Minions: Home Makeover
Minions: Home Makeover
G | 13 December 2010 (USA)
Minions: Home Makeover Trailers

A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
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Horst in Translation ( "Home Makeover" is another pretty short spin-off that came out after the first "Despicable Me". This one actually features all the characters and not only the Minions, the girls have some screen time and Gru appears at the end as well. Kyle Balda directed this one just like the other two short films and he also directed the pretty successful "Minions" movie very recently. His co-director, also like in the other two short films, is Samuel Tourneux, an Academy Award nominee for "Even Pigeons Go to Heaven". Anyway, here a social worker from the orphanage pays an unexpected visit, but sadly Gru is not home, so the girls (and the Minions) take care of the issue. All in all, not as funny as I hoped sadly. These short films are certainly weaker than the feature movies.
Michael_Elliott Home Makeover (2010) *** (out of 4) Charming short from the DECPICABLE ME series has a social worker coming to Gru's home to see if it's live-able for children so Edith, Margo and Agnes must get the house cleaned up and remodeled. Of course the minions are along to help out. This is certainly better than the main feature itself as well as the other shorts that were included with its release. There are quite a few funny moments here but the overall film just has a very good flow to it as the minions and the three orphans work around the house and have to come up with creative ideas to cover up the dangerous items there. The stuff dealing with the tennis balls was very funny as was the painting scheme. Fans of the series will certainly enjoy this one.
kill-the-boxtrolls So, I really liked the movie "Despicable Me" and adored its narrative storyline so much that I had wanted to get the DVD for Christmas. Luckily, I did. But before then, I heard that they were releasing three short movies to go along with the DVD in a DVD called, "Minion Madness." The one I had gotten was the double feature so I was reading the synopsis for all the movies including "Home Makeover" and learned that it was about the main characters, little girls from Despicable Me attempting to turn the house into a form of a child's imagination. So that they could keep the social worker from trying to sell the girls back to Miss Hattie's. While watching this short for about one minute, I pictured something a little naive. "Home Makeover" is actually a plush little comedy spin-off about how hard life can be when you're growing up and how things change especially after you're being adopted and you're still in the contract while these girls are home alone with Margo being the oldest (obviously around 10 or 11) and she's even old enough to babysit her younger adoptive sisters. It also illustrates on how the pressures of being home alone can be painful, frustrating and lonesome like for instance: the movie, "Home Alone." Especially for a preteen in the midst of adoption. Margo is not you're average babysitter (or nanny) and even the other little girls, Agnes and Edith are not your average kids whom you want to babysit with. They are unconfined, lonely and nervous about the situation. But Margo, (I think) shows her sisters how life can be frustrating and even painful sometimes and learning how to work as a team together to get the problem solved. Movies/Shorts/TV shows about a personal, popular group from another movie working as a team to get over a problem always tend to work if the build-up is correct (which can be really tough sometimes even if the girls from "Despicable Me" were never working as a team together. You see, they were really anxious and hopeless after their abduction by Vector.) Well, here, it's done in a pretty childlike and naive way in which children of any age can entertain themselves with. Possibly watch it about five times with the addition of the movie (twice) to learn how tough life can be and how to get over problems. By the end, I was brightened that one of the girls with tomboyish problems learn to get over things. Shorts spun off of very light-hearted movies are usually a little coy but "Home Makeover" is one of the exceptions. It understands life very well and how the world goes around and around. Even though Agnes still acts a little foolish, she is not in a bad way though, she grows smarter and she learns to care about her older sisters and even herself, and even before I saw this remarkable short, I came to care about her even before I had to watch the movie whenever she went, "IT'S SO FLUFFY I AM GOING TO DIE!" I was desperate to see the movie specifically for her. *** from *****
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