| 04 January 2008 (USA)
Manhunt Trailers

Its the summer of 1974. Four friends have planned a recreational weekend hiking and camping in the forest. At a remote truck stop they pick up an anxious hitchhiker who only after a short ride demands they stop the vehicle. She is clearly frightened of somethingbut what she cant begin to describe in her carsick terror. Suddenly the group are ambushed and left unconscious.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
bademeister1989 oh my god, this movie sucked as hell. it tries to be like one of the good old 70 survival horror movies but fails miserably.there is not even a bit of tension and the acting is pathetic, the so called actors try there best but it appeals so put on...the movie reminds me of KING OF THE HILL but does not have any good be fair, the movie got some nice splatter effects and the violence looks quite realistic but at the end the movie is nothing but a 78 minutes long sadistic snuff video.2* out of 10
sanjid_ccl was quite influenced by TCM or other survival genre movies but I think it has its moments. Like it almost started like TCM. The same TCM like van..the time period of 70's...the hitchhiker definitely reminded me the Tobe Hooper's masterpiece but when the survival game & blood shed started I began to like it. There were no chainsaw or Leatherface, the villains were attacking with knife & guns in the woods and there was no record or background shown about them. But the question is..."Does it really matters on the way to enjoy a movie?" A group of young people were getting terrorized & killed by some maniacs in the woods and the victims were trying to escape...the simple math, to see is whether any of them in the end able to survive or not.Though the plot was unoriginal but as it pretty successfully able to entertained me so I didn't mind at all. In this days of crap remakes I think we should at least try to appreciate this kinda effort of putting different shade in this popular sub genre of horror.
H@ppy Camper For starters, this is no big budget cinema release movie! The film was intended to be screened on a small film festival in Norway and it exploded onto the commercial scene with a major cinema release.( I know it's Norway and our cities are peanut sized compared to other countries,,,) I for one was thoroughly impressed. Hardly any dialuge, blood and gore, intense camera movement, on the verge of terrible acting. A B-movie classic!! I loved every minute.As opposed to the Hollywood genre the last couple of years you don't always know what is happening, you know that people are going to die, but two of the deaths are so brutal and without warning that they seem like a finger to the mainstream. GIVE THE PUBLIC WHAT THEY WANT!!!! I loved it.Only thing left is for Hollywood to buy the project and molest yet another classic foreign movie...Sit back and enjoy the violence.
andreas-hoddevik Again ! As I've said before, apparently nobody in Norway are able to make a good movie that works. Hence, this movie disappointed me as so many other Norwegian ones.I saw this one yesterday. My girlfriend looked puzzled at me as i unaffectedly ate popcorn looking somewhat bored, while a host of girls covered their faces in horror. My calm popcorn eating behavior should not be puzzling; this movie is not scary.I jumped a few times in my seat, but for the same reason that you would react if someone bang together two frying pans while standing behind you. If a horror movie has to scare the audience in this way, it's not good in my view. While such movies as 'Alien' are gut wrenching and thrilling to watch, 'Rovdyr' goes for the two frying pans approach. It's low budget, and the acting is poor. The dialog, especially in the beginning is straight out of amateur night. There are a few somewhat uncomfortable scenes in it that's not suited for the younger audience. But having seen my fair share of zombie movies, I wasn't to bothered.And I have a few other problems with it, such as the lack of a little realism, which isn't uncalled for. In one scene a girl is being held by the hair while a hillbilly is using his sawed-off shotgun to fondle her. She has both arms free, and could have disarmed him in less than a second.In another scene she is shown escaping a camp site. Although two axes, a huge knife and a shotgun are readily available and she has plenty of time to choose from the inventory, she chooses to head into the forest unarmed. Argh ! The logic ! And no, it's not the panic psychology excuse that she can't think straight; she was armed with a big knife in one scene before the camp site, but that knife magically disappears. That should have been one for the blooper reel, but instead it ended up in the final cut.Finally, all of the hillbillies attacking the campers appear to be super stealthy or close to invisible, as they attack at point blank range from nowhere, even when the persons they attack have close to a 360 degree angle of view. And they move way too fast through the forest grounds, given their out of shape hillbilly physique.Horror movies, especially the low budget ones, tend to have unsettling logical flaws, but this one is littered with them.The verdict: Watching it was a waste, even though the popcorn was really good.