| 02 October 2005 (USA)
Mayday Trailers

Twelve miles above the Pacific Ocean, an errant missile strikes a state of the art passenger jet. The flight crew is crippled or dead. Now, defying both nature and man, a handful of survivors must achieve the impossible: Land the airplane.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
dcheng-7 I don't believe a missile test conducted by the Navy can make a mistake like that.I don't believe the Navy would attempt to cover the mistake by destroying the plane, particularly so many witnesses around.I don't believe the Airline boss and the Insurance manager would try to crash the plane for the sake of money.I don't believe anyone could survive after the plane was hit by the missile, let alone dogs.I don't believe a weekend driver could drive the plane safely back to ground. I don't believe anyone would write a script like that.I don't believe that Lu can still look so pretty, despite her age.I don't believe.....................
tmills777 This is a film that has the mark of an effort which runs as if it is a mini-series but suddenly realizes that, "Hey, our two-hour allotment is almost up, better end this thing quick." The first half of the film runs well, and engrosses the viewer, but there are too many threads left dangling and not enough time to tie them up neatly. What happens to the insurance people who want the plane to crash so that they can wiggle out of liability? What happens on Wake Island? Will the report go in about the errant missile? And wasn't the missile still intact when it hit the plane? How will they explain that? Too many holes and a movie that needed to run three hours at the least.
Eric-62-2 I have been a fan of the novel "Mayday" since it first came out in 1978 which was when pilot Thomas Block had sole author's credit. It was a very effective, chilling take on the familiar "airplane disaster" type story that had become popular in the wake of the Airport movies. I also enjoyed the 1997 update which gave us a more dramatically effective ending. Because of that intimate familiarity with both versions of the novel, I really had low expectations for a two hour TV production, because (1) I knew that would not give us enough time to do the story justice and (2) we would be spared depiction of what is the novel's really most chilling aspect, the fact that the surviving passengers are turned into brain-dead zombies for all intents and purposes, and are as much an obstacle to the plane's ability to get back as the conspiracies of Commander Sloan and the Airline executive/Insurance company respectively.So, coming in with low expectations, I came away for the most part not too bothered by the changes that were made. I was in fact grateful that the Navy comes off better in this telling of the tale than they do in the novel with Lieutenant Matos ultimately defying Commander Sloan, and Admiral Hennings deciding to blow the whistle on Sloan's actions (in the novel, Sloan manages to trick Matos into crashing his plane so he can be killed as a witness, and the guilt-ridden Admiral Hennings commits suicide. Sloan ultimately gets arrested when its revealed his office was tapped). Also, I was glad they cut out the implausibly stupid romance of John Berry and flight attendant Sharon Crandall that developed along the way.On the down side, the film was stuck with the dated source material by having a cockpit crew of three which was normal back in the 70s but is no longer so today. Also, the ending was soft-pedaled completely, leaving out the brain damage effects consequences to the passengers, and implying that many of them will ultimately recover, and leaving out the improved ending of the 97 novel where airline exec Johnson boards the plane to try and remove the incriminating printout documents and has his confrontation with Berry. The subplot added of other passengers trapped in the Conference Room proved pointless, and the matter of Harold Stein still being alive at the end, rather than committing suicide earlier was a weak point too.All in all, if you're a fan of the novel, you'll consider this a tepid "by-the-numbers" adaptation that failed to take advantage of how more chillingly effective the story could have been on the big screen. If you're not familiar with the novel at all, I won't blame you for finding the whole thing wildly implausible and silly and would recommend getting the novel, whether the 78 original or the 97 rewrite.
DashTheGreat First of all, I guess we have to give this movie some form of credit. As far as TV movies go, they aren't exactly the pick of the litter. This movie, however, wasn't just bad: It was downright hilarious. The viewer is stupefied into a trance as the missile strikes the plane, somehow causing some to fall out, while others stay in. The African-American flight attendant is thrown down the stairs, rolls around in impossible places, and then finds his way to the top floor again. I could have sworn that I was watching some kind of Hollywood Ghost movie, but that is beside the point. The sheer fact that everybody dies from lack of oxygen, yet animals (such as the puppies) survived was not only ridiculous: It was just plain insulting. I also loved the part where the guy in the computer room somehow passed out for no reason- nothing was even there to kill him. People were randomly dying for no reason, and one of the dead women even lifted her head up and looked at the camera. The acting was ridiculously stupid, as the week-end pilot, teenager, and flight-attendant acted like they were on some sort of Disney World ride. "MayDay" shows no real knowledge of airplanes, or cabin pressure. People were being sucked in from across the plane, yet people right next to the crack weren't moving. The plot to kill the pilot was horrible, and the printing of the script just made it worse. Finally, the absolute worst part of this movie had to be when the firemen came out with the dogs. I love the fact that they were rescued, but the "nod" made me feel like this was a fire-safety system commercial. Better Luck Next Time (But Let's Hope Not).