Miss Cast Away
Miss Cast Away
| 10 November 2004 (USA)
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A plane carrying beauty contestants crash lands on a deserted island. Captain Maximus Powers and co-pilot Mike Saunders have to take care of their passengers, while avoiding the dangers of Jurassic Pork (a giant prehistoric pig) and a group of apes busy trying to relaunch Noah's Ark.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Anders Twetman Three questions arise in my mind when watching this movie, "What?", "Why?" and "How come this in not over yet?"There are random things happening all through the movie that make you wonder what the heck is going on. One or two unexplained things, sure, but there are so many of these random events that it makes your head spin. When you finally figure out what is going on (is it joke, or actually part of the plot?) the next question is why, why is this nonsensical thing happening? It's completely ridiculous. I figure it out at the end, all the weird stuff going on is part of some subplot or other, and they do actually tie all of them up in the end (in a haphazard and untidy fashion but still) but the problem is that there is no main plot, only subplot, the end result is a nearly unwatchable mess.To top it all off there is a large amount of unfunny jokes thrown in here and there, much like in Epic Movie, which is not a good thing. The only reason I give this 2/10 instead of 1/10 is the laughable green screen effects, they are much funnier than the jokes.
MartinHafer A planeload of incredibly stupid beauty contestants crashes on an island and lots of movie genres are spoofed in this film. If you fond films like "Disaster Movie", "Epic Movie" and "Meet the Spartans" too intellectually challenging, then I have a movie suggestion for you! "Miss Castaway and the Island Girls" is a spoof with non-stop humor(?) and is very similar to these other films--but the budget is significantly lower and the jokes are even dumber (yes, apparently this IS possible!). However, in defense of "Miss Castaway", it cost less to make and at least didn't make young adults significantly stupider--as no one went to see this film (whereas, inexplicably, the other three were well attended--which seems to prove that the apocalypse is real and imminent). I also would say that although the film is totally awful, it....no, wait...there's nothing more to say...the film is just terrible. Now considering the cast of mostly no-names and fourth-rate stars and faded stars, this is no huge surprise. With the likes of Eric Roberts (who used to be famous), this isn't a surprise--nor is it a surprise with guest spots by the like of Stuart Pankin, Pat Morita, Jerry Lewis and Bernie Kopell and, interestingly, Michael Jackson.So why did I watch this banal film? Well, I have a confession to make. I occasionally like a terrible film. Considering I have reviewed hundreds or perhaps thousands of art films, foreign films and documentaries, sometimes I just need a good laugh--and a bad movie can be funny. No, the jokes aren't funny---but laughing at how incredibly bad a film can be is good for a laugh. This film, not surprisingly, is on IMDb's infamous Bottom 100 list, I HAD to see it! So, if you WANT to see a terrible film, give this one a watch--it's funny in a brainless way and is great for a group of friends to watch and laugh at some minor ex-stars self-destruct. Plus, it makes no pretense--it doesn't try to be anything more than dumb--and I can appreciate that.
nosiesnetnieuws There was a time when Michael Jackson was revered as the King of Pop. Then came a time when he attracted negative publicity as much as lemonade attracts wasps. Finally, it is now the time that we feel truly sorry for this man.This 'movie' is another reason to. I promised a rabid Michael Jackson fan to watch it with her. You know the type of fan -- someone who tells him- or herself to like everything the object of affection ever did. While watching this movie, which she had seen twice already, I realized how far this fandom goes. Probably far enough to rate this movie above a 1/10, as some people miraculously did.The movie attempts to be a parody of many other movies and series, most notably Cast Away, Lost and Jurassic Park. Unfortunately, it fails miserably at any level. The acting does not save the absolutely horrible story, the filming has the quality of a too-often played video tape, the special effects were better executed in Be Kind Rewind (for those who do not now this movie: with aluminum foil)... All this would be funny if the movie managed to be, well, funny. Unfortunately, it is not. It hurts to watch this.And then there is Michael Jacksons appearance in this garbage. He appears on a projection screen to deliver an important message, and manages to come across as mobile as Jabba the Hutt and as serious as a 4-year old. Just when I thought "who is the terrible person that lured this poor man into participating in this movie and yet again making a total fool of himself", I (finally) reached the ending credits and discovered that the movie was actually partially shot at Jackson's Neverland ranch. In other words: He. Likes. It.This movie, and Jackson's involvement in it, is truly disturbing. Do not watch it even for the "haha, a movie in the IMDb Bottom 100" effect. Or be warned.
filmfun-3 If you like silly comedies like Airplane you'll love this movie! It's definitely in the style of Airplane and Scary Movie. A fun film! It has the strangest cast of characters all in the same movie. Michael Jackson, Evan Marriott, Joyce Giraurd, Stuart Pankin, Charlie Schlater and Eric Roberts. The special effects are hokey, but I think they're supposed to be since it's a silly comedy. There is apparently two versions of the film, one at Blockbuster and one on the official website: MissCastaway.com. The one on the website appears to be a preview release version signed by the director. There's some fun behind the scenes material filmed at Neverland with Michael Jackson as well. The movie was filmed in 2003 and says it's PG rated fun on the box.