My Stepson, My Lover
My Stepson, My Lover
| 25 June 1997 (USA)
My Stepson, My Lover Trailers

A kind nurse finds herself embroiled in a tense and potentially deadly family affair when she falls for the son of her ruthless new husband.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
evening1 I had "Body Heat" deja vu at the end of this film when I saw Caitlin spoon-feeding ice cream to her stepson.While it seemed like first the father, then the son, were control freaks, Caitlin is the one who's sitting pretty with all the money at the end.Could she possibly have dreamed up this whole scheme when ultra-rich Rick was medivacked to her hospital with a life-threatening heart attack? The last scene leaves you wondering.I knew this Lifetime Movie Channel flick would be better-than-average when I saw it starred Rachel Ward, who'd already done some better than average noir thrillers. I know Terry O'Quinn strictly from the Stepfather movies, which I loved, but I was a little stunned to see him regressing to type when he realizes his wife is sleeping with his son.A couple of the plot twists are a little ridiculous. Did O'Quinn really expect Caitlin to wait till he came back while he went out to murder his son? And wasn't it a little bizarre to see Caitlin allowed to visit with her stepson unsupervised in a jail cell? I did like the romantic reunion of the pair -- when he devoured her spoonful of oatmeal (or whatever it was) and then her...I'm not ashamed to admit I watched this film twice to try to prove my "Body Heat" theory...I'm not exactly convinced, but I was never bored.
Nicholas Rhodes I read the other comments first and identify with chrissy8569 in thinking that this was one of the lousiest in the genre ! To start with, I don't't like adultery, I am even more shocked when I see an older woman go with a young boy, but that was not the end of it, the plot was totally ludicrous and the acting entirely unconvincing, especially by the actress who played the part of Caitlin. The end of the film has no logic at all and the spectator remains confused as to the motives of each of the characters as well as vis-à-vis the reaction of the attorney. I don't like films with sad endings but can accept a sad ending if the film and acting were of very good quality. Here, the ending isn't even sad, to be quite frank, it would have been better if they all died off in an accident and the less said about it the better. Plot holes abound and the characters do not react in a logical way to the situations in which they find themselves. What could have been going thru the director's mind the day this film was thought up, I am at a total loss to imagine. Bin this film and pass onto something more cheery or more romantic !
TxMike "Made for TV" is a pretty good synopsis, and the title, "My Stepson, My Lover" doesn't leave a lot to the imagination. ** some SPOILERS ** We find out during the murder trial that mom had died of an overdose, son blamed father, "Rich", and hated him. Along comes new, younger and attractive, wife who son seduces while she is helping him build a cabin on the lake while very wealthy father is traveling on business. Son makes sure father knows about it, gets him in a rage, kills him in a push onto the rocks, plants gun, gains a dismissal at trial, when his stepmom finds out truth is upset, and in a cheesy ending a brief struggle has son fall onto rocks, survives as a paraplegic, last scene she is shown feeding him ice cream, as a nurse also feeds him using a syringe and a tube down his throat.
Bats_Breath ***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** I remember watching this made for TV movie when it first came out in 1997. I believe it came on the USA cable network. Just by seeing the previews and hearing the title, it was easy to figure out there probably wouldn't be much of a good story to this movie. And I was right, the story just flat out sucks. Looks like this movie was penned by ex-Baywatch writers. To sum it up, a rich dude has a heart attack, pretty nurse(Rachel Ward) takes care of him, rich dude then dates and marries said pretty nurse. Nurse then has an affair with her stepson who is an incredibly good looking young stud. Young stud and the hot older nurse who is also his step mom then get entangled in a murder plot that involves young stud's father, aka her husband, blah, blah, and more blah blah. To show you what I mean by the awful writing, they have the stepson ride up on horseback to reinforce his "studliness". Oooooh look the writers are giving us symbolism!!! This kind of lazy and incompetent writing is just flat out insulting. So the plot is forgettable.BUT, I was hoping this film would make up for lack of a good story with some steamy sex scenes with gorgeous Rachel Ward! Unfortunately, there are barely any sex scenes in this film. I realized we wouldn't get any nudity in this made for basic cable TV film, but I thought there could still be some passionate moments with Rachel and Joshua Morrow. Again, what they do show is very dissapointing and mostly takes place off screen with the characters. There's barely any sex or moments of passion in this film. It is interesting to note that Morrow who played Eric was only about 21 or 22 when this movie was made! That's 18 years younger then Ward herself!! Anyway, if you were hoping for some steamy sex scenes from a hot older woman and a good looking younger guy, like I was, then you will be VERY dissapointed. There's barely anything here to get excited about. Oh and the plot? Well like I said, it's just a big BLAH.
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