Million Dollar Crocodile
Million Dollar Crocodile
| 08 June 2012 (USA)
Million Dollar Crocodile Trailers

Xiao befriends Amao, a 36 foot crocodile, who lives on his fathers croc sanctuary. Soon his father is forced to sell the crocodiles to a gangster who plans to use them for high priced meals.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
GL84 After escaping from a diner intending to eat it, a monstrous crocodile begins rampaging through China looking for a place to rest and forcing the authorities and an officer's son to stop the creature before it overruns the area.This here was quite the fun and enjoyable creature feature. One of the better elements featured here is the fact that the main croc gets loose so early in the film which gives this some really enjoyable times. The early scenes for that are pretty fun, from the capture in it's pen as they lure it out and take it away, as well as the actual escape from the group when they're preparing to chop it up which makes for some really fun times overall here with the actual action of the escape. The early confrontations here where it attacks the girl in the rice paddies, a later attack on the boys swimming in the stream and a rather fun encounter along the side of the road offer up some enjoyable elements, while offering the perfect base for which the film's big action scenes which really give this one a lot to really enjoy here. There's several rather big scenes here, from the first one being the house ambush as it chases them around onto the second floor where they manage to get away in a really unique manner, the battle with the gangsters in the forest where they get to chase it through the streams nearby out into the river and the later attack down by the river where they try to lure it out by putting themselves in the direct line of fire against the creature in some really thrilling and suspenseful scenes while the action here makes for some really exciting times as the logical actions make for a rousing finale. As well, the fact that this part of the film also introduces the rather enjoyable concept about the creatures' inherent goodness and sensitivity that's normally not found in these kinds of movies which adds an extra layer to the creature that makes it more than a mindless killing machine so common in these kinds of efforts. Along with the absolutely enjoyable practical croc effects, this one has some enjoyable parts over it's minor flaws. The film's biggest issue is the rather overbearing and aggravating plot line about the materialistic girl whining on and on about the lost money inside the croc which makes for a pretty aggravating time here when almost every single scene she's in is based on these aggravating tactics. Another minor issue here is the fact that there's several unnecessary elements featured which are hard to watch and really have no purpose being here, namely the violence against the small crocs which looks like the actual animals are being killed to be eaten in the restaurant which isn't that appealing to see the wounds being dished out. Likewise, the nudity of the pre-pubescent boys doesn't do anything for this one as the age of the performers should've rendered the tactic utterly unnecessary to begin with. Along with the suspect CGI for the croc, there here are the film's issues.Rated PG-13: Violence, Language, child nudity and violence-against-animals.
PWNYCNY This is an entertaining, campy movie. The poor crocodile isn't really a monster; it just acts that way because it's aggravated. It's the people who exhibit bizarre behavior. This movie offers a dreary and troubling depiction of people. The only character worthy of respect is the crocodile. Everyone else is loud, obnoxious, incompetent and greedy. No wonder the crocodile wants to be left alone. The plot bears a slight resemblance to the original King Kong. In both movies a large, menacing creature is exploited, causing much havoc. The cinematography is good and the depictions of the crocodile are convincing. This is a big creature. But it is not a monster. Rather, it's an animal that is being mistreated and so is defending herself. The creature lacks the intelligence to discern friend from enemy, and so lashes out indiscriminately. Lacking decisional capacity, the crocodile is blameless for any harm done; that is attributable solely to the humans, many of whom are hysterical. There is little character development, but the movie provides enough information for a coherent story. Although this movie has its flaws, nevertheless it is interesting and entertaining, and teaches that one should respect other creatures, especially ones that weigh thousands of pounds and have huge, sharp teeth.
Kaya Ozkaracalar A large crocodile kept in a zoo is sold to be chopped out for meat but escapes in the nick of the time. It swallows a young woman's bag with her life savings in it. So the lady, as well as a disparate group of people, falls on its trail.This is a relatively light-hearted crocodile-on-rampage movie as it doesn't feature much gore even though the croc does kill a few people. The cgi is not bad at all (much better than the recent Z-grade American croc films if you set your standards at that low level), but it still shows itself to be cgi in some scenes.The highlight of the movie is when the croc enters a house, rampaging through a stairway, breaking through the walls and even assaulting people who had taken shelter at the roof. Subsequent scenes in which a croc trainer challenges and tries to subdue the giant beast just with a large stick are also very interesting; being a croc movie fan and having watched about two dozen croc movies so far, I had never seen such a scene before in any other croc movie.There is a heavy dose of intentional comedy, some of which is tolerable and some of which is pretty pathetic.
LARSONRD This is not, in fact, a new mega-gator from the folks at The Asylum, but rather it is a very entertaining Hong Kong comedy film originally titled MILLION DOLLAR CROCODILE. With a fine cast whose performances are muddled somewhat from over-the-top and campy English dubbing, this is a fun story about an 8-meter crocodile that is sold by its keeper to a sushi bar, but it soon escapes and ravages the countryside. Peopled by a diverse cast of eccentric and crazed characters, including (in fine Gamera kaiju style) a young boy who befriends the monster, the story plays out in typical giant monster fashion, only with plenty of slapstick and funny asides from the characters along the way. CGI visual effects are acceptable to very good. The orchestral music score, attributed to a Chinese composer named Dong Dongdong, is very supportive a well.