Music for Millions
Music for Millions
NR | 18 December 1944 (USA)
Music for Millions Trailers

Six-year-old "Mike" goes to live with her pregnant older sister, Babs, who plays string bass in José Iturbi's orchestra. And the orchestra is rapidly turning completely female, what with the draft. As the orchestra travels around the country, Babs' fellow orchestra members intercept and hide her War Office telegram to protect the baby.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
MartinHafer "Music for Millions" is a very frustrating film to watch. There is so much to like about it that it's a shame the plot takes a very dark and uncomfortable that practically ruins the picture. Fortunately, the excellent acting and music manage to salvage it...a bit.When the film begins, poor little Mike (Margaret O'Brien) has arrived unexpectedly in order to live with her sister, Barbara (June Allyson). Barbara plays in an orchestra consisting mostly of women due to the war. In the orchestra, Barbara has a lot of friends and life is grand. During this part of the film, the only real concerns are how to get the nosy landlord to accept having Mike live with Barbara as well as how lonely the pregnant Barbara is with her husband off in the war.About midway through the film, the screenwriter took an insane choice. A telegram arrives saying that Barbara's husband is dead...and they decide to NOT tell her because they were concerned about Barbara's unborn child. So, for months they keep it from her...even when Barbara assumes he MUST be dead because she has heard nothing from him. She's practically hysterical with worry...and yet her friends KEEP up the pretense...which seems cruel and stupid. How does the film manage to handle it...I know...toss in a happily ever after Hollywood ending!!! Huh?!?As I said, the plot was a problem and it's a darn shame. It's probably June Allyson's best performance and yet it's overshadowed by a dopey plot. It's a shame...a real shame.
mccthines I know we live in a different world than we did in 1944, but its surprising to find a mainstream studio film that has a "power of prayer" theme. A beautifully told, sweet and honest story with (I'll have to admit) lots of overly sentimental scenes, this movie is about hope, and prayer, and belief in a higher power during difficult times. We have forgotten what it feels like to live in a world where most everyone was united against a clearly defined evil, and, I think we have to admit, a country that was much more united in its views of God and faith. I celebrate the diversity of today and am proud of our country because of it, but this ancient world of 1944 did exist. And it is worth celebrating too.
mlktrout You'd think that any movie with June Allyson and Margaret O'Brien, Hollywood's two most famous "town criers," would be miserable, but "Music for Millions" is wonderful. Yes, there are tears. But with Jimmy Durante, there's also plenty to laugh about...and with Jose Iturbi there is plenty to sing about, although of course Iturbi plays, and doesn't sing.Iturbi is the conductor of an orchestra whose male members are being swallowed into the war effort (by the end of the movie, there's only one man left in the orchestra besides Iturbi). Allyson is a bassist (NOT a cellist) who is pining away for her husband, missing in action in the Pacific. O'Brien is Allyson's baby sister "Mike," an eternal optimist and fiercely loyal to her sister. Durante is the manager, a frustrated musician himself and saddled with always making plans for things that you just can't make plans for.Really, the star of the movie is the music itself, and it's some of the best you'll hear. Iturbi's "Clair de Lune" alone is enough to bring tears, and the first movement of Grieg's piano concerto--most of which we get to hear, when O'Brien isn't interrupting--is majestic. Durante has two numbers of his own, both hilarious reminders of why he was so well-liked.I figure I'm pretty cynical, but even I was smiling through tears at the end. This is a terrific movie.By the way, if you're interested in Jose Iturbi, please visit my new website, to learn more about this great pianist and conductor.
Richard (dickmass) This little movie is a warm, loving, funny movie full of hope and faith from a 7 year old child in a time of World War. They don't make them like this any more, plain acting NO special effects. You can't find it on any type of video, though I can't imagine why, with all the trash being brought out today. If you can catch it on one of the movie channels DO NOT MISS IT; grab something warm to drink and some tissues.