Moby: Play - The DVD
Moby: Play - The DVD
| 01 July 2001 (USA)
Moby: Play - The DVD Trailers

Play the Videos: - Including five videos never released in the U.S. - Bodyrock (Auditions) (Frederick Bond) - Honey (Roman Coppola) - Find My Baby (Barnaby and Scott) - Natural Blues (David La Chapelle) - Bodyrock (Frederick Bond) - Run On (Mike Mills) - Why Does My heart Feel So Bad? (Animated) - Natural Blues (Animated) - Porcelain (Nick Brandt)

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
fedor8 He barely has a grasp on music, yet he tries his multi-talentless, unskilled hands at politics and comedy too.Yes, the world is in a sad state: international terrorism, the global economic crisis, Oprah Winfrey educating women, and of course Moby's DVDs.Two disasters have hit the world on 9/11: the terrorist attack in 2001 and the birth of Moby the DJ in 1965. Which is worse? You tell me.However, great news, everyone! Evidence from astronomy and cosmology seems to point toward a strong possibility that the known universe will end one day in what is referred to as the "Big Rip": a violent, cataclysmic event in which dark energy becomes so dominant that all matter gets torn and split into its subatomic parts. After that, there will be nothing left but small, lone particles floating around aimlessly (sort of like what happens all the time in Moby's grey matter).The silver lining in all this is that one day all of Moby's recordings, all his photos, and ALL other traces of his talentless existence will be gone forever! Including this abysmal DVD. Good ol' Big Rip...The other scenario is a "Big Chill": the universe will continue to expand (opposing the direction of Moby's protein-starved grey matter which seems to contract with time) until all energy hence all light is gone forever and nearly all matter decays, i.e. for all practical purposes disappears. That might take a little longer than the Big Rip, but it'll be well worth the wait: after that, there'll be no traces of either "We're All Made Of Stars" or "Feeling So Real"! The only DJ in the world who was deaf BEFORE he started playing LPs in front of people."Everything Is Wrong" on this DVD. At least the bald vegan doesn't lie to his fans. Check out this DVD's cover: a child-like buffoon jumping up and down. Perhaps he's finally gained some sense and is actually trampling this DVD, having realized what a dull abomination it is.I'd like to have a famous grandfather, too. Then I can record junk too and make millions just like Moby."Play" is what happens when you refuse to eat meat. Beware of the two big evils: drugs and being a vegan. Because the brains of vegans - especially self-deluded famous one named after fictional water mammals - eventually turn into vegetables.Taking other people's ideas - without even having to pay them - and mixing them with dull beats and an awful production is the breakfast of champions. Champions in selling recycled garbage as "art".Speaking of garbage, how does environmentalism (which PC Moby supposedly promotes) fit in with Moby throwing millions of pieces of rubbish at this Earth for nearly two decades now? Just how much air, sea, and land has this talentless preppie polluted in recent years with his releases? "Why Does My Heart Feels So Bad?" I'll tell you why: I've been inhaling the same air, walked the same land, and drunk the same water that Moby has been polluting all these years. So, in a sense, "We're All Made Of Stars Plus Moby's Inferior Musical Atoms".Recently, Moby appeared at the Exit festival in Serbia: "I apologize to the Serbian people for the 1999 bombing of your country." As if this megalomaniac DJ thinks that his "apology" means anything in the real world. He then went on to praise Obama and bash George Bush. What he probably forgot - or never knew, the poor vegan sap - is that it wasn't Bush's regime that bombed Serbia in 1999, but Bill Clinton's, whose political party Obama just happens to belongs to. Additionally, Obama HIRED Bill's wife as his Secretary of State. This is the kind of confusion that can be found in an average DJ's head.
8088-1 I have REALLY seen that "movie" and would like to comment on it... First impression was: another one fake. Second (after exploring this site): where was video quality during its mastering (ain't that a fake?)Honestly, "Live" subsection in main menu was rather good. I adore Moby for his music. Not for the "Plays" like that."Give an idiot a camcorder" as were announced... Really. CC in the hands of an idiot. Anyway - MOBY is MOBY, and now we can enjoy his music even with that shabbiness of video & audio quality.And, of course, such gorgeous tracks like "Honey", "Why does my heart so bad", "Natural blues", "Porcelain"... This is Moby. Last and all the time!
karmaDhyana I'm a late-comer regarding Moby's music, videos, career, et al. SO I rented 'Moby: Play' and he reeled my a*s in, hook, line and stinker! He's included among his videos "Bodyrock" (Auditions), which features a dozen or more men (well, to tell the truth, there was one I wasn't so sure about) who perform a dance audition to Moby's 'Bodyrock'. That video is the freshest, sexiest and most fun bit of cinema verite I have ever seen. In fact, I'd go so far as to say (she's gonna testify!) that this DVD, while wholly grand and beautiful, is worth the price just to see "Bodyrock".My favorite dancer (and by the look of the Google search returns I recently got a whole lotta other folks are on his vibe, too) is hands-down Phizzo Jobson. I wanna gobble him UP! Amazing energy and a hunk-a-hunk-a burnin' man-meat! Like I said, the whole DVD is excellent, with some of Moby's own cartoons making the video grade, as well as Moby taking some campy home movies incognito... and of course, he includes his 'Natural Blues' hit video (remember how much MTV play that vid got? Sheesh!!), and there's lots more stuff, too.SO I would highly recommend this DVD for not only trance fans, and Moby enthusiasts, but for music lovers of all kinds. There are some bright and shiny treasures lurking in 'Play', and they're all ours for the taking! So, dig it, diane ps... PHIZZO PHREAKS RISE UP!!!
abshire The music videos are great to all have in one place. They vary in quality, and it gets a bit repetitive with the same songs over and over, but it's nice to see the different versions of the videos. The live segment gets really funny at points, don't miss the French Cultural Festival, and the awful Scottish accent section. I didn't have much use for the psychadellic live mix part, but some might be into that.
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