Mr. Miracle
Mr. Miracle
G | 06 December 2014 (USA)
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Heavenly angel Harry Mills is sent to Earth on a trial assignment to intervene in the life of a woman who needs help getting her life on track after the death of her father. With a deadline of Christmas day, he attempts to help her heal in order to embrace a new future, and an unexpected love, just in time to celebrate the miracle of the holiday season.

Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
judytalk It's bad enough we are subjected to the same movies over & over & over during the season from Thanksgiving to New Year's, but this one is horrible. The movie seems to jump from one scene to another and has no flow. While we know the theme is make believe, it is totally unbelievable and an insult to Doris Roberts. Her performances makes Mrs. Miracle believable, you pull for her, you feel her sorrow on leaving the families. Rob Morrow just comes off as an annoying stalker you just want to go away. This is writing at its worst.Hallmark Hall of Fame movies were class acts, but many of these Christmas movies are lousy & this one especially should never have been made. Apologies to the actors who tried but just could not pull it out of the gutter, your time was wasted, sure hope they paid you well.
dmartin1910 Rob Morrow's direction in playing the character of Mr. Miracle was very annoying, distracting and almost Aspberger's-like in this otherwise wonderful screenplay of Debbie Macomber.While the storyline was delightful, the directing of Rob Morrow's portrayal of Mr. Miracle was abysmal. His facial expressions and twitches made him seem mentally challenged rather than a Christmas angel "newbie" as portrayed in the book.While MRS. MIRACLE is very clever, MR. MIRACLE falls short as a result of the lead character's performance. I don't believe it is a reflection on Rob Morrow's talent but the direction he received.Would love to see a part two next year with another director.
jk-692-236394 The movie has no heart. For some reason the point seems to be for this angel, Rob Morrow, to get the main character, Addie, to "believe" in herself. Why? I have no idea. There is no sense of urgency or meaning to this fact. Now here I am at the end of the movie still not able to figure out what the heck her problem is! The main character we are suppose to care about Addie, seems lost, self centered and has zero self awareness and resents her Dad for nothing. You want to slap the character. I had nothing but irritation for her. Was not impressed by the actress playing her. It is hard to have any sympathy for her, when she had two loving supportive parents but does not like herself. Go to therapy then but do not make an entire movie around it! Rob Morrow decided to go with a very strange voice and odd take on being a new angel. He is hard to watch. He acts like a backwards person who walks around is a daze. It does not work. It does not even feel very Christmas-y. If you want a nice movie to play in the background while you work around the house, skip this one.
boblipton Rob Morrow is a fledgling guardian angel. He has been assigned to help Britt Irvin get her life back on track after the death of her father in this well-meaning but distracted Hallmark Channel Christmas Season movie.Morrow as the hopelessly clueless angel offers a funny performance with a squeaky voice, but his story of learning how to do his job seems like it should be comedy relief from the budding romance between Miss Irvin and William Vaughan. Yet it takes up about half the movie and it feels like padding. More than that, it seems like auctorial commentary, telling the audience how they are supposed to feel, whether they do or not.The details of making this movie -- the camera-work, the performances -- are well done. Unfortunately, the script seems more about the mechanical operation of the plot and telling the audience what to feel than letting us discover it within ourselves.