Melvin Purvis G-Man
Melvin Purvis G-Man
| 09 April 1974 (USA)
Melvin Purvis G-Man Trailers

Agent Melvin Purvis is placed in charge of running down notorious killer Machine Gun Kelly, and sets out to do just that.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Wizard-8 Although "Melvin Purvis G-MAN" had its premier on television in North America, there's evidence to suggest it played in theaters in other countries. The movie was backed by American-International Pictures, for one thing. And the production values are generally good, with a lot of period detail ranging from clothing to automobiles. But whether seen on television or in theaters, I would guess most viewers at the time were disappointed with the movie. Although the title claims the movie will be a grand look at Melvin Purvis, he is actually in less of the movie than you'd think. At times he's an afterthought. And because of his limited use, we don't get a good exploration of his character. As the title figure, Dale Robertson tries, but even he can't juice up his limited character. There was a sequel made to this movie in the following year, but judging from this movie I'll think I'll give it a pass.
gavin6942 Agent Melvin Purvis (Dale Robertson) is placed in charge of running down notorious killer Machine Gun Kelly (Harris Yulin), and sets out to do just that.I have been on a gangster kick lately, watching the films I could on Dillinger, Pretty Boy, Bonnie and Clyde and others. When I saw this was directed by Dan Curtis, I just had to add it to the list. I am not sure how well known he was at the time, but today is is something of a legend.It is also interesting that this was written by John Milius, the same man who wrote "Dillinger". He apparently recycled some of the script, most noticeably the scene where Purvis is referred to as a G-Man for the first time. I would love to see clips back to back with that scene from both films -- delivered in such a similar way by two very different actors.Harris Yulin recalls Dan Curtis being someone who was light on direction and was more concerned with getting the right casting. Yulin initially had a smaller role, but was able to step up to Machine Gun Kelly when the first choice, Geoffrey Lewis, became unavailable. The violence of this film is not nearly on the level it is in "Dillinger", but that makes it neither better or worse. Just different. Both films are an interesting take on Purvis' career. Both inflated, of course, but interesting.
Michael Wahl This film was shot in Nicolaus, California. This is about 30 minutes north of Sacramento. They used the Nicolaus Hotel for the big final shot. The town of Nicolaus was used for some of the chase scenes. The building was over 100 years old. It was owned by the Barner family. I watched it being made and as a child I collected the emptied bullet casings, (I still have a few). My best friends were in it at the very start as 2 kids stealing ice from the iceman. Their names were Gerry Barner and Bruce Davidson. Gerry is now a cop for West Sacramento P.D and Bruce is now a cop at UC Davis P.D.Mike Wahl
tom_jeffords WARNING! CONTAINS POSSIBLE SPOILERS! Dumb, dumb, dumb. Hollywood takes the story of "Machine Gun Kelly" which could be better described as "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight; the Depression Years." And decided that reality just wouldn't work. Here is the real story (note: this movie was originally titled The Legend of Machine Gun Kelly). Bumbling farmer George Kelly at the behest of his wife decided to go into a life of crime with an equally incompetent assortment of misfits. They kidnapped a small time businessman, received a small ransom and were promptly tracked down by the FBI and captured with George lying in bed begging "Don't shoot G-Men!" Lengthy prison sentences all around with George dying of a heart attack in prison. The movie however is the story of a great romance, battles against the tyranny of the banks and government, and repeated blazing shootouts. NB There is absolutely not only no evidence Kelly ever killed anyone but none that he ever so much as fired a gun at anyone in his life! Hey Hollywood try the truth! It hurts sometimes but it will set you free!
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