Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth
NR | 15 March 1997 (USA)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth Trailers

Originally a collection of clips from the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series, Death was created as a precursor to the re-worked ending of the series. Rebirth was intended as that re-worked ending, but after production overruns Rebirth became only the first half of the first part of The End of Evangelion, with some minor differences.

Wordiezett So much average
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Clayton Having seen episodes 5 and 6 from my local library (And also some scattered episodes from when I was small), I decided to pick this one up as well, thinking it was the End of Evangelion (It was wrongly labeled by the library, despite how obvious it wasn't from the big words DEATH AND REBIRTH on the cover). What I got, however, was a rushed and complicated mess of scattered scene after scattered scene. Having not seen much of the series, I was left asking myself "What the heck just happened?". I had no idea who most of the characters were and I couldn't pick up even the slightest idea of the plot.And that's just the start. Then, you have 20 minutes of EoE. The first scene is more messed up than a raving maniac and from there follows extreme sadistic violence. Don't be fooled, Australians, by its M-rating (as well as EoE)-it's more explicit than it sounds.To finish, don't watch this unless you've seen all the episodes of Evangelion up to Episode 24. If you don't, you'll be left more confused than I was.
lost-in-limbo Basically what we got here is a 100 minute recap of the 1995 Japanese cult TV anime series "Neo Genesis Evangelion". It cuts up pieces from the 24 episodes and pretty much strings them together with a choppy narration, until it gets to it abrupt ending. Then you got the movie which ended the series "Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion" to watch and there's some scenes from that thrown into it as well. So, if I was going to give it a outline of this film I'll be here all day explaining, as it's a 24 episode show which explored different themes, plus giving away too much detail away can spoil the story and surprises for you. I found this to be more for the fans of the series, but if you're a new comer I recommend watching the 24 episodes instead and then watching this to refresh your memory. Also there's some new additional scenes popped in too.I remember when I first started watching this sci-fi anime, I became remotely hooked by its stirring context, straightaway actually. It seemed to get better with each episode! It was my favourite anime series, well along with "Astro Boy", that is the series from the 80's. But this post-apocalyptic story is stunning entertainment. Sure this summary is hugely disjointed, with hectic editing and a plot that goes back and forth through its time line, but that's because there's so much to squeeze in. The many involving sub plots and specifics on mankind makes this an incredibly complex experience where your ask to ponder a lot on what your hearing and seeing on screen. When I first saw the show I was expecting something fairly childish, but the concept was very mature and this recount proves it. There's always a moral to the story and notions are vividly depicted in an very emotional state, but they aren't too hard to swallow, or pushed onto you. A lot of it focus on people overcoming the things that bring them down and stop them living their life to the best. Plus another look at man's fate and arrogance and how we would easily turn on each other. Really, there's more too it then that of its stunning animation and arty visuals that cover the running time. I agree it might be hard to follow at times, but there's some beauty and mystic within this moody series that keeps you compelled. What makes that so, is the perky characters that are believable and simply appealing to watch. We truly get to know these characters and to see what makes them tick, therefore you honestly care for their well being. Worked into it is a moving, whimsical score, which at times enters some nice classical music. The dialogue is strongly put, with cunning idea's, natural conversations and snappy humour flowing through it. Then you got the action, which is a sight to behold… it's always at full ball and not afraid to show blood splatter. For some I see where they are coming from when they claim it's strained and hard to understand, but I still recommend watching the whole series first before looking at this. Because it's pretty deep stuff.Engaging and overwhelming to the highest agree. So check out the series and then this piece, for a better understanding on what's truly going on.
Gram Basically, this movie is split into 2 clear sections: Death and Rebirth. Episodes 25 and 26 were awful and this is the (first part of the) creators way of saying sorry. The second part is 'end of evangelion'.Death = the parts of 25 and 26 that the creators decided to keep. If you've seen 25 and 26, you may as well skip Death.Rebirth seems to be episode 27 persay. Not much to say really, it leads an obvious path for 'end of evangelion' and the DVD version i have features a 2nd disc which offers interactive explanations of everything you don't understand (while you watch both parts).This is the most difficult series I have ever tried to understand but if you're up for a challenge and don't seek immediate conclusions, Rebirth is "ok, I guess".
Greg Russell (tubola99) If you're going to see the series and the End of Evangelion, you're wasting your time here. This DVD contains a short overview of the series, followed by the first bit of The End of Evangelion. If you don't want to sit through the series (shame on you), you'll want to see the first half of this before watching the End of Evangelion, but otherwise it's not really worth the money.