Mobile Suit Gundam F91
Mobile Suit Gundam F91
PG-13 | 01 October 2004 (USA)
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Trailers

U.C. 0123. After a generation of peace, the Earth Federation has begun to build new space colonies to house humanity's growing population. But a new force, the aristocratic Crossbone Vanguard, plans to seize the colonies of the newly constructed Frontier Side for itself. As their home becomes a battlefield, a handful of young civilians struggle to escape the conflict. To save his friends and family, the reluctant warrior Seabook Arno becomes the pilot of a new Gundam which bears the code name F91.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
GazerRise Fantastic!
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
John Doe I found this film to be very boring and dull. It had a poorly written story with bad voice acting for both the Japanese and English dub. And being over two hours long just adds to the problem. Please don't waste time on this Gundam movie like i did as I wish i hadn't seen it.I give Mobile Suit Gundam F91 a 3/10
filmfan1991 "Gundam F91" was Tomino's attempt at starting a new Gundam series after the UC Char-Amuro rivalry ended. Originally this was supposed to be a 50+ episode TV series but staff disputes cut it down to 13 episodes and Tomino ended up making a movie instead with what little he had left. The end result is a mess.The story is very rushed and we don't get enough time to connect with the characters or understand their motives. Characters are introduced out of nowhere and are never developed. Not to mention the very bad time skips for instance where in one scene the main protagonist is fighting in his Gundam and the very next scene no more than 30 seconds later he's in a town on the ground his civilian clothes with no explanation what happened or why he's there.The animation is good and has great fight scenes with the robots. The music is okay but the CrossBone Vanguard's theme sounds way too much like the "Imperial March" theme from "The Empire Strikes Back". How they got away without plagiarism sues I have no idea.If you're a Gundam fan watch it as a curiosity but watch it with low expectations because in the end the story is pointless. It should have been the 50+ episode series it should have been.
Shanqio Mobile Suit Gundam F91 is the the Gundam anime that I consider to have the most potential of being an exceptional gundam production however as it stands in movie form it is far from being anything that it should be.This movie was originally planned to be a 52 episode gundam series but the people at sunrise decided to make it a movie and it a real shame too because if this were a Gundam TV series then it would be a revered one but it's not and the way characters develop and grow are very awkward or, in some cases, character development doesn't happen at all. Seabook Arno, the main character, kind of becomes a newtype out of nowhere just so he could kill Iron Mask, the main bad guy and that makes no sense because from what I could remember there was never an indication he was a newtype. And other people get killed off throughout the movie to make him look more tortured but it doesn't work like how it should. A woman switches sides but there's no indication that she ever switched or wanted to switch see just appears on the other side.Overall, I wish this were the 50 episode TV series it was supposed to be because it would be one of the best gundam series ever made but this movie version is alright because it has a strong beginning and a strong end but it lacks good storytelling, which is the backbone of Mobile Suit Gundam. Again if this were a 50 episode TV series, then any and all of the questions and development issues presented would have been solved easily. Though this movie is not all that good a manga sequel, Crossbone Gundam, was made and it had a 50+ episode feel and ties up loose ends from this movie. Also supplemental manga series such as F90 and Silhouette F91 create a better understanding of the events in this movie. Sadly, NONE of these manga series were ever released outside of Japan. One can only hope that F91 gets re-animated so that justice can be served to this Gundam anime.
rickythedragon I was lucky enough to check out the Gundam F91 premiere at the Otakon convention over the summertime and boy was I impressed. Yoshiyuki Tomino is one of my favorite directors and I grew up watching hisoriginal Gundam series/movies as well as some of his other works.Gundam F91 on the surface looks like your typical Gundam story of war, young boy, impending doom to the colonies, and of course...the Gundam itself. However, the great part about the film is the fact that Tomino is able to weave together a very compact and comprehensive story within a 120 minute film. The animation look pretty good considering the film was released in Japan around 1991. The movie is set about a hundred years in the future within the Gundam time line. You do not need to have any pre-knowledge of Gundam, the other movies/shows...its a self contained story. Young Arno Seabrook is the son of Mobile Suit researcher caught up in a new conflict against an enemy known as the Crossbone Vanguard. Armed with a prototype Mobile Suit, Arno is an accidental hero in the struggle against the Vanguard. All in all, its definitely not the latest and greatest in Japanese animation especially with shows like Gundam SEED and Ghost in the Shell 2 out there, but its definitely an entertaining movie with plenty of giant robots and action.
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