Mutant Hunt
Mutant Hunt
| 01 June 1987 (USA)
Mutant Hunt Trailers

In New York City sometime in the near future, Z, the evil chairman of the Inteltrax Corporation, has taken a small army of cyborgs designed to perform hazardous tasks and altered them to kill humans for pleasure. The inventor of the cyborgs, Dr. Paul Haynes, is held captive, and his sister Darla seeks the aid of Matt Riker, an expert in high-tech weaponry and martial arts.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Woodyanders Rough'n'tumble mercenary Matt Riker (woodenly played by the hunky Rick Gianasi) and his tough mutant-stomping buddies Johnny Felix (Ron Reynaldi rocking one hell of a wicked mullet) and Elaine Eliot (ravishing redhead Taunie Vernon) venture into the dangerous dark tunnels to find the secret lab of the dastardly Z (a nicely slimy portrayal by Bill Peterson), who's responsible for unleashing a race of lethal cyborgs that are terrorizing the city.Boy, does writer/director Tim Kincaid cover all the endearingly atrocious mondo stinko schlock cinema bases with often unintentionally uproarious results: We've got crummy acting from a lame no-name cast (Stormy Spill in particular really camps it up as Z's evil and treacherous ex-partner Domina), erratic pacing, a mechanically bouncy and redundant synthesizer score, garish cinematography, tin-eared dialogue ("Time to rock'n'roll"), ineptly staged fights, an utterly ridiculous plot, and tacky (not so) special effects (although the gooey cyborg make-up ain't half bad and the cyborg puppet is pretty impressive considering the paltry budget). Kincaid regular LeeAnn Baker pops up in a small part as an ill-fated pleasure droid. A hilariously horrendous hoot and a half.
R C Mutant Hunt is a movie I've wanted to see ever since learning of its existence - admit it, the title is irresistible - only, of course, to be disappointed by what a turd it inevitably turned out to be. From Tim Kincaid and the team behind Breeders, this follow-up fails to live up to the already low expectations aroused by that tacky but fun exercise in sci-fi cheesecake. Where Breeders was dopey, decently paced, and filled with quality nudity, Mutant Hunt is dopey, dull, and just barely weird enough to keep it from being a total waste of time.The script is lame, the fights are drab, the heroes have all the charisma of musclebound Ben Steins, and after the goofy energy of the opening scenes, Mutant Hunt sags into an apparent indifference to itself, droning along and tugging at the poor viewer's patience until the 76 minutes feel more like 120.Saving this one from utter abomination, thankfully, are the unintentional humor and gooey effects attendant upon the pack of cheap, zombie-like titular creatures, who are actually lumbering Terminatoresque cyborgs on dope that supposedly makes them sex maniacs, though this aspect of their villainy is never really exploited. They're slimy and fairly disgusting to look at, which is nice, but I did find myself wishing the plot and porno-level budget had given them more in the way of havoc to wreak.
udar55 Some claim this is a BLADE RUNNER ripoff but I know the truth. In the distant future, failed filmmaker Ridley Scott built a time machine and decided to go back in time to film MUTANT HUNT, what many in this future consider the greatest film of all-time, before it is actually made. His plan worked and BLADE RUNNER hit in 82 while MUTANT HUNT's legacy was muted because it was seen a ripoff.Seriously, what can one say about this classic? It is indicative of a cinematic time long gone, the era of cheapo sci-fi flicks shot in abandoned warehouses (the future!) on a 5-day shooting schedule (see also: Ray, Fred Olen). I'm glad to know that in the future cyborgs will be modeled after the band Devo. Tim Kincaid directs this as flatly as possible. I love the fight in Riker's apartment where the girls just sit and stand there. I also love the bit where the robot begins to severe its left hand. When the filmmakers cut to the hand hanging in the cuff, it is a right hand! And who can ever forget the couple making out in the alley? Awesome. To the film's credit, Ed French's cyborg puppet head is pretty impressive and actually emotes better than 3/4 of the cast. After watching this 75 minute insanity fest, the only natural thing to ask is, "What Kincaid film should I watch next?"
EyeAskance Presented by Tim Kincaid, a pornographer and director of the anticlassic ROBOT HOLOCAUST, so be ready for sub-zero quality garbage without any production values. In this story, a number of cyborgs have been introduced to some sort of narcotic which turns them into unstoppable machines of destruction. Our hero, Ryker(a name obviously selected from the nomenclature of action heroes and gay porn actors), must hunt them down before they wreck every cheap Styrofoam and cardboard prop in their path. This flick borrows many ideas from BLADE RUNNER, but don't even attempt quality comparisons...this is easily among the weakest sci-fi efforts of the 1980s(even though ROBOT HOLOCAUST is, in fact, worse, improvements made in this mess are as observable as a contact lens dropped in the middle of the Altlantic Ocean). Cosmically bad in every direction, therefor recommended to masochistic types. 3/10