NR | 12 March 1970 (USA)
Mouchette Trailers

A young girl living in the French countryside suffers constant indignities at the hand of alcoholism and her fellow man.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
peepi69 What an awful bad acting piece of french crap. Terrible dialogues. Is the 'nothing is really happening' due to low-budget or the camera guy's wanna-be art will???Why does she never smile ? It's a little bit sad to encourage drunken behaviour and paedophile vision. In summary :The girl is sad... But she never really show it. The other schoolgirls are happy... She doesn't like it so she throw dirt on their dresses and faces... She became an drunkard... She doesn't want to sing in group but try to impress with her high-pitch annoying voice a loner guy with who she have intercourse I think... She's still sad... Nothing is happening... She try to kill herself but didn't succeed... She tried again and after a few shot succeed... end. Au Hazard Balthazar was kinda better cause it made me thing about my dog's feelings. Anyway... At least she die at the end.
gliptitude mouchette may have been ruined for me by the jean luc godard "cut" trailer that i watched on the DVD before watching the film. this trailer demonstrates and exaggerates the pornographic aspects of the film. the film is much less sensational than the trailer suggests, but there is that aspect of it. for example, it was not necessary to film schoolgirls swinging upside down on a playground, flashing their panties. it's not outrageous when you see it in context, in the film - rather it is as un-pornographic as that subject could be. but after seeing the godard trailer it is hard not to see the whole film through his eyes, and hear as if from a fellow viewer, perverted snickering during each such scene.i disagree with the IMDb commentator who claims the "one happy scene" of the movie to be boring and lifeless. the bumper car scene is brilliant. the entire time (it is a drawn out scene) i was thinking, "why have i never seen a bumper car scene?" and "what an interesting social dynamic bumper cars are." aside from entertaining, it alone also shows that mouchette is a regular girl, and not always a victim.i prefer A MAN ESCAPED and PICKPOCKET. these are the only 3 bresson films i've seen.
dbdumonteil Sixteen years after having successfully exploited Georges Bernanos' universe for his "Journal d'Un Curé De Campagne" (1951), Robert Bresson appropriates once again another book by the French writer: "Mouchette" for a very personal, stylish rendering and a canonical film about stolen childhood. The filmmaker always supported that he'd prefer a film to be felt rather than to be understood. Needless to say we leave the projection with a big emotion inside us and we also feel helpless about Mouchette' terrible life. According to Bresson, Mouchette's tragic fate enabled him to put forward "misery, cruelty. They're everywhere: wars, tortures, murders".The film starts with Arsène's and the gamekeeper's eyes staring at quails and partridges that desperately try to free themselves from snares. This harrowing introduction sequence sets the scene for what follows after wards. How not to think of a metaphor for Mouchette's life that offers her no horizon and no hope? This teenage girl is all alone and in spite of her young age, she has to take care of her sick mother, her alcoholic father and her baby brother. She goes to school but feels rejected by her female fellow students, notably when school's over, they stone her. It's the same thing every day and Mouchette is trapped in her loneliness. That's why the sequence at the fair comes as a sort of relief for her. The scene at the bumper cars provides her momentary solace and joy. Then, the key sequence with Arsène will make her open her eyes about what she really wants. In spite of her poverty and solitude, Mouchette needs to love but where to find it in a hostile world?Mouchette strongly belongs to the Bressonian world. She's an outcast and she can't integrate herself to her surrounding. Once again, Bresson underscores the opposition between a pure, subjective person and an objective, hostile world in a sparse, minimal directing with a supremacy granted to images and sounds and the evident symbols they convey. An eloquent example would be when the little girl is all alone in the country and can hear the sound of guns and can see rabbits running or dying. She hasn't got a friend or even one member of her family to talk to. When she wants to tell her mother what Arsène did to her, she dies. Fate dogs her. There's no room for the weak and there's one last exit left... Bresson's austere, intensely visual making fits the story and its themes like a glove and if you don't feel anything during the last sequence, you have a heart of stone.
jimqt A beautiful film with superb photography. The story of a young girl who has to care for a dying mother in a small village in France.She is shunned by everyone. She is raped and used and rejected.But her simple innocence and beauty shines through. It is like Fat Girl a film without much faith in humanity without hope. The scenes of the poacher and the hunter the girl lost in the woods in the storm are breathtaking.The bullying by her school teacher and followed by her beautiful singing where great. Her simple goodness and total exclusion is heart wrenching.The ending like in Fat Girl is shocking but fitting. Good film.