R | 12 March 2010 (USA)
Mother Trailers

A mother lives quietly with her son. One day, a girl is brutally killed, and the boy is charged with the murder. Now, it's his mother's mission to prove him innocent.

Cortechba Overrated
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
adi-justadi The Directing, Acting, BGM, everything is top notch in this movie. It's constantly engaging. Masterclass. But for one thing, I couldn't really get myself into the movie. It's the mother. I'm interested in psychology and I studied about the Oedipus complex. This mother is too possessive of her child that she spoiled him and turned him into an idiot. She takes too much care of him. So much that she does everything for him. He is trying to come out of her clutches, but finds the comfort zone too tough to leave. Definitely his mistake too. But as I watched the movie, I grew more and more angry with the mother. She never for once taught him how to live. He is trying to protect him in each and every part of his life. That only leads to a stunted development of the son. Mothers like this look like angels, but they are the curse for men.
blanche-2 "Mother" from 2009 is the story of what one mother will do to protect her child. And she does just about everything.Do Joon (Bin Won), a mentally challenged young man, hangs out with a crowd that is a lot hipper than he is. Do Joon announces that he is going to sleep with a woman. He follows a high school girl, Ah-jung, walking home alone. She turns and walks into some sort of cave. She then throws a huge rock out. That's really all we see.The next day, Ah-jung is found dead, and Do Joon is arrested. His mother (Hye-ja-Kim) sets out to prove him innocent. Unfortunately no one takes her seriously, including the high-priced lawyer she hired.She finally realizes after talking with a friend that she is going to have to find the murderer herself, and sets out to do it. She finds out all she can about the girl, finally realizing that the key to solving the murder might be her cell phone, if she can only locate it. Meanwhile she keeps begging her son to remember that night. Only flashes come to him, but one thing he does remember is that his mother tried to kill him when he was five. It was supposed to be a suicide/murder but it doesn't come off. A very powerful scene.Mother is beautifully done -- often the director has the Mother walking through a field or among trees so we can see what a tiny person she is. She is ruthless and has no boundaries when it comes to her boy. Hye-ja-Kim is fantastic in the role, her face showing so much emotion and determination. The movie is set in a small Korean town, which lends itself to the atmosphere evoked by the director Joon-ho Bong - chaos, poverty, traffic, dilapidated buildings. As one who hasn't been to South Korea, I expected the town to look as it did, but I was surprised at how green and hilly the country is, too.This is a definite must-see, especially for a couple of shocking twists at the end that you won't expect.
tao902 A South Korean crime drama. A mother's son is accused of murder and she sets out to prove his innocence.Do-joon is accused partly because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, partly because his mental disabilities impede his memory resulting in him innocently accepting the accusations put against him and partly because the local police are desperate to 'solve' the crime.This is a riveting story, beautifully filmed. Occasionally it drifts away from the main narrative resulting in it being a little longer than perhaps it needs to be but ultimately it is very satisfying viewing that rewards the viewer's patience.
CinemaClown Mother tells the story of an old unnamed woman who begins an investigation of her own to find out the real culprit when her own mentally-challenged son is arrested & tricked into signing a confession for the horrific murder of a high-school girl. Though it may look like another one of those stories where a person is falsely convicted of a crime he didn't commit & in the end is proved innocent, Mother brings a slightly different dimension of its own into this tale and never gives out the mystery until the film's final third act which reveals itself in a manner that most people wouldn't see coming.Smartly directed by Bong Joon-ho, who introduces dark humour & radically shifting narratives but still make the story work as a whole, brilliantly written & smoothly photographed as well, what makes this film really fascinating is the impressive lead performance by Kim Hye-ja as the unnamed mother living with her son & wonderfully portrays how far she is willing to go to protect her son out of maternal love & care. Wo Jin has magnificently played Do-joon, the disabled son who is prone to hitting back whenever someone mocks his disability.On an overall scale, Mother is part unsettling, part heartbreaking & part thrilling black comedy that promises an emotional roller-coaster ride & delivers so. It may not be as great a masterpiece as Bong Joon-ho's Memories of Murder, but succeeds as a good thriller nonetheless that comes full circle in the end to finish on a note that's as weirdly funny as it is tragic.