Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
R | 19 October 1990 (USA)
Mirror Mirror Trailers

Shy teenager Megan moves to a new town with her widowed mother and quickly becomes the most unpopular girl in high school. But when she starts to communicate with a mysterious mirror, her tormentors begin to meet with a horrifying series of 'accidents'. Is the mirror a reflection of Megan's own inner demons... or has she unwittingly opened the doorway of the damned?

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Lawbolisted Powerful
WiseRatFlames An unexpected masterpiece
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
jadavix "Mirror Mirror" is a fairly entertaining horror movie which is held back by a flimsy presence and an uninteresting "villain", if villain she be.It is about an apparently haunted mirror which gives its owner magical powers. The mirror is inherited by a young goth girl who is bullied at school. Soon her mirror allows her to get revenge on her tormentors and teachers, steaming a stuck up popular girl in the shower room at school, and giving poor Stephen Tobolowsky a heart attack. The only one who can stop the mounting body count is the only girl who was nice to the goth when she first came to school.For a movie with such a silly premise, "Mirror Mirror" actually has fairly good production values, featuring a few different locations and a few actors you might recognize: aside from Tobolowsky, there's also Karen Black and William Sanderson. However, I was just never able to swallow the premise that the mirror is evil. I've had my issues with mirrors - I've never liked the look of the guy I see when I look at one - but the one in this movie isn't even particularly scary looking. Furthermore, how is it granting the goth girl powers? Does she stand in front of it and ask it questions? We never find out. It seems that it would have been fairly straight forward to depict a being in the mirror speaking to the goth girl, but instead they just show a bunch of people dying in generic supernatural ways and leave it to us to figure out that the mirror is somehow involved.Further, the goth girl could have been a typical sympathetic villain, someone whose actions we understand even if we don't approve of them, but the movie doesn't make her likeable or interesting, and nor does it even make her tormentors worthy of contempt.The result is a horror movie which does nothing to rise above mediocrity, and has nothing to remember it by, aside a single silly idea.
Rainey Dawn I can see a bit of rip-off from "Carrie", "Christine", "Beetlejuice" & "Edward Scissorhands" in this film. The teen girl looks like she just walked out the mid-80s New Wave Goth scene (That Beetlejuice look about her lol). There is quite a bit of comedy in this for it not to be a comedy-horror. Cutesy stuff like one would see from "Edward Scissorhands" - the mom, Karen Black's character and the woman showing off the house in the start of the film.The goth daughter's attitude towards her new friend after she has the power from the mirror is quite a bit like Arnie's from "Christine".Finally, the entire film is a teen revenge film using some sort of otherworldly power similar to "Carrie". I was hoping this was going to be a good ghost story when I started the film but it is NOT ... I never saw the previews for this one, just watched it on Amazon Prime.The film is not as the film's poster looks... nor nearly as good as it is described to be. 2/10
atinder Mirror, Mirror (1990) If I did see trailer which dose show most of the movie but It didn't really a fact the movie that much but it better seeing this movie , before even thinking about the trailer. I really enjoyed it was a lot of fun to watch, This movie had some very creepy moment that worked really with really good tense before some very gross moment and some of death scenes were really gory and very well done.The death in shower is was total unexpected really took me by surprisedThis had from the very first second of the movie until decent ending of the movie. Great acting from the whole cast I giving this movie 8! out of 10 GREAT Fun movie! UNDERRATED)
trashgang This is made in the era when nobody was watching horror any more. The slashers were over and nobody liked horror, it was not done. Most of the flicks made after the slashers were a bit lame and didn't over anything. Mirror Mirror was made in that era. This flick was directed by Marina Sargenti before she left the movie business (only made 2 flicks, this being her first attempt) before entering the field of series (Models inc.). For making her first flicks it do had some names in it like Karen Black and Yvonne De Carlo. For me it was funny to see a short appearance of True Blood's sheriff William Sanderson.Naturally in those kind of flicks were the supernatural or witchcraft is important the outcasts of society are the main reason to experience with those powers. Here we have a Culture Club look-a-like supposed to be a Goth. But once she knows the power of a mirror left at her new home she starts using it as a revenge because nobody wants to be her friend and boys are rejecting her. The story itself is a bit slow on today's norms but some effects do their work. For being made in 1990 the effect used with the mirror was a bit laughable but the burned skin and the return of a deceased one is pretty done.It's a kind of movie that they could have aired at a Saturday night. It delivers some good stuff and for the perverted out there it even contains a shower scene of Charlie Spradling. It's a perfect example that back then horror was on the run searching for what to become next. You can see the effects go away from latex towards cheap computer effects (won't call it CGI). A mediocre effort.