R | 01 November 2006 (USA)
Memory Trailers

Dr. Taylor Biggs is haunted by a past that's not his own. A hallucinatory drug gives him the power to see visions of vicious crimes, visions made all that more disturbing when he discovers that the murderous memories may belong to the father he never knew . Biggs's mother, whose own failing memory makes her powerless to help him unravel his family history.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
clarisd Seems they listen to Coast to Coast am. All the subjects, such as genetic memories,sitting with the dead, powders used for trances, serial killers, strange family connections. The customers of tribes that still live in south America. Well all of this and more is covered by C2Cam. I felt the tensions created, but I did guess that a woman was the killer. I also wondered if the artist was the child that escaped. Others have given this a bad review. I would ask them to research some of the actual work on many of the subjects raised in the film. I enjoyed the film. It was not rushed, the timing was good and the problem I had is the advert breaks, they came at the wrong moments.
natejf1-1 This was a very, very good movie! I thought the dialog was completely realistic and the reactions of the characters to the events as they unfolded were very believable. A great job of storytelling and a great story!!! One thing I really liked was that the background music was just that, BACKGROUND! So many films today have music that so over powers the spoken lines that they cannot be understood. I watched this for the first time on DVD and also enjoyed the "Making of" segment of the special features. Davlin and Badalucco are fantastic storytellers and movie makers. This is a don't miss movie as will be any movie either of these men are involved with. I do wish that the DVD had closed captioning
HumanoidOfFlesh The plot of "Memory" goes like that:When Dr.Taylor Briggs is exposed to a mysterious drug while lecturing in Brazil,he is forced to relive the dark,twisted memories of a killer. Embarking upon a lone journey to unlock the mystery of a past that is not his own,Taylor must find a killer whose horrifying work may not be over...First of all I really don't understand the rave reviews this film has on IMDb.I found "Mem-o-re" disappointing,frustrating and dull.Billy Zane does his professional best with what he is given and Ann-Margret is always interesting to watch.The story itself is silly and the film lacks suspense and gore.By the thing lurches to its woefully obvious finale,you'll be knee-deep into snoozeville.I suggest avoiding this one.5 out of 10.
Hana (saara77) I have seen this movie twice. The first time, it seemed to me - interesting start, slow middle, fast and not explained end. But, I thought that a movie with stars like Hopper, Margaret or Zane should not be so crap. That is why I decided to watch it for the second time. Well, for the second time it seemed to me a little bit better, but still - interesting, slow and then fast, but at least I did understand everything at the end. The movie has a great idea, that's right, something for X-files or something like that. But actually, it supposed to be a thriller film not only a part of a long long series. Simply the writer made it a little bit chaotic and because the movie was so slow the whole time he had to put all the explanations into the last five minutes - that's a shame.