Miss Christina
Miss Christina
| 01 November 2013 (USA)
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The film is an adaptation of the well known short story "Miss Christina" by Mircea Eliade. Moscu arrived at the mansion with his girlfriend, Sanda, the young artist Egor Paşchievici notes that her entire family worships Miss Christina, her aunt murdered in unclear circumstances when she was just 20 years old, during the riots of 1907. Egor is inexplicably drawn into a portrait of Miss Christina and begins to dream. Soon, however, the boundary between dream and reality is blurred and Miss Christina, love Egor, is brought back to life through occult rituals even by her family. When realized, however, that life is in danger Egor Sanda decides to fight the ghost.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
robert-temple-1 This Romanian feature film's title translates as MISS Christina. An English translation of the novel has been completed and will be published in 2016 by Istros Press in the UK. This novel was perhaps the most famous single work of fiction by Mircea Eliade, author of many supernatural novels and stories, one of which, YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH, was rather unsuccessfully filmed by Francis Ford Coppola in 2007. On that occasion, Coppola's screen writing and directing talents fell somewhat short of what we might have expected from him, and perhaps he did not fully enter into the spirit of Romanian supernatural lore, and Eliade's particular take on it. Eliade, a Romanian political exile, was famous for becoming the world's first Professor of the History of Religions (at the University of Chicago), and being the author of countless seminal works such as YOGA (he had lived in India and knew Sanskrit as well as he did Romanian) and SHAMANISM, as well as his astonishingly profound ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF RELIGION, and countless other such works. He was a close friend of Carl Jung. Eliade's influence upon the intellectual progress of the West in the 20th century can hardly be over-estimated. His fiction is of a very high standard, and his supernatural themes are often based upon genuine sacred and folkloric traditions which he knew so well. In this story, the theme is the traditional Romanian one of vampirism. However, Eliade treats it with a rare subtlety which is far from the coarse 'grab 'em and bite 'em' popular Dracula tradition. The film is of excellent quality and has extremely high production values, with perfect Victorian settings, costumes, and props. Considering that the total budget of the film was just over one million euros, it is incredible that such a high standard was achieved for almost no money. The director is Alexandru Maftei. This is only his third feature film, for which he also wrote the excellent screenplay. This novel was filmed also in 1992 in Romania, but I have not seen that version. This film has English subtitles but has apparently not yet been distributed outside Romania, which is astonishing, considering how good it is. In my opinion, this is the best vampire film since Carl Dreyer's VAMPYR (1932). The casting of this film is perfect. Anastasia Dumitrescu is chilling, wickedly alluring, and utterly convincing as the undead Miss Christina. Ioana Anastasia Anton is beautiful, wistful, and languid as Christina's sister Sanda. Tudor Istodor is superb as the young man who hopes to marry Sanda but has no idea what he is getting into. Maia Morgenstern, an immensely experienced older actress and veteran of 54 films, is just right as Mrs. Moscu, the mother, who is confused, obscure, and heavily compromised. Ioana Sandu is the child actress who plays the younger sister Simina with eerie and sinister subtlety and inspiration. It is best not to reveal the whole story, but be assured that it is more complicated than at first appears. This is a thoroughly excellent film, far superior to any of the modern vampire-themed films which have been produced in the English language. It is entirely authentic in its atmosphere and is wonderfully done. Hollywood could learn something from these talented Romanians.
teovidium-1 A movie that will probably change the paradigm of the 2000s in film Romanian. After almost 15 years of minimalism / hyper realism propaganda in Romanian films, "Miss Christina" is the first Romanian Movie that really bring specific of film language (synthesis of cinematography, music, production design, costumes, makeup, sound) in a Romanian film. Look for torrents and pirate bay but it's best to see "Domnisoara Cristina" at the cinema - you will not regret it!A possible point of criticism is the main actor's interpretation (Tudor Istodor as Egor) but nonetheless the film is left standing. Production is another strong point of the film as the movie does not suffer of eternal "low budget" label applies to most of the Romanian films. The crew can be proud to have participated in this production and proved that it can, though.
banyai93 This movie was great. I have seen the premiere today in Cluj. The story is based on a novella written by a famous Romanian author Mircea Eliade. The movie is excellent and can offer a small part of Romanian culture and history. I would really like to see this movie again. Trust me, is WORTH IT. It also has some scary scenes, but not enough to be considered as a horror movie. This is a love story between a human and a ghost of a gorgeous woman who have died of uncertain reasons. The intensity of the emotions I have felt watching the movie was so high that I have fallen in love with the feminine character (the ghost). At the end of the movie, we had the surprise to see the director itself and a few actors live. We asked question about the movie and they have replied to us. I never felt so good in a cinemaIt was such an honor to see them live. And I think it is the best Romanian movie in the world, and it deserves our respect, admiration and a lot of prizes at the International Film Festival in Cannes.At the end, I encourage you again to see this movie and, of course, enjoy it.All the best,Banyai Botond Peter Cluj-Napoca
Valentij Toma The film is an adaptation of the well known short story "Miss Christina" by Mircea Eliade. Moscu arrived at the mansion with his girlfriend, Sanda, the young artist Egor Paşchievici notes that her entire family worships Miss Christina, her aunt murdered in unclear circumstances when she was just 20 years old, during the riots of 1907. Egor is inexplicably drawn into a portrait of Miss Christina and begins to dream. Soon, however, the boundary between dream and reality is blurred and Miss Christina, love Egor, is brought back to life through occult rituals even by her family. When realized, however, that life is in danger Egor Sanda decides to fight the ghost.