Mary Loss of Soul
Mary Loss of Soul
PG-13 | 01 October 2015 (USA)
Mary Loss of Soul Trailers

After vanishing from her family’s lake house, 15 year-old Mary Solis returns without any memory of the traumatic events she experienced—and without part of her soul. Even while a shocking mystery surrounds her disappearance, and her disembodied soul begins a grim haunting, the Solis family’s biggest fear has yet to be faced.   When it’s discovered that two little girls, the same age as Mary’s sister, Sophia, went missing on the lake the very night that Mary disappeared, the stakes are raised. Is Mary suffering from a centuries old condition known as Loss of Soul? Or, is it something more nefarious?   After enlisting the help of a Shaman, the Solis family embarks on a journey to the spirit worlds, hunting for a supernatural cure.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Leofwine_draca MARY LOSS OF SOUL is an indie ghost story with a novel premise: a girl goes missing from her family and returns lacking her soul. That's not bad as it stands, but this low rent film fails to do anything with that concept and the metaphysical concepts are merely discussed in a mundane way rather than properly explored. The film has a nice lakeside setting but is badly acted and frequently boring, with the viewer failing to invest in any of the characters. Old-time actor Nick Mancuso shows up playing a cop and that's about it.
adriannabnovak This movie is a clear case of genre confusion. It's a supernatural suspense, not horror. That means the story builds tension through good storytelling and character development. Supernatural stories involve paranormal elements, and the suspense is a slow burn, more Alfred Hitchcock. It doesn't depict violent, gruesome bloody acts which would be horror. It's also not a family/children movie. It's for thinking adults who want to figure out what's happening, why it happened, and how it's going to end. It's hard not to be fascinated by this movie. It has good scary elements. It's chilling, but not terror provoking. There's a deeper, subconscious connection to the mythology of "loss of soul," which is an actual condition. (Look it up, it's interesting) It delivers something very different. If you're looking for gore, you won't like this movie. It's smarter than that. It involves a functional teenage girl who is thrust into extraordinary circumstances - she's lost her soul, but is still alive. Now the fun begins! I read the reviews here and yes, there's no swearing or overt sexuality. This movie breaks some stereotypes, which is why I liked it. I didn't catch some of the nuances and honestly thought I had it figured out from the very beginning and then found out I was wrong. I enjoyed the surprise! If you can get past it being labeled horror, and if you like paranormal and supernatural, and just a Good Movie, you'll really like this one.
hiramgrogan I really liked this movie. I watched it with my wife and our 13 yo daughter and 12 yo son. Its creepy but not in the way a gory horror movie is that I don't let my kids watch. Its more of a 'who done it' with some twist that r cool so I like that plus my kids were interested but not scared out of their wits which was good. I liked the characters plus the fact the father is good and I don't see movies like that a lot. Overall its well done & was a really good movie & better than most of the stuff we watch on Netflix. I read another persons review and I don't get all the criticism at all. also the movie just came out a few weeks ago so how could the person review it in January that is over 10 months ago? Overall its a very good movie with lots of twist so I'd recommend it to anyone that likes some scary but not gory with an interesting topic.
redzepplin67 It's pretty funny actually how people are trying to call this a horror movie. It's not scary. Not only that but the animations were so bad I laughed out loud; Sci-Fy channel movies are better. The whole movie is slow and boring. It's old and tiring. The acting was annoying. The story wasn't good. Also the writer/ director said she wrote this movie in like 2 weeks, and well, we could tell. Hahaha. It was obviously written in such short time. Anybody could realize that. Not to mention that the choice of cast was wrong. I could not connect to any character. The only good actor in the whole entire movie was the Irish psychic. Everyone else was bad. The movie was just plain awful. Walking out of the screening people were laughing at the movie and calling it a joke (cause that's what it is, a big joke). It's not a movie to be proud of and it's not a movie I would be proud of to tell my friends or a stranger on the street that I saw. If you want to see a cheesy, boring, movie filled with bad acting, go ahead. At least you'll laugh at the end at how terrible this movie is.