Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story
Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story
| 23 September 1991 (USA)
Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Wojas Smart Story Trailers

Pamela Smart knows exactly what she wants and is willing to do anything to get it. She is fed up with teaching, and her marriage offers little excitement. Looking for a way out she applies for a job at a local TV station. When her dreams of fame are dashed by rejection, she seduces 15-year-old Billy, one of her students. Pam challenges Billy to prove his love for her by getting rid of her husband. The stakes heat up with a huge insurance policy on her husband's life.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Robert J. Maxwell High school kids can be pretty dumb. When I was a sophomore I couldn't understand why I had to take orders from some of the teachers, since I could outrun all of them. As far as the Other Side of the Cold War was concerned, we wondered what all the nonsense was about talking. Why not lay down the law, and if they violate it, let's let 'em have it.It was a Newtonian world. It depended entirely on mechanics. Adolescence, for a boy, was like one long weight-lifting contest. Judging from the kids in this docudrama, things haven't changed much. If anything, they're even dumber. In a recent survey of college seniors, only 23% knew James Madison was "the father of the Constitution" but 98% knew that Snoop Doggy Dog was a rapper. Shameful.Well, I'm done scolding. Someone help me down off this soap box? Thank you. Four high school kids -- three boys and a homely girl -- are seduced into murdering the husband of a prize-winning insurance salesman by the guy's wife, who is in charge of the high school's Media Center. They shoot the guy in the head and she pays them ten thousand dollars and makes herself into a sexual receptacle for the handsomest boy. I would never have done anything like that in high school. The fist fights were tough enough. Of course, none of our teachers were as fluffy and sexy as Helen Hunt. Not that the young art teacher, Miss Elaine Cohen was a slouch, but it just wouldn't have happened. If Miss Cohen had made herself available and asked me to off her boy friend, I wouldn't have done it. I don't think.The plot sticks pretty close to the historic events. It's kind of clumsy, the way real life is clumsy. A good dramatic structure would have the kids succeeding on the first try. But, as often happens, these kids are scared by the magnitude of the crime and they fail the first two tests. They're all ready to go -- until it's time to go. Then they "get lost" or the timing was off.After each failure, a disbelieving Hunt remonstrates with the kids and withholds her sexual favors from the best-looking kid. She finally makes the arrangement that works, while warning them to use only the pistol -- no knives, because knives are sloppy and get blood all over the furniture and carpets and it never comes out. And lock the dog away before you do it. "The last thing I want is a traumatized dog," she mutters in all earnestness.Helen Hunt handles the role well. She's alluring in a curious way, with an oddly shaped nose and drooping epicanthic folds. Nicely built, too. The kids aren't as good. Actually, they're pretty bad. The "handsome kid" can act about as well as you or I can. The girl is a bit more convincing in projecting a character with the intelligence and moral sensibilities of a rather mature head of broccoli.Hunt's motives are left murky. Was she jealous of Greg's success? Not likely, because she'd just gotten a promotion herself. Another lover somewhere? Nah. Greg was faithful, and she was only manipulating the kid she was banging. Money? It's not mentioned. The reason we're puzzled is that we sometimes treat life as if it were a coherent and easily grasped fictional narrative, something out of Agatha Christie. It's difficult for us to understand that the exercise of power can itself be a powerful motive. The ability to bend others to your will. It's one of the reasons people want to be president, even though they make less money than a professional ball player. It's the only reason Charles Manson organized his family. Another motive is related to Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Everyone will shower tears and affection on the poor bereaved widow. Also a good murder will bring a few moments of excitement to a boring marriage, while at the same time ending it. If you want to see an excellent, if fictionalized, dramatization of the Pamela Smart story, see if you can find "To Die For." Nobody is more seductive than Nicole Kidman as Pamela Smart -- and no one could be more stupid than Joaquin Phoenix as the handsomest boy.
julianhwescott Although I really do appreciate Helen Hunt as an actress in other films, I feel that she was a wrong choice for playing the part of Pamela Smart in this picture. Hunt is too soft for this role which one can see by watching Pamela Smart on the television show 'American Justice'. Also, the movie didn't go by all the facts, even though these things were small in nature - for example, Billy Flynn was not a blond guy, he has brown hair and certain things in the film were altered from the true facts that were reported on national television when Pamela Smart was on trial for the murder of her husband, Greg Smart. I think a lot of trouble with the picture had to do with the script - there just wasn't enough passion (not in the love sense, necessarily) in any of the scenes like when Smart (Hunt) is talking to Flynn (Chad Allen) about killing her husband, etc. They might as well have been talking about going and getting a cup of coffee or planning on going on a picnic together. I was thoroughly disappointed in this film and therefore rated it a 1 out of 10 because it didn't have any suspense about it at all and the acting was terrible as well.
BreanneB I loved this movie. It's too bad that Pamela Smart does not take any responsibility for any of her crimes and actions. She is as guilty as anyone can be. I'm glad she ran out of appeals and legal options and that her pardon was denied. She took them to the Federal level. She says she deserves leniency because she's been good in prison. I don't know about you but I think people are supposed to be good in prison. Chad Allen was great in this movie.Reasons Pamela smart is guilty: 1. She had an affair with a teenage boy.2. She is a sociopatic liar.3. She is cold hearted.4. She did not show any emotion when her husband was murdered.5. Denial.6. Knew everything about the crime.7. Jury and evidence found her guilty.
zowey78 This was an excellent re-enactment of the Pamela Smart story. I have been wanting to see it again for years and up until a few minutes ago I was unaware that it could be purchased. I can't wait to add it to my video library. I think everyone in the movie did an excellent job. I think that a lot of people misunderstood the movie. If u followed the story at the time the movie was pretty much factual to what went on. In fact i just watched American justice last night and it was a documentary about the greg smart murder it got me thinking about that movie again and thats why i looked it up on the internet and i saw someone elses comment about how horrible the movie was and i felt i had to make a comment because i totally disagree. To anyone out there who hasn't seen it I definitely recommend it.
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