Mommy's Day
Mommy's Day
| 31 January 1997 (USA)
Mommy's Day Trailers

After escaping a lethal injection for the murders Mommy (Patty McCormack) had committed, she is given a special implant in her arm that will keep her from having homicidal urges. However, since she still tries to see her daughter and other murders are continuing, it doesn't look very good for Mommy.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Johan Louwet Well this is the third movie starring Patty McCormack in the Bad Seed franchise. In the original she plays Rhoda, and in the (unofficial) sequels she is a mother herself never been called by her first name, she just goes by Mommy and Mrs Sterling. Been charged of murder which happened in "Mommy" and sentenced to death she somehow escapes this fate and gets a drug implanted in her arm which should keep her murdering drifts down. But as soon as she is free she notices that there are people who want to see her fail and locked up again. She also has a restriction order on seeing her daughter Jessica Anne played by Rachel Lemieux. Rachel Lemieux now a bit older has grown in her role and it's great how she stands up for her mother at times. I particularly liked how she handled that big boy in school saying "watch out maybe it runs in the family". Killings happen but is Mommy the culprit or is there some copycat at work? I have my ideas who did those killings and not going to give it away. This one is really on par with "Mommy" movie.
Pigalina Surprisingly Mommy 2 - Mommy's Day is BETTER than Mommy. Sequels are usually worse and Mommy was dire. Mommy has been released from prison and has an implant in her arm which stops psychopathic rages. People keep dying and they are all linked to Mommy and of course everyone thinks it is her. Mommy insists that it isn't her but nobody believes her. Jessica Ann now lives with her Aunty who doesn't seem to be very sympathetic to the trauma the girl has been through. Anyway, Mommy saves the day in the end, three cheers. Mommy 2 is way better than Mommy, you could get away with just watching this one, you will be able to follow the story just fine, this doesn't mean it was great though.
bfan83 While this movie has a freakin' tidal wave of murders. It still does not live up to the original. This type of movie wasn't made to have countless, senseless murders. It was made to be atmospheric and keep you guessing. And this time around it did not do that for me. Also, Brinke's acting went downhill in this one and the little girl turned into a little brat. This movie just sucks. 1 out of 10.
hippiedj I first read the short story Mommy by Max Allan Collins in a compilation called Fears, and was eager to see the film when it was first released on home video. While Mommy was a fine enough film, Mommy's Day really shines as an extension of the first film yet holding its own well enough. This is actually a superior thriller to Mommy, though needing that first film to base this continuing story on. And a nice DVD treatment as well, I snatched both Mommy and Mommy's Day up at the same time. After escaping a lethal injection for the murders Mommy (Patty McCormack) had committed, she is given a special implant in her arm that will keep her from having homicidal urges. However, since she still tries to see her daughter and other murders are continuing, it doesn't look very good for Mommy. What ensues is a nicely paced, clever mystery that really will draw you in. Considering the budget and only a few weeks to shoot, this is a great example of how you can make a good film with little money. This film proves that Muscatine, Iowa is just as good of a place for a film as anywhere! An exceptionally good cast, brisk story and nicely placed surprises make Mommy's Day a refreshing mystery. Seeing Patty McCormack, Rachel Lemieux, Paul Petersen, Gary Sandy, Brinke Stevens, Mickey Spillane and even other actors from the first film disguised a little to play different ones in this one -- it's a nice surprise how it all just works so well. I'm a mystery buff and have seen many Italian giallo films so that I can usually figure a mystery out rather quickly, but Mommy's Day has a witty tone that even had me wondering up to the end what was really going on. Those that pick this film apart are most likely spoiled from having seen many mega-million dollar Hollywood productions. For the rest that are open-minded and are willing to give the underdogs a chance, Mommy's Day is a fun time and worth seeking out. If you love a good mystery, this will not disappoint! And the country song spoof "If Life Was Fair" sung by Patty McCormack is a total HOOT!!