Moonlight and Valentino
Moonlight and Valentino
R | 29 September 1995 (USA)
Moonlight and Valentino Trailers

A young widow still grieving over the death of her husband finds herself being comforted by a local housepainter.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Byrdz There is something about a movie that you are watching and suddenly realize .. hey, I saw this one already."Moonlight and Valentino" is such a movie. The women get together and they talk and talk and cry and talk some more. "Little sister" Gwyneth is obnoxious to her ex-stepmother just because she can be. "Big sister" Perkins is "brave". Next door neighbor Whoopie is weird and devoid of fashion-sense. Ex-step mom Turner ( who we are supposed to dislike) seems to be the kindest and most helpful of the quartet. The men come and go and have very little part in the activities.If you care for talky girly gabfest films go for it. I watched it twice and apparently found it to be quite forgettable.
crystalc1020 I just got finished watching this movie last night. I had always wanted to see it and so when it unexpectedly came on tv last night, I decided to watch it. Well...I have mixed feelings about this movie.****************NOTE!! SPOILERS!!!!*************************I thought the acting overall was good...I was a bit dissapointed however in Perkin's character, and how emotionless she was after he husband died. I know that part of this was because she was partly shocked and in denial, but still....I expected a STRONGER outburst of emotion from her. This is your HUSBAND that has just died for goodness sakes! Not only that, but I felt like this movie tended to go on and on with not real point. IT felt very boring at times, and just plotless. I liked how the movie focuses on each of the women's lives and the problems they are facing in them, however if I were the director, I would have had the movie continue on with a slightly FASTER pace. The movie felt like 2 hours long when I had only watched an hour of it!Bottom line: I didn't even finish this movie because it was just sooo slow and kind of boring. I was already tired to begin with...I didn't need this movie to put me even faster to sleep. However, if you want a good chick flick about women overcoming thier problems in life, then this movie is for you. The acting is great (except that little part I mentioned above) and the it's a touching story about enduring hardships, and moving on with your life after a tragic death.
preppy-3 A recently widowed woman (Elizabeth Perkins) tries to cope with the help of her baby sister (Gwyneth Paltrow), ex-stepmother (Kathleen Turner) and best friend (Whoppi Goldberg). Talky but fascinating. All the actresses give great performances with Perkins getting top honors--she's just fantastic in a difficult role. All the characters come across as believable and interesting. The script is great too--they talk and act like real people. Nice soundtrack too. Some may deride this as a "chick flick", but I'm a guy and I loved it! Two (minor) quibbles--Jon Bon Jovi is pretty bad as a painter. He's unattractive, not in shape and pretty wooden. It's no surprise his acting career has gone nowhere. And the ending at the cemetery seemed a little overdone but it still works. But, like I said, these are minor complaints. Well worth seeing.
karier13 This movie surprised me. I had gotten it ONLY for Jon Bon Jovi as I am a big fan and wanted to see one of his first movies. I thought he was very good as well as irresistable as The Painter. But then I got into the movie and enjoyed the interaction between the women played very well by Elizabeth Perkins, Whoopi Goldberg, Kathleen Turner and Gwyneth Paltrow. Altho a female I am not usually into chick flicks but this was worth seeing.
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