Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge
Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge
| 14 May 1995 (USA)
Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge Trailers

This is a true story about the relationship between a mother and her daughter, and their struggle to make it to the top in the music world. It is about hopes and dreams... about relationships and about growing up.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
bron7223 I think "Love Can Build A Bridge" was an excellent movie. I never knew anything about the Judds before seeing the movie. This movie touch every emotion, I felt the pain the family was going through, I could laugh when they laugh. I cried. And I learn something new about music. I hope I can find it on DVD, so I can add it to my collection of movies. I just wish it was more on Ashley Judd. If possible I would watch this movie once a month or when ever I feel like I am in a tough situation. This movie encourages someone or a family that obstacles in life can be over came. If I was a critic, I would give it five stars and recommend everyone to view it.
agnosiaman I thought this show to be moving and wonderful, especially the acting of young Nick Roth as the young Mark Judd. I see great things in store for him in the future - keep an eye out for this young lad. I've heard rumors he will be in the upcoming CBS movie Crossed Over with Diane Keaton, playing her son and the 4th lead in the movie.
Auryn-4 This is a beautiful (true) story about the relationship between a mother and her daughter, and their struggle to make it to the top in the music world. It is about hopes and dreams... about relationships and about growing up. The actors make great performances, and the chemistry between Naomi and Wynonna is extraordinary. One second they love and support each other, the next they can't stand each other. Reminds me so much of my relationship to my own mother. The music is great (even though Naomi is singing in a whisper - you can't hardly hear her!). They story is touching and feels close to real life. Very nice to see actress Ashley Judd ('and he loved them all') play herself as well as narrate the story.I give it 8/10! An all-time favorite.
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