fact for a while there I was wondering if Trigger would make an appearance. With Roy first driving a stagecoach and then learning how to operate a steam locomotive, Trigger does not make an appearance until halfway through the film. Which must have left his fans in a state of panic back in 1941.Gabby Hayes is in this film as well and it has just about everything that a good Roy Rogers B western should have. Except Dale Evans, that was in the future.
classicsoncall Jeff Connor (Roy Rogers) and Gabby Chapman (Gabby Hayes) find themselves in the middle of a three way competition between a stagecoach line, a railroad company and a third party Sacramento Navigation Co. in this rather well done Republic Film from 1941. This was still the pre Dale Evans era for Roy, so the female lead duties were handled by Sally Payne as Jo Morrison, part owner of the Morrison-Liddell Stage Company. Roy and Gabby smell a polecat when both the stage line and the railroad wind up at odds with each other, figuring that outlaw Black Bart (Fred Kohler Jr.) is behind the attacks on both, while in league with shady businessman Amos Norton (Pierre Watkin).The best lines in the film go to Gabby, hands down, who also shows some fancy hand work twirling his six gun, going by the name of Roarin' Liza. Roy tries out his singing voice with "Stars Over the Prairie", throwing in a verse penned by villain Black Bart. It was a poetry gimmick that led to Bart's undoing, a clue that the crafty Jeff Connor used to smoke out the bandit who used the alter ego of Jim Trevor.Sally Payne's character, pretty but tomboyish, spent most of the film trying to romance Connor, going back and forth between buckskins and a party dress. Her younger brother Chick (Billy Lee) was the one to discover the Trevor/Black Bart connection, putting the good guys in the right direction. Sally teamed up with Roy Rogers in a dozen 'B' Westerns, virtually all between 1940 and 1942. Prior to Sally, Roy's female lead in the late 1930's was Lynne Roberts, who also used the name Mary Hart.When you see Roy later in the film navigating his way atop the cars of a moving train, be sure to credit Yakima Canutt for the stunt work. He also appears briefly as a stagecoach driver."Nevada City" has a pretty good mix of action, gunfights, and humor, with Roy and Gabby complementing each other nicely as a good guy tandem. Roy and Sally do hook up at the end of the story, tying up that plot line as well. A similar theme involving a three way competition for a postal route contract would be used some dozen years later in a 1953 Western called "Iron Mountain Trail", starring Rex Allen. It shouldn't come as a surprise that it too was a Republic Picture.
Snow Leopard There is plenty of action in this Roy Rogers feature, and while "Nevada City" is probably a cut below his best features, it still works fine as light entertainment. Rogers and Gabby Hayes play basically their standard characters, and as usual they work pretty well together. The story is fairly involved, with Roy playing a stagecoach driver who gets caught in the middle of a dispute between the stage line and a railroad, with a mysterious bandit also included. The plot this time is rather full of holes, but it does set up plenty of chases and other action scenes, and there is always plenty going on to hold your attention.