I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Sarita Rafferty
There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
I do like South Korean cinema, nay actually Asian cinema as a whole, quite a lot. And when I am given the chance to sit down and watch an Asian movie, I need little persuasion to do so. And when I had the chance to watch "My Tutor Friend 2" (aka "Dong-gab-nae-gi-gwawe-ha-gi-le-sseun-too"), of course I jumped at the chance.And with this movie being a romantic comedy and being of South Korean production, then things were definitely looking to be good. However, this was a horrible swing and a miss. The movie was unfathomably boring and uninteresting. And it didn't help much that the movie ran for about two hours. Nor did it help that the characters in the movie were mundane cardboard cut-outs with no personalities or likability.I managed to endure 1 hour of the ordeal that is "My Tutor Friend 2" before I gave up out of sheer and utter boredom and lack of interest in the movie. Not even once did I laugh at what I saw on the screen, not even a smile. And there just was no appeal at all to the movie. I have no intention of returning to watch the rest of the movie at any time, because this movie offered nothing of any interest.There was absolutely no chemistry between the two leading performers, Chung-Ah Lee (playing Junko) and Gi-woong Park (playing Jong-man). And that didn't exactly help the movie in any way either.Writer Won Choi simply failed to come up with a proper script that would allure the audience, and director Ho-jung Kim seemed to run on autopilot and offered nothing outstanding to the presentation of the movie.If you enjoy South Korean romantic comedies, then there are far better movies available. So don't bother with wasting your time, money and effort on this particular movie.
I was a big fan of My Tutor Friend so when a friend told me of a 2nd one I had to watch. One of the things I loved about the first were the scenarios the girl would have, whereas in this movie, there is just one or two. However it definitely has some laugh out loud scenes and trademark Korean wacky.Junko is from Japan and has traveled to Korea as an exchange student, following a boy. She arrives at a Korean guest house where the owner gives her his son Jomgman's room to stay. This leads Junko to pack her bags. Jongman finds out her reason for coming to Korea and tricks her into staying by saying he knows the boy she is looking for. Meanhile her father also bargains with her to stay by forcing his son to give her Korean lessons. In retaliation Jongman tricks Junko into humiliating situations, due to her lack of knowledge on Korean slang. Jongman also has a secret which leads him to have random phone calls and leave mysteriously. The supporting cast of characters are funny, with the token white guy George from France who seems to love eating, the two best friends of Jongman who get into compromising situations, the crazy dad etc.Overall this film fell into clichés but still managed to be random and weird. The plot wasn't completely smooth,and it had a fair few holes in it but the cast was funny enough that it was enjoyable. There is also some drama and sad parts and a triumphant climax ending before an ending but its a little mediocre. Its quite an innocent romance overall, but I do like the cute ending.