PG-13 | 23 July 1997 (USA)
Memories Trailers

In this anime anthology, a salvage ship crew happens upon a haunted vessel in "Magnetic Rose"; a cold tablet turns a lab worker into a biological weapon in "Stink Bomb"; and an urban populace carries on an endless war with an unseen foe in "Cannon Fodder."

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Julian Bastidas Really this movie is far from being just three pretentious short films just putted together; is a masterpiece that reveal certain aspects of human behavior, that explores sadness, fear, loneliness, egoism, hope, alienation, and the sacrifice of truth for happiness.Two of the short films (the first and the third one) are, personally, in my top 10 of short films of every kind; that's the level of the films.The First One shows the reactions of different people before an opportunity that brings you happiness, but in exchange you must give up to the truth, to believe blindly in this new reality that is a complete fake. One of the characters picks up to sacrifice truth for happiness, the other one prefers truth; so you can compare both sides. And in the end you finish asking yourself: ¿What would I Choose?... All with powerful images, great sceneries, and a very realistic way of animation. It reminds me another masterpiece : "Open Your Eyes" (Alejandro Amenábar).The Second Story is a comedy that mark us a situation in which a Biogenetic weapon (by the way, a very strange one... "An Stink Bomb") is activated and the security of the hole country (Japan) is in danger. So decisions must be made and to kill the one that ports the weapon looks like the clever option, but USA has inverted his money in the investigation, so kill the boy is not the option. It explores the egoism of a country that prefers to preserve his own interest first, that to watch over the people's health. It brings out the eternal protest against the powerful nations that historically have veil first for his interests than for the human race, and the dangers that this situations brings. Only that, in difference with the common anti imperial movies this is a comedy that makes you laugh in many parts.The Third and final one introduces us to a world that is in continue state of emergency and that lives for attacking a enemy that, in the whole film, you and them (the characters) can't see; and an enemy that, with certain situations, the creator suggest us that maybe it doesn't exist. The television programs, the paintings, the school, the houses, the common labors, all is just directed to the same direction: attack the enemy, destroy it. You see, in the movie, the live of a boy that only dreams in becoming a weapon shooter, not a weapon builder or a weapon constructor, because the figure of the weapon's shooter is very prestigious and worthy. This is a film that tries to do a profound explore of alienation; and, for that, it finish being a anti war movie and a movie that makes you think a lot about the useless and harmful of war alienation.Many of the other persons that made an opinion of this movie before me write that the three short films didn't have any kind of connection, but I like to think and think again to create my own version, so I find my own connection in these little masterpieces (hope you coincide with me): "Anti Imperialism"; that applies to the imperial states at any period of history, from the old Rome, passing by the Hitlers Germany to the actual USA.All of these states uses the alienation (like in the third history shows) to attack the enemies, the real ones and the fake ones (like the newest USA war, in Irak), and in this process is reflected the egoism of a country (like the second history shows), that does all that it can to preserve his power, even if that harms other countries. And in the hole process is involved the question: Do I Choose the Truth or do I choose my own happiness?... and this question goes to all the people in the world in front of the behavior of some powerful nations and people, like in Rwanda: Do you Choose to Stay Happy at your home and to ignore the bad things that are happening in the world or do you choose the truth (that implies to act) ?
emasterslake I saw this movie very recently. And I have to say it's an amazing flick done by 3 masterminds of Anime, including Otomo(who later directed Steamboy).All 3 episodes of this movie are both unique and well thought up.Magnetic Rose: The Date: October 12, 2092 A.D., the scrap collection ship, Corona has recently destroyed an old satellite deep in space. The crew members received an S.O.S. signal from a large heap of scrap. Heinz and Miguel went inside it to locate the source of the signal. But soon discover a world created by the memories of an Opera Diva.Stink Bomb: Nobuo Tanaka, a young chemist has been suffering from a series of colds. He went to meet a doctor who's said to have a special cold medicine to stop colds instantly. The doctor wasn't there, so he helped himself to the pills he believed to be the medicine. The next day Nobuo's wake up realizing that he overslept at his work all night. When he got up and head for his office, he noticed that everyone in the building is laying around unconscious(which he thinks they are). But little does Nobuo know is he became the strong biological weapon in the world. A stench that's so powerful it can kill a person instantly, even if you were wearing a gas mask.Cannon Folder: The everyday life in a fictional,grim,futuristic military city, where cannons are a common weapon and a defense system on every building and facility. The story revolves on a family of 3 who live through this organized and tight society. The son is a regular kid who hopes to fire cannons for a living someday. The mom works at a manufacturing like plant, while the father works with the cannon shells for the Big Cannon. The Big Cannon is the largest cannon in the city and used to fire on the unknown enemy they were fighting with. The entire episode is all done in one take animation(as in no cut scenes at all!).Those who like strange/visual/interesting anime might like this one. Memories is a memorable movie. It's available on Region 1 DVD, only in Japanese with subtitles. So if you like the sound of what this movie is about, then check it out for yourself.
LARSONRD Amazing anime trilogy from AKIRA's Katsuhiro Otomo, who presents three unrelated sci fi stories directed by different directors (he did the last one, writers/first-time directors Tensai Okamura and Koji Morimoto did the other two). They are amazing vignettes with some stupendous animation in three different styles. Otomo's is especially unique in that there are no cuts – the "camera" moves fluidly through every scene without a jump or a stop. Morimoto's 40-min "Magnetic Rose" is stunningly animated, the most amazing of the two, telling of a space ship's investigation of a distress signal discovering a magnificent world created by a woman's memories – the music takes advantage of the operatic aria, Madame Butterfly, arranged by Yoko Kanno, who also supplies an excellent original score. "Stink Bomb," the middle segment, is clever and funny and fast-paced; Otomo's anti-war statement in "Cannon Fodder" closes out the film with a subtle bit of thought-provocation about a city whose entire purpose is the firing of cannons at an unknown enemy.
Quincy Hughes It's an anthology. It's three stories of 45 minutes, 40 minutes and 15 minutes that have nothing at all to do with one another. In fact, the film's title only refers to the first story. This film is one part science-fiction thriller, one part bioterrorism comedy (THERE'S a category I've never put a film in!) and one part single-shot (99% of it, anyway) borderline-documentary.Disney couldn't make a film this engrossing if the fate of mankind depended on it.Those who have what I call the "It's an Anime" stigma should shake it off for "Memories". Rent this. Buy this. See this!
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