Murder Mansion
Murder Mansion
R | 01 November 1973 (USA)
Murder Mansion Trailers

A group of travelers, stranded at an isolated, fog-bound mansion, are beset upon by the living dead from the adjoining cemetery.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Wizard-8 After watching this movie, I kind of find it hard to believe that two American distributors apparently thought well enough of it to release it twice to American audiences. Before I get any further, I feel I should say that this really isn't a BAD movie, just a kind of disappointing one. There is some genuine merit to be found in the movie. Though low budget, it spends its limited funds wisely. It is also often lit and photographed in ways that add some genuine atmosphere. Unfortunately, the movie is saddled with an inadequate screenplay. True, it adds some twists near the end, but before then the movie is very slow-moving and downright boring at times. For example, the body count in the first hour of the movie is a mere ONE person. If the story had been more fast moving and more eventful, we might have had something here. But as it is, while it isn't really a bad movie, it is disappointing.
bkoganbing The Murder Mansion is your basic Eurohorror film, a Spanish production in this case. Some seemingly random, then it turns out not so random group of guests wash up on a stormy night at a Gothic Mansion where a woman and her chauffeur were killed in a car crash years ago. But they seem to be a pair of lively ghosts going around causing all kinds of mayhem. Especially the chauffeur who in years gone by would have been played by Tor Johnson or in the previous generation Rondo Hatton.No need wasting your time with the names of the players none of whom will be familiar to American audiences. I'd pass this one right by folks, right by.
catfish-er I just started working my way through the Chilling Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection and MURDER MANSION is the first movie in the set. MURDER MANSION is just my kind of old-fashioned, B-grade horror movie. It is an especially creepy thriller! In a series of convoluted happenstance, several people end up stranded in a mansion in the middle of nowhere. Apparently, to escape a fog-bound night, although one couple and a woman traveling alone claim to have been cut off by the same car – a Rolls Royce, no less! The mansion is next to a cemetery, where it seems that the undead abound… well, at least a chauffeur and his elderly mistress. Martha provides the back-story as one of vampires overrunning the town, which is used to explain the deserted village… but, hardly anyone is surprised to hear such a tale. Same with the story of her old Aunt, who is purported to be a witch. But, when Martha describes the death of her aunt; and, the death of her chauffeur, Elsa nearly suffers an apoplectic fit! Like other Italian horror films of its day, MURDER MANSION features beautiful cinematography. It also features a suitable mansion – surprisingly well-maintained public areas, sufficient living quarters; and, an abysmal cellar! The film is rather thin on plot; but, the dubbed-in dialogue (done after filming)is actually quite good.Ida Galli (Martha), Analía Gade (Elsa), and Lisa Leonardi (Laura) are exceptionally well cast; and, offer apt performances. The score can be a bit jarring; but, it serves the purpose of intensifying the atmosphere and the action.The film digresses into a sordid affair between Elsa's father and her classmate; a philandering, gun-toting drunk on the prowl for any woman with a pulse (or, perhaps without one); and, free-love between Fred and Laura, two young folks traveling by motorcycle.Yes, the plot reads more like a melodrama than a horror movie. But, I liked MURDER MANSION well enough.
vegeta3986 This is the first movie on a set of 50 that i bought, and let's just say, we're not off to a good start. "The Murder Mansion" (as i bought it as) is many things. Confusing, boring, but by no means is it a horror film. It reminded me more of a heist movie than it did of a horror movie. and that's not a good thing.One of the biggest problems this movie had was that for the first hour nothing really happened. people talked (obviously dubbed by a lot of British people btw) a lot of flashbacks to when one of the main girls was in college despite the fact that she looked the same age in the flashback just with a shirley temple haircut, and a lot of sex (offscreen of course because that would make the movie interesting) When the characters are introduced i confuse them a LOT. i don't know who's who for the whole thing. they're very interchangeable and i don't know what's going on. one of the guys just vanishes for some reason, some girl's ex lover comes back for some reason all under the cover of a murderous scooby doo theme. i don't know WHY these people were killing people, all i know was it was very confusing. This movie is something that all horror movies shouldn't be. tremendously boring. the murder scenes come completely out of nowhere and one dude just dies from seeing a woman in a bad old lady mask. then again, maybe i'd have a heart attack too if i had to be in this stinker of a movie.There were also some interesting Day to Night shots when the film was obviously shot in the day but filtered for the night. and there was at least one scene when it was obviously daytime in the cemetery but they tried to pass it off as night. and it looked STUPID. If you're looking for a fun time at a horror movie, this isn't one. if you DO want to see this movie for the little but of fun it has, skip to 50 minutes in. here's all you need to know. people go to haunted house because of fog. people talk. there. now you're up to last thing. one of the weird things i noticed about this movie is that the main girl (at least i think she was) turns down this guy who wants to sleep with her after she gives him a ride saying "what kind of girl do you think i am?" so she decides to ride with another guy. yet later that night, she sleeps with the second guy who gives her a ride. so...she doesn't sleep with strangers who outright say "let's have sex" she only has it with strangers who DON'T say they want it. cause that makes sense. i don't know, maybe she has a thing for mustaches. whatever. that bugged me and it was stupid.The pacing of this movie is very poorly done. it's too boring for too long. there's a lot of info you DON'T need to know, and i assumed they were trying to go with some personal demon fightings with this one girl, but in the end it looked you know what? unless you have it on the chilling classics 50 pack, don't bother watching it, it's not worth it. but if you really want to, the last 20 minutes aren't horrible, it's just confusing as all hell. So in conclusion, the murderous mansion gets 2 random dead people, out of 10.