| 15 December 2000 (USA)
Naked Trailers

When Anders wakes up on his wedding day, he finds himself naked in an elevator, only remembering some of what happened.

Alicia I love this movie so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Alphonse_van_Worden This might be the worst movie in the history of cinema. Watch it if you get a chance and feel the rock bottom. It ain't gonna get worse. Actually it must almost be difficult to make a movie so devoid of talent, plot and acting. 10 year old kids doing something for their comrades at school and we're not talking about the smartest kids here might be the nearest equivalent. Projects as bad as this gets stopped on the way but something went wrong here. A monstrously stupid script made it to the screen. I had to watch it to the end. There's an ocean between this movie and the second worst one.Gimme me money, actors and a camera and I'll make a better movie in a month. This is no bragging - most of us would.I'd be very surprised if anyone who thinks this movie deserves even 2 stars don't know the film makers personally or were involved in the project.
abekat7 This is a movie that will no doubt make you laugh quite a bit. It is light entertainment with a twist in the end. You will first truly understand this comment once you've seen the movie. :I For me to vote this movie a perfect ten; 1: the main character should have been a nude woman... 2: it should have been in my own language so i could understand it all. 3: the movie should have been a little more realistic in the way the characters interact. But then again this judgment might be a little off, due to reason number 2. I have no idea why we keep on seeing those clumsy cops. If somebody wanna comment on that. Be my guest. Funny movie! Watch it if you want to laugh.
ole323 Loved it!!! You crazy swedes sure know how to make brilliant comedy, and this is no exception! "Ground Hog" day was great, but I actually liked this one better. Swedes make better comedy than Hollywood, or perhaps their humour is more appealing to me. They are not afraid to take things one step further, which is exactly what they did, and what made this movie better than "Ground Hog" !Best of luck to the makers, as to future projects!Regards from a fellow scandinavian film maker, And Gerilja Film
asperyd While watching this movie I found myself laughing loud now and then to all the funny comments and details. However, the movie gets kind of boring from time to time, there are just too many repetitions of the same jokes. If not a comedy masterpiece, this movie is at least really fun and should be watched by everyone with a sense of sick humor!7/10