Miniature Theatre
Miniature Theatre
| 31 March 1906 (USA)
Miniature Theatre Trailers

Three young children set up a table, and on the table is placed a miniature stage. The stage curtain opens, a carpet appears, and then the carpet unrolls by itself. Two puppet figures then come out and begin to perform a series of routines.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
He_who_lurks "Bob's Electric Theater" is somewhat a comedy, made in the year 1906. Two years later the directer, Segundo de Chomon, would go on to make his "Electric Hotel" using the same tricks. While this film certainly isn't a masterpiece, it is a good example of stop-motion techniques. Basically some bored children (one of them being Bob) set up a miniature theater on a table. Then we're treated to several acts (4 in all) performed by some miniature dolls. This really isn't that amusing, but the stop-motion works well and the film is fairly fun to watch. The 3rd act is, just so you know, badly defected but still watchable, while the rest of the print is pristine. The version I've seen was tinted pink (some of the other reviewers have mentioned seeing a faded color print of the film, which may not have the film damage). A watchable feature, bland at times but still something today's audiences might enjoy.
tavm Just watched this silent doll animated short on the UCLA Preserved Silent Animation site. Directed by Segundo de Chomon, whose El Hotel Electrico I reviewed a few years ago, this one's hand-colored tinted. The beginning sequence has three children, two boys and a girl, by themselves with the girl playing with her doll while the boys are running around in preparation for their puppet show. The first act-signaled by the number on the curtain-has two little male puppets fencing. The second act has them fist fighting. Because of decomposing, the third act is gone though we see the curtain with that number which cuts to the fourth one where a man puppet goes on the parallel bars before letting those move away as he literally flies on air. The end. While primitive, Miniature Theatre (or Bob's Electrical Theatre as it was printed on the version I saw) is fascinating to watch when one considers the history of film animation. So on that note, it's worth a look.
JoeytheBrit Spanish director Segundo de Chomon made a number of trick colour films for Pathe in the early twentieth century. This is quite an entertaining example of stop-motion photography which, while it might look quite run of the mill today was quite advanced for its time.The film is stencil tinted with colour - as many of de Chomon's films were. It opens with three (real) children deciding to hold a theatrical show using their miniature stage. The camera closes in on the stage and the viewer is treated to a number of 'acts,' most of which involve a couple of toys fighting and wrestling each other. It's pretty simple stuff by today's standards but young kids should still be entertained.
Snow Leopard This novelty/special effects feature is pleasant to watch, and though much of it is somewhat bland, it has some energy and is sometimes colorful as well. Though it has now faded somewhat, there are some stretches in which the hand-tinted color works particularly well.The story starts with three children setting up a miniature stage, which then hosts some miniature puppet figures that perform a variety of acts. Most of the routines by the figures are a bit bland, but just watching them in action is rather agreeable. In themselves, the special effects are about average for the time. The jerkiness of their movements is probably a deliberate style choice.The children are not on screen for very long, but they are rather lively, especially the one who introduces the show. Overall, the feature is probably just about average, mostly worth seeing for its innocent energy and the novelty camera effects.