| 01 July 1995 (USA)
Multi-Facial Trailers

Through a series of auditions, a young actor in New York City struggles with his identity.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
tieman64 Vin Diesel wrote and directed this short film, based on his experiences as a struggling actor. The film consists of Vin attending various auditions, changing his appearances, dialogue and line-delivery, constantly trying to "be somebody" in order to "impress" the casting directors. It's an interesting idea: "being somebody" in order to "impress somebody" so you can to "be somebody" and "impress somebodies".The film highlights how exploitative the movie business can be, how seductive its icons are, how these icons lure impressionable youths to Hollywood, how desperate actors become and how fickle the business of acting is.One wonders, however, if Vin simply made this film to showcase his range as an actor. The film consists of several audition sequences in which Vin adopts different accents, different styles and different personas (he even raps in one scene), mimicking Pacino, Stallone, Brando etc. Is Vin trying to show off? Is he trying to wow us with his range? Or is this all meant to be a bit comedic? If Vin is honestly trying to stun us with his acting, then he fails miserably. Or rather, because he fails, the film takes on the form of a really sad tragedy, Vin mourning his own desperation; his own, in a way, uselessness.7.9/10 – Worth one viewing..
madeba It's always interesting to see glimpses of stars before they were household names. Playing the role of casting director, I try to spot something that might indicate their massive potential, or alternatively, that they've grown a lot in their ability since then. In the case of Multifacial, Vin Diesel's self-penned and semi-autobiographical short, it is clear that this actor is going places.There is something undeniably compelling about him. I first noticed him in the supporting role in Boiler Room, primarily for his voice. There's that deep gravelly tone that demands your attention. Couple that with his powerful physicality and you can see that this guy just needs the right role to exploit his talents. And where the Lundgrens and Rocks of Hollywood offer similar packages, Diesel brings an unquestionable intellect and vulnerability to the screen to set himself apart. Multifacial teaches 3 things:One - a simply shot film (ie: cheap) can still make an impact, providing the story is engaging. Two - if the storyline feels "doccie", economical and imperfect shots actually help give cred to the film. Three - If an unknown actor is talented, even a tiny low budget short can garner the attention of the biggest player in Hollywood.Evidently that's what Spielberg thought, as he contacted Diesel on the strength of this - check it out for a good chuckle, a glimpse of Diesel's comedic ability, and the star's take on the experience, looking back on it now.
Auntikrist I've watched Multifacial many times, and I am always pleased to still find acting moments that interest or amuse me in the film. Vin Diesel's physicality is arresting, pleasing and fluid. His voice is a marvelous instrument that covers a broad vocal range, while the deeper notes can hypnotize any unwary female.I've seen him in other films and continue to look for those moments that capture my attention and rivet me to the screen whenever he appears.Right now Mr. Diesel invests his energy in the world of Action Heros that he admired so much in his childhood. I am hoping he will soon outgrow the genre and return to more serious acting and to the portrayals of complicated characters like Mike in Multifacial, that I feel sure he can accomplish.
jake-179 This is what short, independent films should be like. This is the first movie for Vin Diesel, and it allows for tremendous insight in to the man himself. Vin, who's real name is Michael Vincent, wrote, produced, and directed this movie. It appears to be not only a slice of his life, but short biography. The title, "MULTI-FACIAL" is a play on the term "Multi-Racial." As, Vin Diesel explains in the movie, he is half white, and half black. And, despite his awesome acting talent and dedication to his craft, his racial mix stands in his way of getting work as an actor. The film follows Vin from one audition to another, where he nails each part, but is then turned down either because he is "too white" or ironically "too black." The message of the movie is summed up at the end in the movie's final line, as Vin sits in a cafe drinking coffee by himself, he listens in to the people sitting behind him. The girl orders coffee, but requests that it is served, "not too light, not too dark."The movie is about 20 minutes long, the perfect length for an independent short. It is very well shot on 16mm film. The musical score for the film is music recorded and performed by Vin Diesel himself. Yet, further credit to this great talent. During one audition, Vin performs an original rap and it is really clever and well done. The film is simplistic, but extremely moving, and has a clear, concise story line and a powerful message. The strongest point of the movie is the brilliant, convincing acting job by all the people involved. Vin comes off as totally original and totally natural. Hollywood is lucky to have him and it is absolutely no wonder that Stephen Spielberg chose to contact him and offer him a part in Saving Private Ryan after he saw MULTI-FACIAL at the Caan's Film Festival. I wish I could make an independent movie this good myself!I was already a Vin Diesel fan when I saw this movie. I own the DVD that this movie is on. Its a compilation DVD, with other short movies on it. BY FAR, MULTI-FACIAL is the best movie in the compilation. The other movies are almost totally unwatchable. And this serves as further credit to Vin's movie. The other movies are complete dribble, and those are the kinds of movies that RUIN film festivals. But MULTI-FACIAL is the kind of movie that saves film festivals. This is the movie that everyone is looking for when they pay those outrageous prices to attend various film festivals. They are all looking for that little gem of a movie, and MULTI-FACIAL is it.This is definitely worth seeing, even if you have to buy the DVD with the rest of the crappy movies. Check it out, you will enjoy it.
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