Magnificent Obsession
Magnificent Obsession
NR | 30 December 1935 (USA)
Magnificent Obsession Trailers

A playboy tries to redeem himself after his careless behavior causes a great man's death.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Martha Wilcox Despite the good cast this isn't as good a film as it could be. Robert Taylor is informed about the power of doing good without publicity or expecting anything in return. This is the kind of thing that happens with someone who is overflowing with blessing and wants to share it with others who are less fortunate. There is a temptation to publicise it, but it is more important to share blessings rather than to keep it. One of the characters make reference to the bible, but he doesn't open it nor does he mention Jesus whom he is referring to. He should have elaborated on his point by speaking about the power of the Holy Spirit in the bible, and then draw parallels with the heat that comes from an electric cooker ring.There is a germ of a good idea in this film, but the way that it is written and executed lets the film down.
abcj-2 First of all, I am very partial to Irene Dunne. Her natural acting trumps the affectations often used by Golden Age movie stars to put on airs in their speech and mannerisms. Dunne easily adapts to every role she plays with a presence that is always unique to her character but true to her natural charm.Secondly, Robert Taylor transformed quite a bit over his long and successful career. I prefer him in his younger years. His youthful fervor is at times petulant and at others hilarious. His range is broader when he is younger and this film is a shining example of what made him a star at MGM. Also, the script is based on a novel with strong religious convictions, but the movie isn't preachy or condescending. One can give credit to a higher power or directly to Jesus Christ himself. I thought this was handled overtly but without heaping guilt or offense on the viewer. I found it truly inspiring as a Christian and loved the theme portrayed of selfless giving. Once the selfless part registers with Taylor's character, the tone of the movie changes from playboy playful to a mature man and esteemed doctor. This is all highlighted with an excellent supporting cast and direction. The premise is what has always stopped me from watching this version and the 1950's version with Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman. Also, I'm no fan of the over-the-top Douglas Sirk melodramas. I may watch it now to compare films, but Sirk seems to grab onto the melodramatic elements in his movies which make the story so unbelievable that I cannot allow myself to be transported. I know Sirk is quite popular, but that's how I've felt about each film of his that I've seen so far.This version is by all means a soap opera, but it allows for those lighter, comical moments that often bring a juxtaposition to the heavy, thematic subject matter. There are quite a few reviews here where the plot is revealed (even the movie's summary gives away the premise). The most important device relies on this fine cast to see the drama through without making it so syrupy that one cannot enjoy their characters. Is it tragic? Yes. Is it pure melodrama? No. Thanks to the lighter moments interspersed and the aplomb with which these main actors handle their roles it is not as soapy as I expected. Will you need a box of Kleenex? Possibly. I thought I would be a mess, but there is always a hope that the audience has even when Dunne's character becomes frustrated with her limitations and how they affect those she loves. The message is ultimately so positive that it doesn't allow the tragedies to weigh it down completely.For now I have given this movie an 8. This was my first viewing. I often raise my ratings after seeing very good films again if, in fact, I ever desire to watch them again. I think this will only get better and I thank TCM for highlighting this memorable version and especially the remarkable gifted and giving actress in Irene Dunne. I highly recommend this version especially if you can see it on TCM. Their copy isn't perfect, but I imagine it would top the video transfers. It also retains the lost 7-8 minutes of the video transfers. Enjoy and prepare to be totally absorbed and perhaps have your own outlook on the themes refreshed or changed. It's a film that lingers and inspires which is about the best one can hope for in a fine film.
sol **SPOILERS*** In what turned out to be the breakout movie for a 24 year old Robert Taylor like it was 20 years later for another Hollywood heartthrob Rock Hudson "Magnificent Obsession" shows that no matter how spoiled and rotten one is there's always hope when one finally sees the light of goodness through unselfish love and giving to other without wanting anything in return.This is the golden rule that Doctor Hudson lived as well as died by. Hudson suffering a heart attack while taking his morning swim died before he could get help to save his life. The defibrillator that could have saved Dr. Hudson's life was at the time being used to save that good for nothing spoiled brat Robert Merrick, Robert Taylor. It was Merrick who after a night of partying and getting himself good and smashed ended up felling into the lake almost drowning himself! Why a man like Dr. Hudson who unselfishly saved hundreds of lives without even asking them to pay their, or his, doctors bills had to die so that a low down no good partying skunk like Merrick survived is the basis of the film "Magnificent Obsession". It was in Merrick meeting Dr. Hudson's distraught young wife, some 20 years his Junior, Helen (Irene Dunne) and later due to his fun loving and irresponsible nature had her lose her sight in a traffic accident that turn the young man completely around. It was the late Dr. Hudson mentor sculpture and philosopher Mr. Randolph, Ralph Morgan, who put, in bringing the very best out of him, the drunk and confused young man on the road to redemption.Great five handkerchief Hollywood tearjerker with an unbelievingly tall dark and handsome Robert Taylor giving one of his best performances as the spoiled and later guilt ridden and saint-like Robert Merrick. It was Mr. Randolph was gave Merrick the will to overcame his demons in causing Mrs. Hudson, who held him responsible for her husbands death, blindness with what at the time he thought was his harmless boyish antics! Telling Merrick to give to others and not ask for nothing in return in fact was the reason that caused Mrs. Hudson her sight. In Merrick at first using Mr. Randolph rock hard philosophy on life to his advantage!***SPOILERS*** Now a completely changed man Merrick went the whole nine yards and even farther to not only win the blind Mrs. Hudson's heart but restore her sight by attending and graduating medical school, at the top of his class, in order for him to do it! It took everything that he had, money time as well as his health, for Robert Merrick to achieve all this but it was well worth it to both him Mrs. Hudson and all those he helped along the way in restoring her lost sight that he was responsible for. Robert Merrick was totally obsessed in his redeeming himself by restoring Mrs. Hudson's sight! And that turned out to be not a lost caused, like the top eye specialists from all over Europe told him that it was, but an ten year obsession on his part. And as things were to turn out Robert Merrick's "Maginfient Obsession" in the end became a solid reality!
Richardthepianist I'm SOOOOOO Glad that the 1935 version of Magnificent Obsession is being released along with the 1954 version..The newer version is getting all the hype,etc. but it truly is the 1935 version with Irene Dunne/Robert Taylor which is the understated and much better rendering. I have a poor video quality version,but better than nothing..hope the released version has been improved in restoration.John Stahl's solid directing makes the principal characters more realistic.Robert Taylor shows a palpable presence in his first main screen venture..and of course amongst Irene Dunne's early 1930 films,this simply is one of her very best!1935..classy...1954...somewhat sappy