Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State
Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State
NR | 08 June 2005 (USA)
Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State Trailers

Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
cienfuego I really enjoyed this Docu/movie, from start to finish it kept me captivated and also gave me an insight into the general Public's opinions in the U.S on 911 and it's aftermath...something which most of the outside world don't hear (now the US is beginning to sound like China) I'd say something to do with Rupert Murdoch's ability to control the majority of the world's media...demonstrations all over the states in response to the U.S. truth commissions findings and the alleged cover up of 911...very interesting! albeit a little bombast in his approach Alex Jones does an affective job and presents the public with a lot of Un-answered questions.Why he attacks Michael Moore is baffling and this actually takes away from the film.
akasutsnabelaf This is a very poor documentary. The people that believe in these documentaries are all fanatics. They want it to be USA who is the big villain. The want USA to have planned 9/11 - because that is what their political ideals tell them.The scientific magazine "Popular Mechanics" have debunked all the lies of the Comnspiracy theorists. But the conspiracy theorists reacted, not by disproving the facts and point of "Popular Mechanics", but by saying that all the 5 or 10 journalists was part of the conspiracy (plus the 300 experts (mainly aviation/demolition-experts and building engineers) was part of this massive conspiracy too). How illogical that sounds, the conspiracy theorists still believe in the 9/11-lies, because it is not about reality or science anymore - it is about religion. Conspiracy theories are a modern religion. Alex Jones is a good example of the prophets of such religions (thou they are false religions, people believe in them blindly, so it is OK to call it religion).Conspiracy theorists should be fought by everyone who lives in the reel world. Because many of these conspiracy-theorists, live in their mothers basement, and talk like they are experts in buildings, airplanes and demolition. And that could be a problem, if they can convince too many people that these lies are reality. It is good that Oliver Stone, king of conspiracies (He made "JFK"), have made a picture about 9/11 without any conspiracies involving Jews, controlled-demolition or holographic airplanes (there are actually people that believe in such things). The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are political of nature - not scientific. When a conspiracy theorists is working on a theory - based on a world-known event, such as 9/11 - then the conspiracy theorists starts with the conclusion, and works from that. Making evidence fit, and ignoring all contradicting evidence to the elected theory.So don't watch this, unless you are to examine all the evidence presented in this documentary (in neutral-sources, as well as anti-conspiracy-sites and pro-conspiracy-sites). Otherwise keep away from this "documentary", and warn all people against it (because you can see that it is only made by only one person in a basement with poor equipment and no knowledge of science or engineering).
kallelortepik90210 I really don't like this movie, posting as a documentary.In the start it posses as a documentary: but it isn't. I know so because of the bad science used, and that the so-called director only uses websites and other things that aren't really believable proof.I fell a sleep constantly to Alex Jones ramblings: it is very boring. And he sounds like he thinks that he has an important life, even though I strongly disbelieve that.By the bad science i mean especially the bit about controlled demolition. To anyone who has been in the army, as I have, you would know that it takes a long time to set up such charges and that their would be wires everywhere: because you cant use remote-controlled radio frequencies there: it is the middle of N.Y. in the WTC - there would be too much interference. Plus that it would be seen by the people that work there.Then the idiot director says something he do not know anything about: he says that Jet-fuel (Kerosine), could not have burn hot enough (ca. 1400 degrees Celsius to melt steel) to melt the steel, because jet-fuel burns at 1000 degrees Celsius. And it is here where all these conspiracy-theorists losses all their arguments, due to lack of brains. None of these conspiracy-theorists have had basic physics i doubt. The Jet-fuel doesn't need to melt steel. If you just know a little of physics, you would know that heat weakens steel, and more importantly: expands it. Plus much of the interior of the WTC (tables, plastic, plants, etc.) helped the fire get hotter. When the metal expanded, the cement crackled, and weakened the whole structure, so that it all fell down. It is so simple and logical. But of course: conspiracy-theorists doesn't know anything about logic.Also if this world-wide secret American-Jewish-police-state had risen because they planned 9/11.... then why are Alex Jones allowed to live?? Then why can he have his poorly-made websites alone, without the government hacking them?? Why are Alex Jones and other conspiracy-theorists allowed to make all these "documentaries", if they reveal the uncomfortably truth about the crimes of the Bush-administration???The only answer is that there is no police state, that 9/11 was NOT an inside job and that there is NO conspiracy. The conspiracy-theorists is just making this up, because 99 % of them are lonely, and wants to make them selves look important: so they make up this story full of lies, because they want to keep their prejudges that all rich American are evil, and that all Arabs are poor and stupid. Though the world is not that black and white - thank God. Thank God for conspiracy-theorists - people you can look down on, and say to yourself: "Atleast I am not like them"
CharlieMcCarthy Alex Jones is an acquired taste to those who like movies like this, and an easy target for those who don't.A lot of reviews of this film tend to focus on stereotypes not present within this actual film and base it off 'common consensus' of conspiracy-theorists. A lot of childish reactions have been made as so called reviews, but I'll attempt to actually review the movie.While very flamboyant and direct in his approach, Alex Jones focuses on Police officers overstepping boundaries and using the Patriot Act to do so. This includes a large section of Alex talking about the arrests of protesters during the RNC in New York. He is somewhat too confrontational at this point and tries to goat on-duty police officers into overstepping their bounds.The other main focus is 9/11 and the conspiracy he believes lies behind it. Unlike other documentaries on the subject "Martial Law 9/11" tends not to focus on zoomed up footage or the pentagon but rather quotes news articles about the event that were lost in the confusion of the initial days. While not entirely convincing, he brings up perfectly valid points that are dismissed by association by people that (for some reason or another) decided to watch a documentary they knew they were going to hate. For example that only buildings within the WTC complex were destroyed, including WTC 7, while much closer, more damaged buildings stand to this day.I've also read a lot of lame-duck responses to his section on fires in other buildings throughout the world and them not falling. Instead of acknowledging this as a fact, the responses have been "if that were true the news would have talked about it case closed story over." This is a dangerous way of thinking and you're unintentionally giving truth to Alex's point about unthinking. If a firefighter or physicist expresses disagreement with official events and nobody decides to report it did he really say it?The movie has flaws, and Mr. Jones can be a hand-full, but don't bother watching it if you already have made your decision. If you read some immature reviews with bad grammar, name calling and run on sentences and it convinced you not to watch this, I doubt you're an intended demographic.