| 12 April 2004 (USA)
Miffo Trailers

Tobias is the new, idealistic priest in a suburb but he soon learns that his flock is quite uninterested in Christianity. However, he befriends Carolina, a chain smoking woman his age, wheelchair-bound since birth. It is opposites attract although their backgrounds are different.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
wbbybn I enjoyed this movie. The opening minutes were especially good, I thought, and they really grabbed my interest with their humour and unexpectedness (although I had no idea what the movie was about before I saw it anyway). I don't know that I felt much empathy with any of the characters, but they were interesting, the story was watchable if not overly gripping and the funny parts were genuinely funny. I don't know that the deadbeat boyfriend of Carola was very believable, but there was drama, romance, sex, comedy, misunderstanding, loss and love. What more could you want from a bit of light entertainment? It wasn't brilliant, but it was good fun. Why was it called 'Miffo' though?
holm_victor The film was about guy called Tobias who is a priest. He just moved out from his old apartment and moved into his "X" girlfriends apartment in Uppsala. He starts working in a church but no people is coming to his assemblies. So Tobias decides do go knock on doors to decide people to come to church. Every body is turning him down. But when he almost has given up his hopes a woman comes out of her apartment door. The woman sits in a wheelchair. She rools up to Tobias and says shes sorry that she coulden't answer the door before because she was in the restroom. She said her name was Carola. Tobias and Carola goes to a restaurant and eat pizza. After a couple of weeks Carola's fake dad died so Tobias has to ceep the funeral. the day after he and Carola goes to water the plants in Tobias parents apartment because they are on a holiday.
prenumerera This isn't really a romantic comedy to me, it is more of a drama film that is made to look like a comedy because else it would not sell as many movie tickets. The drama part of this comedy gives it a depth that other movies is this genre doesn't have.None the less this movie makes you laugh a lot. There are many scenes with toally crazy situations where i laughed my pants off.*spoilers*A movie about a handicapped girl with a alchoholic mother is more of a drama film than anything. All her friends are alchoholics and hang out in the ghetto. The girl even tries to commit suicide in one scene, this makes strong impression on me. But as this girl has a lovely personality the main male charachter can't seem to forget...*end spoilers*I can recommend this movie for everyone that likes swedish comedy and drama movies. 8/10.
Tomi-13 If your into current swedish movies, this one holds the standard. A somewhat unusual storyline with surprises at regular intervals keeps it going. Scenery seen in the movie is very true to current Stockholm and it's suburbs. Casting is quite ok too.