Max Rose
Max Rose
| 02 September 2016 (USA)
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An ageing jazz pianist learns something about his wife of 65 years, leading him to question their life together.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Matt Greene I hate this sappy, wrist-slit of a bore. A sad old man learns that his late, beloved wife was cheating on him, and he spends the movie getting sadder. Sure it's authentic, but to what end? What is the message here that serves any sort of meaningful purpose? An empty downer and a tonal mess.
fritzfassbender Until the last five minutes, I thought this movie was a very well done examination not of age, or loss, or regret, but of infidelity.Infidelity is a subject rarely seriously approached in film, and the idea of a film about dealing with that pain for the first time at the twilight of life made for very thought-provoking material.***SPOILERS AHEAD***At the end, though, this film makes a fatal error with the twist conclusion that Max Rose's wife never did actually cheat on him.This is not only illogical (Why did she never claim this? Her attitude toward him in flashback is almost taunting) but disqualifies the story as relative for those who have experienced the pain of betrayal, something much more common than a faithful marriage of 65-years.Really heavy material is thrown away at the last moment, with a brisk summary of "He never should have worried about it." There's a loose message in conclusion that love is all that really matters, but it does not seem Max Rose would have felt that way if there had been admission of a sexual indiscretion.Jerry Lewis is quite good, but again, his final confrontation with Dean Stockwell's character is mishandled with his inexplicably low-key attitude, especially considering Stockwell's open hostility at first. It just doesn't fit with all we've seen beforehand.At just over 80 minutes long, Max Brooks feels like a film that had another act in it, but a decision was made to cut that short and take the easy path home.Not a waste to watch, the cast alone makes it worth a look, but certainly a missed opportunity.
melcardoso65 This movie surprised me positively. I always check the rating before watching any movie. The 6.4 rate did not turn me like watching it. But I did anyway because of Jerry Lewis and just loved it. Its current rating isn't fair. This movie is a piece of art with a great message. No clichés and good surprises unfold. I highly recommend watching it! Sometimes we don't treasure our lives and just can't seem to realize what we are letting go through our fingers. A movie like this helps us see what a great gift our lives are. Jerry Lewis acting is close to perfection. Sometimes some horrible movies get good ratings. Why is that? I guess I can't trust ratings anymore.
MartinHafer Back in 2013, Jerry Lewis did something many people never expected… he made a film. Think about it…87 years old and making yet another movie after a long absence from the big screen. Millions of fans about the world were eager to see this film and apparently it made a big splash at Cannes. However, oddly, the movie sat on the shelf for three more years—with no release and folks wondering what happened to the picture. Then, inexplicably, in late 2016 the film was released….but only to a tiny number of theaters! Why?! Why the long delay and then why the incredibly limited release?! Here where I live in Florida, I couldn't find any place to see this film and I was really anxious to see "Max Rose". Thank goodness we can all finally see the film, as "Max Rose" finally, finally, finally is out on Netflix and you can stream this excellent film in the comfort of your own home.The most important thing you need to know about Max Rose is that it's not like any of Lewis' other films. It's definitely not a comedy and it stars Lewis but was written and directed by Daniel Noah. So folks hoping to see a Nutty Professor style film will be terribly disappointed. As for me, I didn't mind at all, as I've always thought that Lewis' dramatic roles have been among his best— such as in "The King of Comedy" and the amazingly good made for TV movie, "Fight for Life". The other thing you really need to know about "Max Rose" is that it's very slow and deliberately paced. It clearly is not for everybody and plays much more like an indie film than anything from Hollywood. So if you are looking for pratfalls, laughs and excitement, then you might want to pick another movie. I actually enjoyed the movie very much but must admit there were a few slower and even painful patches.The story is about a man who, naturally, is named Max Rose (Lewis). The film begins with the death of his wife of 65 years and Max is beside himself with grief as well as not knowing what to do with himself. He also soon becomes very confused and angry when he finds something which would seem to indicate that early in their marriage, she'd been unfaithful to him. So now, on top of his loneliness and major upheaval of his life, Max is forced to come to terms with who his wife might have really been---all coinciding with his being moved to a retirement community.I enjoyed this movie for many reasons. Foremost is that movies tend to ignore the elderly and their problems…as if, somehow, by not thinking or talking about this we might somehow be able to avoid old age ourselves. I love that "Max Rose" confronts aging and death head on and never flinches…and I really respect that. Additionally, Lewis was great in a very underplayed and introspective sort of performance. In a word, he was believable. And finally, it's just so nice to see Jerry Lewis back on the screen and makes you wish more of our aging stars were not only in our hearts but doing what they love most…working and entertaining us all.