My Flesh and Blood
My Flesh and Blood
| 25 April 2003 (USA)
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My Flesh and Blood is a 2003 documentary film by Jonathan Karsh chronicling a year in the life of the Tom family. The Tom family is notable as the mother, Susan, adopted eleven children, most of whom had serious disabilities or diseases. The film itself is notable for handling the sensitive subject matter in an unsentimental way that is more uplifting than one might expect.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
jmpn022289-1 Susan Tom is a hero. I don't know of any one who would willingly adopt 11 kids, a majority whom are special needs. The children to the outside world were looked at as different, but this documentary caught their true selves. There's Margaret. A dream daughter. Her life is school and helping her mother and doing it willingly. There's Anthony, who recently passed, a sweet 19 year old boy with EB, who went through a life of pain but seemed full of spirit. There's Joe, who also passed, who had cystic fibrosis who pushed his family away because he loved them too much to get attached if he left. There's Xenia, born without legs but born with happiness and comfort. There's Hannah, who also has no legs but is born to have fun. And there's the adorable Faith who has burn scars all over her face that doesn't mask her intelligence. I forgot the names of the other ones, but are children that anyone would want.Susan goes through up and downs in her life. From Joe's mood swings and illness, to Anthony's pain and illness, to Faith being teased, to Xenia getting a boyfriend, to Margaret's home and school depression, to Joe's biological mom moving away, then ultimately to Joe passing away from his illness, after her daughter Susie, who also had EB, died years before.Then at the end, the family gets together and celebrates Anthony's 20th birthday party.The family goes from bad times but doesn't let that get in the way of the good to come.From the words of Faith. "Everybody's gotta have faith!" Rest in Peace, Anthony, Susie, and Joe Tom.
NathansMomInTexas ... "Wow!" Such a simple three-letter word, but it appropriately sums up what I felt about this documentary. What an inspiring, intriguing and interesting story of Ms. Tom and those precious children. I admire her strength and heart to adopt so many special needs children! I highly recommend this film to people of any age, ethnicity, religion or socio-economic background - especially those who are considering adoption as an avenue to have a child (or children) as new editions to their existing family. If you take the time to watch "My Flesh And Blood," be prepared to ride on a roller coaster of emotions. Take a box of Kleenex with you before you strap yourself in!
dennisyoon You'll fall in love with this family. This amazing cast is one no Hollywood production could match. Sometimes real life is more interesting than any big budget Hollywood blockbuster.The children are endearing as much as it is heartbreaking to see their hardship. You will cry your eyes out at seeing how much they go through and deal with in life. If you know anyone who feels sorry for themselves they need to see this. I cannot judge their mother to be in it just for the money since you couldn't give me enough to go through all that she does. I could see the love they had for each other in every frame. It was nice to learn so much about such a family and their unique and often overlooked plight. If anyone is going to put this on the market reserve me a copy!
jrd00 Never have I watched a film that I have felt has seriously changed my outlook on life or made me want to go on-line and write a comment on it like I am now. Director Jonathan Karsh created a wonderful film, but what's more is that it's real. This isn't a Hollywood script; it's the story of a caring lady and her life as a mother (Susan Tom) of 13 adopted children with various mental and physical disabilities. The personalities of the children come alive in the movie. Once it starts, you all ready feel like you've known this family for a long time. It really does make you look at your life and realize that your problems are nothing compared to the problems these kids and Ms. Tom deal with everyday, yet they live their lives full of laughter and love. Very gripping and touching film.