Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
PG | 14 June 1985 (USA)
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Trailers

After a global war, the seaside kingdom known as the Valley of the Wind remains one of the last strongholds on Earth untouched by a poisonous jungle and the powerful insects that guard it. Led by the courageous Princess Nausicaä, the people of the Valley engage in an epic struggle to restore the bond between humanity and Earth.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Johannes Lorenz They do not make hand painted anime anymore. The digital age has destroyed true cinema. Computers make movies nowadays. This film - and indeed it is a film, not a CGI-stuffed turkey like today's so-called "animation" - is a watershed.Most importantly, it is an epic environmental masterpiece, a poem to a lost age (even though it seems set in a world of the future). The main character has been described as a kind of druid, and indeed she seems quite magical. There has never been a more perfect anime heroine.I won't blaspheme cinema history or animation art by naming the American corporate behemoth that bought the rights to sensei Miyazaki's great films. So sad - and typical of capitalist commercial society.Nausicaa would have fought tooth and claw to defeat the forces of darkness, but alas she is only a great character, not a real powerful paladin of the forest.We need films like this - and characters like her - now more than ever. Instead, we get Cameron's looming epic fail of Battle Angel, and more politically correct dross from the Mouse House.
Takethispunch One thousand years have passed since the Seven Days of Fire, an apocalyptic war that destroyed civilization and created the vast Toxic Jungle, a poisonous forest swarming with giant mutant insects. In the kingdom of the Valley of the Wind, a prophecy predicts a saviour "clothed in blue robes, descending onto a golden field, to join bonds with the great Earth and guide the people to the pure lands at last". Nausicaä, the princess of the Valley of the Wind, explores the jungle and communicates with its creatures, including the gigantic, armored trilobite-like creatures called Ohm. She hopes to understand the jungle and find a way for it and humans to co-exist.
whcares8911 It is hard to believe that an animation like Kaze no ta-Ni no Naushika was released in 1984,considering how well produced it is,even till now when you start comparing this artwork with all the recent releases.Well,I watched it in Blu-ray but still its just gorgeous.Like all my previous reviews, I usually feel the need to include some basic story-line for the work I am reviewing because it gets me going for elaboration with those said, but whichever way you look at it, Valley of the Wind can be explored in so many different ways so in a way I do not feel its necessary to go by the traditional method.So, this review I have decided is for those who have watched the movie,but simultaneously I will try my best to not give anything away.The first thing that has blown me away about this movie was the character of her royal highness,the Princess of Nausica. This movie simply could not be made without her, just like all the different religions of Christianity cannot be established without God sending his son- Jesus in mortal form onto Earth to save us.Now,I am not here to challenge your religious believes,and you can be an atheist or Buddhist seriously I don't care because even though I believe in and love Jesus with all my heart and soul, I could really give a sh-it about Christianity and their church warfare and pedophilia obsession as I am an atheist myself,like I always have been.I don't think I am stretching by any means by comparing Nausica to Jesus,because after you have watched the movie, you will find a lot of similarities between these two exalted figures. First of all,Nausica as a young adult woman is simply beautiful, and all in all when you are looking at someone like Nausica,I think that is the least important trait of hers, but yes for all you Ni-Jikei fanboys out there, she is physically extremely well-endowed for all your wet dreams.She is also an extremely proficient acrobat,martial art and combat warrior, proving herself able to take on batches of hardcore Tolmekian elite soldiers all by herself under years of tutelage by the legendary swordsman in the region. She can also operate her ultra-agile custom-made glider for take-downs and extreme aerial maneuvers with such prowess, she has GOT TO BE one of the best pilots in the universe that she is living in.But the only thing that made me love her was her character.For Nausica,her royal highness is an extremely kind,gentle,humble and compassionate individual despite her being a princess of an entire nation. The citizens look up to her, and genuinely adore her for who she is.On critical occasions, her royal highness's mental acuity had prevented a series of ripple-like effects from consuming entire kingdoms and massacring of hundreds of millions of people.I find it impossible to even comprehend the possibility or likeliness of maybe there MIGHT be such a perfect woman existing somewhere on the planet.But you if your a normal man like me, you KNOW you would spend all your resources to even stand a 1-in-million chance to catch a glimpse of her presence in real-life.Now, if you have made it this far,thank you and you are finally going to hear me explain why I think she is someone like Jesus.Nausica had on a lot of occasions, seemingly driven by an innate impulse and a higher call to spiritual dominance for her royal highness to rule on the material plane, constantly risks herself to the most dangerous situations or getting herself killed just to save the most common people whom she love so much,even if it means they will point a gun straight at her face after she had rescued her enemies. I am not saying anything about the ending, but if there is anything in the universe that can command and possibly stop billions of Ohms in their utmost primal rage, if there is anything that can both end and start a war once and for all,if there is anyone hundreds of millions people would die for willingly without a single shred of hesitation,if there is anyone all the countries would sacrifice themselves just to protect that person, if there is anything that can change and shape the course of evolution of universe itself, Nausica is one of the legendary figures you wish you can meet or just reincarnate into Teto loll. I mean, you guys do know Jesus came back after he died right?This movie is about the life of Nausica, and Nausica, like Jesus are not miracles.They are the ones creating miracles in everyone's life by making you and me smile and filling us up with warmth and love and shining the holy light inside the darkest recesses of your soul. I am sorry if it seems inappropriate to talk about Jesus, both seemingly unrelated figure but they are really similar.This movie has surpassed a movie, I would give this 20/10 if I am allowed to because I think this is exactly what we need right now.IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED THIS FILM FOR WHATEVER REASONS, GO GET THIS MOVIE.... NOW!
grantss Mildly interesting.An animated fantasy-adventure. Set 1,000 years from now, the earth is ravaged by pollution and war. In the Valley of the Wind lives Nausicaa, princess of her people. Their land borders on a toxic jungle, filled with dangerous over-sized insects. Meanwhile two nearby nations are bitterly engaged in a war and the Valley of the Wind is stuck in the middle...A so-so movie. Was reasonably interesting initially but the story lacked focus or engagement as it went on. It is really just one long rambling story, filled with random turns of events. There's no character depth or variety - characters are either good guys or bad guys, and clearly and stereotypically so. There is no grey.No profundities, except some half-hearted, naive attempts at statements about war and the environment.Kids will enjoy it (the hero is a young girl, after all, so kids must be the target market). Intelligent adults will find it average, even tedious.
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