Moving Target
Moving Target
NR | 08 February 1988 (USA)
Moving Target Trailers

A teenage musician goes on the run from killers and the police when he returns home to find his home empty and his family gone.

Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
blanche-2 Had to see this because of love Jason Bateman, Tom Skerrit, and Chynna Philips, and I always like to see Jack Wagner. How could I miss with "Moving Target"? Answer: I didn't. It's actually a good action film. Bateman plays Toby Kellogg, a teen musician with a band whose parents send him to Interlochen Music Camp against his will. Unbeknownst to him, the Justice Dept. is investigating the office where his father (Skerrit) works, and his dad is somehow involved.Toby has chosen Megan Lawrence (Chynna Phillips) to replace him in the group and, while at Interlochen, he sees that they've made the newspaper. Excited, he leaves Interlochen early. When he gets home, the place is empty; his family has disappeared.Toby tries to get info, but there are people after him. One is a mob hit man (Wagner) who wants to kill him, and the other faction is people from the Justice Department who want to help him. He doesn't know that, though, so he's running from everyone.I really enjoyed this film. It's not Citizen Kane but it is entertaining, with a good performances, particularly by the young Bateman.
michaeljhuman I liked the 80s vibe here, because I like 80s movies.Don't expect much, but I was impressed with Jason Bateman and he went on to do a lot of stuff.It's your typical teen comes home to find family gone movie, if there is such a genre. Some OK action.Plot is about what you expect from an 80s action movie, turn your brain off or go MST3K on it. But it serves the purpose.Dialog is the weakness here I think, there's no imagination here, no flair.Music is pretty standard 80s synth pop, but hey they actually show the girl playing a Yamaha DX7 synth, one of the most important 80s synthesizers. I would bet that the music in the movie used this same synth as the E Piano sound in one of the songs sounds like the DX& e piano.
The_Void Moving Target is basically the epitome of the term of 'enjoyable thriller'. It offers no substance and you won't remember much of it for long after it finishes; but it's fun to watch, and that's the important thing. The film is a made for TV movie, and so doesn't feature any spectacular stunts or heavy violence; and instead relies on the story and suspense to pull it through...which unfortunately doesn't always pay off as director Chris Thomson doesn't succeed in ensuring that the film is always interesting. Anyway, the plot focuses on Toby Kellogg; a teenage kid that gets sent to music school during the summer. He doesn't enjoy it much while he's there, and when he finds out that his band has enjoyed some success in his absence; he leaves the school and sets off home. However, he's surprised when he gets there and finds that his parents have shipped out...along with all the furniture. The next thing Toby knows, he's been hunted down; by both the cops and a mean assassin that drives a Ferrari. Toby struggles against his pursuers while trying to find out what happened to his family.The film very much feels like a product of it's time; and a low quality eighties vibe runs throughout it. This isn't helped by the lead actor. Jason Bateman cuts a rather irritating figure in the central role. He tries to play it as the typical disrespectful kid; but looks too old and comes off looking a bit silly. The film is not overly suspenseful either, and there were many times that I found myself not really caring what was going to happen next; and this is not good in a film that relies on suspense to keep itself afloat. Perhaps most disappointing of all is the way that the chase aspect of the plot is handled; the lead character never really seems to be in a lot of trouble and Jack Wagner's Ferrari-driving villain is more hilarious than imposing. It's all pretty predictable too; and only a rather dark scene that sees a kid killed in cold blood offered any sort of surprise. Still, despite all the negative elements; Moving Target simply offers the viewer a chance to switch their brain off for ninety minutes and enjoy...and it does at least work as light entertainment.
Tom Willett (yonhope) This is one summer camp musical that starts off like a teen comedy but begins to take some turns unexpectedly. Jason Bateman is well cast as a typical young teen kid from a middle class family. He is an adequate musician and he has plenty of friends.His experiences at summer camp give us an insight into his musical weaknesses and his talent for finding trouble. His life takes a major change just as he is beginning to find some fame as a maybe rock star.Action begins when the story is only into its first 15 minutes and the audience is taken for an adventurous ride. There is no bad language or nudity. This one is family safe. It is a little scary at times and there are some fine stunts with cars and people. It all looks top notch.Jason at times reminded me of someone when he smiled or turned his head a certain way during the movie. It took me awhile to recognize who it was he resembled. If anyone is familiar with the smile of Joe Dallesandro during his youthful days, that is the same smile we see on Jason here.I bought this one at Big Lots for $3. It seems to be part of a big closeout special from M-G-M. Highly recommended at any price.If you like this I also recommend Emil and the Detectives if you can find it.Tom Willett