NR | 23 March 2017 (USA)
Metamorphoses Trailers

A girl is approached by a strange boy outside her high school. He asks her to follow him to hear stories where gods fall in love with human beings.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Micitype Pretty Good
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
SnoopyStyle In rural France, a hunter encounters a god in the woods. He gets turned into a deer and shot by his fellow hunter. Europa is a teen girl who picks up truck driver Jupiter. He tells her about the time he turned Io into a cow.This is basically Roman mythology in the modern age. This movie faces many difficulty. Mostly, it is very static. The actors are amateurs. Jupiter should probably be older. He's like a dirty hipster in this. The main plot is rather static and meandering. The recollections only make it even more static in the narrative flow. Then it turns into a convoluted mess. It's hard to follow the characters and the stories. It's a lot of naked people doing who knows what. There is a fluidity in sexuality. That's the only compelling aspect in this movie after the initial Jupiter and Europe encounter. I just stop caring about the plot if there is one. I don't know much about the Greek myths. At least, I could figure out Mother! I don't know what's going on here.
hannahfreese-24457 Best international movie i have watched in a very long time, based upon one of my favorites, metamorphosis by ovid
Joris Christophe Honoré is one of those typical French author cineasts: it doesn't get any artier than this. Nothing wrong with some pretentious French cinema of course. Métamorphoses has some very strong and unique moments, especially because of the transgressive way Honoré explores Ovid's mythological universe and transports it to a contemporary context. On the other hand, the transgressive style and content are harmless and even quite loyal to Ovid's poem. Seen in that way, this film isn't transgressive at all and has more of an artsy, experimental pretence. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, but it all is quite superficial for a movie that attempts to be something much more. The cinematography is extremely beautiful though, as well as the soundtrack and some of its symbolism. But when it comes to French l'art pour l'art cinema, I think Les rencontres d'après minuit succeeds way better in its intent. Maybe because, although the film also is very autoletic, it transcends itself by subverting some bourgeois notions. Something Métamorphoses didn't do at all. But then again, maybe it's just me and my limited way of experiencing films like this.
euroGary Seen by your reviewer at the 2014 London Film Festival, 'Métamorphoses' transplants Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' to modern-day, working-class France (for those unfamiliar with Ovid - I'm not sure I'd ever heard of him - he was a poet from ancient Rome). A group of Roman deities wander the countryside meddling in human affairs - meddling that generally involves nudity and livestock.I can't make up my mind whether or not I like this film; I will say it was engrossing. Despite the 'flashbacks within flashbacks within flashbacks' structure, writer/director Christophe Honoré manages to keep the storyline, such as it is, flowing neatly and the viewer does not get confused about where he is in the narrative.Little of the nudity is particularly attractive; unfortunately Honoré has gone for people with natural, rather than film star (or indeed classical god-like), bodies! But my main concern is the treatment of the many animals in the film: a cow simply standing tethered in a field is one thing, but in the scene where a lion and lioness are trapped in a room and the lioness begins to attack the lion, one wonders whether that was spontaneous action or was she trained to do it - and if so, was anyone concerned for the animals' welfare?