My Brother
My Brother
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
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"My Brother" is an inner city story of two impoverished boys, Isaiah and James. James is developmentally disabled. Their mother, L'Tisha, finds herself in a tragic situation. Dying of tuberculosis, she desperately tries to get her two boys, eight and eleven at the time, adopted together. Finding that only Isaiah can be adopted. L'Tisha makes the only choice she feels she can make; creating an unbreakable bond of love between the boys, and hoping that bond will get them through life. Her prayers are answered as the boys overcome impossible odds on their way to adulthood, staying as close as ever as young men dealing with life's obstacles.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Roland E. Zwick Isaiah Morton is a not-very-promising, aspiring standup comic who lives in Brooklyn with his developmentally disabled brother, James, whom he has been taking care of ever since the death of their mother a number of years back. Even though he is totally devoted to his younger sibling, Isaiah has recently come to resent the burden James places on his life. Desperate for money, Isaiah foolishly agrees to pull a job for a local gangster, an act that sets into motion a series of events that may well spell the end for both Isaiah and his brother.With its somewhat meandering narrative structure, "My Brother," written and directed by Anthony Lover, may not always feel as fully formed or thought-out as we would like our movies to be, but its heart is definitely in the right place and it does an effective job exploring the complications and complexities inherent in human relationships. In fact, it may well be this LACK of sophistication and slickness that makes the movie feel less contrived and more convincing in the long run. For instance, Isaiah's brief flirtation with a white woman he meets at a party is intriguing precisely because it doesn't in any way enhance the story or advance the plot. It simply feels like a scene ripped from his life, a nice piece of reality tossed into the mix to make the movie more authentic.Moreover, there are earnest, heartfelt performances by Nashawn Kearse ("Desperate Housewives"), Vanessa Williams, Christopher Scott, Rodney Henry, Donovan Jennings and even Oscar-winner Tatum O'Neal in key roles.The best scenes are those set in the past, in which a terminally ill single mother (the lovely Williams) struggles against tremendous odds to instill character and values into her two young boys, values they will desperately need if they are to survive and thrive in a world marked by poverty, racism and prejudice. The movie does veer towards the sentimental at times, but it earns its emotions honestly and forthrightly. And even though the crime drama scenes may not always be entirely convincing, it is as a family drama and a tale of total unconditional love that "My Brother" ultimately touches the heart.Incidentally, as a companion piece to this film, check out "Two Brothers," a documentary that focuses on Scott and Jennings, both young actors with Down Syndrome, and their very powerful work in "My Brother."
brodykane-3 This movie looks beautiful. The cinematography in this movie is stunning. For an independent film to look far and above the caliber of most studio films in a testament to the raw talent of the DP. I saw this film after sitting through a long day of independent movies. Some good, some bad, all looking sup-par. Then these images graced the screen. While i'm not a huge fan of this movie as a whole, I was captivated by the visuals on screen. Excellent job. While I understand the reality that is the new digital world of films, I feel we've lost something in the way of cinematic imagery. It's nice to see there's still some artists on the rise.
kelly minka This is without a doubt, one of the most shameless and exploitive movies I've ever seen. I attended a screening in Los Angeles, where the director spoke after the film. I was insulted that a white man felt his keen awareness made him the perfect choice to write and direct a movie about a black family dealing with a mental disability. The arrogance of this man was preposterous. However, the greatest insult of all is the movie itself. It's just plain awful. Not bad mind you, awful. The script is armature at best. The acting while elevated by the presence of Vanessa Williams is overall sub-par. If you're going to exploit the mentally disabled, at least have the wherewithal to make a good movie in the process. Don't waste your time or money on this movie.
jan-nash I had the opportunity to preview this movie. By the end, I was so moved that I wanted to stand and cheer for the characters, and the movie itself. It was poignant and heartwarming. There are scenes that I will always treasure. Anytime we can show the public how families hold onto the love in the face of tough odds, we should. "My Brother" does just that. I was raised to take care of my sisters. I have no brothers, but I do have grandsons. As brothers, I would want them to see how important the ties between brothers ought to remain. There are so many movies made that make us question the value of how a family should be with brother-against-brother. It is important to see the other side of the coin. This one rates up there with Claudine. Big thumbs up! I hope everyone sees it.
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