Mr. Bones
Mr. Bones
PG | 30 December 2001 (USA)
Mr. Bones Trailers

A medicine man is sent looking for the son of his tribal king, and brings back an American golfer and a host of goons intent on keeping him in the golf tournament.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
erik_fuller One thing that appears to be a safe assumption is that this movie isn't made for Germans or Austrians, all others read on!As an American living in South Africa for the past two years, I probably have a bit more insight on the film than other foreigners, but I thought it was hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard at a movie since the slo-mo melon sequence in Ice Age.Anyone who likes Adam Sandler or any of the American Pie films would at least appreciate this movie, even if they don't get all the intricacies of the jokes (you know, like a 300lb pig flying through the air like a cruise missile). Aside from shamelessly juvenile jokes, the film has a surprisingly tight story, and doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. The performances do the job, and all in all the movie's a riot. I had avoided seeing it for two years but recently caught it on DVD and was completely surprised. Easily makes 8/10, and is the best comedy I've seen in a long, long time.
andriesvanTonder This is not a movie for the person wanting to see an "intelligent, science fiction, documentary, love story" or the like. It is pure entertainment.The author and actors and everybody involved is giving the most to entertain you, get you to laugh, wanting you to go out thinking, wanting to see it again...This type of film is also proof that South Africans is growing up, forgetting the past, the swear words of the "apartheid" era and the like. One of the worst swear words of that time was "kaffer" or "Caffer" referring to a person of the Negroid race. A child was referred to as a "kaffertjie" sounding very much similar to "Kavuki"! I did not hear of any riots or protests at any venue where this movie was showing.To summerize, WELL DONE.
aleka_k Unfortunately I had to see the movie in a sneak preview, about 100 people were leaving after 20 minutes.the movie is not funny, the actors are horrible and the plot is too!!!
loss I went to a sneak preview last week, where i saw Mr. bones. I didn't know that this movie would be shown. At the beginning i thought that it could be quite funny but i was completely wrong on that. It was so bad i couldn't help laughing about the fact that such a movie is even produced. Leon Schuster combines bad acting with a ridiculous story and even the jokes are not worth a smile. They are limited on people getting hammered down by excrements of several animals. 1 out of 10