| 21 October 1987 (USA)
Nayakan Trailers

Velu Naicker, who witnesses the brutal murder of his father, kills a corrupt policeman and escapes to Mumbai, only to become a gangster.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
kak rgn Yes it is a classic and this can't be denied for any reasons. Yet after watching this movie for nearly 27 years I have certain doubts regarding this movie which still remains unanswered.Before going into the confusing portions let me first type the positive aspects of the film.Kamal, Maniratnam, Karthika, Nasser,PC, Ilayaraja, Thotta, Tinu Anand.... need to say more.(Pls ignore the order. I just typed the names that randomly came to my mind when I remembered nayakan).Now for the confusing part.If you watch the movie right from the beginning, velu Nayakan starts helping Hussain Bhai in his smuggling business even when he is a kid. Then why does Hussain Bhai refuse Velu's idea of entering into the smuggling business?When Velu demands Rs:2000 from Durai(Vijayan), Vijayan orders his henchmen to kill Hussain Bhai. In the next scene it is the inspector Khelkher who kills Hussain Bhai. How? And why??After killing Khelkher, Velu Nayakan decides to pay khelkher's family Khelkher's monthly salary. But does he follows this principle to everyone who is murdered by him?(Thankfully he does not marry Khelkher's widow).Why doesn't Velu kill Vijayan? Should we assume that he does not know that it was Vijayan who arranged Hussain Bhai's murder? Right from the beginning Velu does not get along well with Vijayan. Then with whom does he continue the smuggling business? What happens to Vijayan after wards? (Infact in the initial scenes it is Vijayan who is treated like a godfather).In the climax scene Tinu Anand who is the son of Inspector Khelkher kills Velu Nayakan with his dead father's pistol. When a policeman dies during his service, the police department will definitely take custody of the pistol along with the bullets. Then how does Tinu Anand use his dead father's loaded pistol to shoot Velu Nayakan? Why is it that not even a single policeman tries to prevent Tinu from shooting Velu Nayakan?Nasser after taking charge,immediately arrests Janagaraj. In the next couple of scenes arrest warrant is issued for Velu nayakan. Why does Nasser show the arrest warrant document to his wife? How does he disclose such a confidential matter to his wife?When Velu visits the hospital to see the injured people, how does he easily enter the hospital when he is being searched all over the city by the police? And how does Janagaraj accompany him? When/how does he gets released?These are some of the questions that are never answered.
ygodson Nayakan is the story of an ordinary man named Velunayakar who lives among the Tamil community in Mumbai.He fights for the needy and against a landlord and kills a policeman in a brawl and in that process becomes a Don.This movie starts with Velu's resurgence and ends with his death. Kamal is impressive and he gives one of his trademark performance.Many of Hollywood blokes might not have heard of Kamal.Take my word,He is the finest actor,the world has ever seen(even better than M.Brando and T.Hanks).If you think "The Godfather" is the best cult movie,try Nayakan.Even though I hate gangster movies and its derivatives,Nayakan gets-9/10.. Kamal Hassan and Mani Rathnam deserve every bit of it.
Rajesh C I watched this movie recently on TV for 5th time,but i didn't feel boring or outdated.Especially what made the huge difference in this movie is the screenplay.It has provided a solid foundation for all the achievements this movie has done.Especially it creates great opportunity for the actors to show their skill,because it comes with a solid sensible reasonable situation.Actors cannot operate by themselves in a movie,it is based on the imaginary situation they can connect to the scene and portray their performance.So this movie comes out with some good acting performances,right from Kamal,Janagarag,Delhi Ganesh,Kartika.The next thing comes to my mind after screenplay is background score.Composer Illayaraja enhances the beauty and power of each scene by his excellent background score.P.C.Sreeram and Maniratnam has done great team work in executing the scenes with visual treat for eyes.Balakumaran's dailogues is very apt and good.The movie was made in 1987 ,but still it is of good quality.It is one of the movie selected by Time Magazine as "All-Time 100 Best Films. Great team work.Good movie!!
chennaimarina_12 this film is an out an out kamal hassan and Mani ratnam film, without Mani ratnam kamal would not have been able to display his magic, and without kamal, Mani would not have been able to show his magic. velu is a boy living in Tamil nadu. his father a labor leader is murdered by a ruthless police officer. velu decides to take revenge, and is supported by his friend, Sela(janagaraj). they both kill the police officer, and escape to Bombay, where they get shelter in a Muslim house hold. kamal naturally treats "Abba" the Muslim man, who is into smuggling. when he gets old he hands the small business to velu, who extracts more money for goods than his precede ever did. the rival parties get angry and pay bribe to a police man to get Abba killed. when velu gets to know this, he tracks down the police officer tactically. i must stop here to mention the marvellous sequence . great background score, Mani ratnam at his best, and kamal looking totally angry. he kills the police officer in front of everybody. the police officer though married used to molest women. the police came inquiring, but no one opened their mouth. from that day onwards velu became 'velu nayagan'. he became the ultimate don in Bombay, supporting the poor's cause, and going to any extent to fulfill it. he even got a poor child treatment in one of the best hospitals in Bombay for free. you must watch the movie, i can't spell its magic here, you have to watch it!