Mega Cyclone
Mega Cyclone
| 27 April 2012 (USA)
Mega Cyclone Trailers

Jupiter’s famous blemish, the Great Red Spot, has vanished. When massive storms are reported in North America, it quickly becomes apparent that the huge, high storm that has been swirling around Jupiter for hundreds of years has landed on Earth. Swallowing up everything in its path, the Great Red Spot threatens to transform Earth into another Jupiter-like gas giant in just a matter of days! aka Mega Cyclone

Alicia I love this movie so much
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Micransix Crappy film
Marshal Phipps I find this film to be absurd because of the subject matter involved, mainly the whole high schoolers trying to save the world from space tornadoes with a science project. Yes, while X bosons exist, at least in theory, they have nothing to do with Jupiter. How does Jupiter's Great Red Spot end up on Earth? We're never given an answer to that. The film is vague and it leaves you with more questions than answers, something else I've noticed throughout the film is how the space tornadoes were roaring, if it was meant to make the tornadoes more aggressive and threatening it did little to do so.The thing that hurts the film the most is a possible plot hole. If the Great Red Spot was to disappear and somehow find its way to Earth wouldn't the planet be enveloped almost immediately rather than slowly be affected since the Great Red Spot is larger than Earth?The movie was renamed three times, first Super Storm, then Mega Cyclone, and finally Space Twister, why was it renamed so many times?The only good things I can say about this movie is that the destruction scenes were good, there was a big improvement on special effects, and there were some familiar faces presented like Mitch Pileggi and Alex Zahara.After watching the film multiple times I still don't feel completely satisfied due to unanswered questions presented and flimsy plot. The things that kept me watching is the destruction and the ludicrous plot that tries to make sense of itself but falters in the end.
Leofwine_draca I caught this typical slice of SyFy Channel nonsense under the title of SUPER STORM, which I guess is just as generic a title as MEGA CYCLONE. And generic is certainly the word here: this is exactly the same as all of the other cheapo SyFy disaster flicks, chock full as it is of bad science, random characters and relationships that we're supposed to care about, and some very poor CGI effects that look worse than in a video game.The plot is barely worth mentioning and features an artificially-created storm wreaking havoc and the high school students who have to figure out a way to stop it. Yep, it's really that ridiculous, and a total waste of time for anyone looking for decent entertainment. This one was shot in Canada, quickly becoming a byword for Z-grade productions, and features CGI that's even worse than usual. The cast is dreadful too, aside from rugged old timer Mitch Pileggi, who still has "it" years after SHOCKER and THE X-FILES.
gavin6942 A high school science project inadvertently causes a storm that destroys New York, Boston, Washington and the small town of Heartfield. Can they stop it? Another reviewer called this film "total nonsense" and I want to echo that sentiment. Yes, such things as X bosons exist. Well, at least hypothetically. But they have nothing to do with Jupiter and probably could not be discovered or harnessed by high school students. And, anyway, how does Jupiter's red spot end up on earth? I did like that from the very beginning, many major American cities are destroyed. Not because I want to see American cities destroyed, but because it puts the plot in a strange position -- it does not allow the protagonists to save the world "in the nick of time". That time has already passed... so even if they succeed, what happens then? For some reason it took SyFy two years to go from television to DVD on this one... and then the name was changed (it is now "Super Storm" and not "Mega Cyclone"). Although it has a few familiar faces (such as Mitch Pileggi) and some rising stars (Jon Mack), it really is not one that many people will be seeking out...
TheLittleSongbird I don't take pleasure in disliking most of the SyFy original movies, some are actually tolerable but there are others that are close to unwatchable. Space Twister is not one of the unwatchable ones, but I'd be lying if I said it was great. It doesn't look bad at all, the effects are reasonably good for SyFy, the scenery is nice and the photography is not too choppy either. The music is decent and fits the tone of the film well, while the acting is better than the bland or over-compensating acting that I have known to plague SyFy's films. Conversely, the story is very predictable, you actually have an inkling that you know what is going to happen and most of the time you're actually right and you can smell the outcome from miles off. SyFy have been known for bad science that you wonder whether they do any research at all. I have to say though while the science is really quite wacky in Space Twister and I often didn't have a clue as to what was being conveyed I admit that I did get a good laugh out of it. There are also plot holes and things that don't make sense, again typical of SyFy. The idea of the tornado feeding Brosommes discovered via an experiment and when the father figure drove the truck through the fire and what happened after that were the main offenders. There is a lack of suspense and any genuine sense of horror to what is going on as well, everything feels very generic. But the story is not the only problematic thing with Space Twister, though it is its biggest problem. I also found the dialogue very corny and the characters stereotypical and not developed enough to be all that likable. In conclusion, reasonably entertaining(mainly for the wacky science) and less cheap than anticipated but the story just didn't convince me in any way. 4/10 Bethany Cox